Mechanic to prevent snowballing in GCW content

Mechanic to prevent snowballing in GCW content
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add a boost of Control Points gained and GCW points gained for members of the faction with less overall galactic control.
The galactic civil war right now is a very snowbally system, when one faction gains the upper hand it is extremely difficult for the other to come back.
The current state of the GCW is very lopsided and things only spiral more and more in the favor of the superior faction as there are no mechanics in play that can help a faction that is struggling so things can be more balanced.
My suggestion is to add a bonus towards Planetary Control Points and GCW Points gained by the faction with less control over the galaxy.

Specifically my idea is to add a 2% bonus towards control points and GCW points to members of the faction that has less than 50% total galactic control for every % under 50 that their faction score goes.

For example: If the total galactic score was 40% Imperial and 60% Rebel, then Imperial players participating in the GCW would gain a 20% bonus to GCW points and planetary control points gained WHILE SPECIAL FORCES. The bonus would not apply to members of the Empire that are Combatant status in this scenario.
I like it. The war should be dynamic.
We do have to be careful that it doesn't shift tides too quickly, however. Otherwise, control won't matter much again as you'll know it's impossible to stay ahead. That can be handled with the numbers, though.
Because of the population size I think the control system is too big and unwieldily to manage. Throw in to the mix one side dominating and it feels like a pointless fight.

I’d personally like an overhaul of the system but given that’s not going to be possible in the short term, this would be a good interim solution. Although it doesn’t address the time constraints that a lot of players have.
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My suggestion is to add a bonus towards Planetary Control Points and GCW Points gained by the faction with less control over the galaxy.

Specifically my idea is to add a 2% bonus towards control points and GCW points to members of the faction that has less than 50% total galactic control for every % under 50 that their faction score goes.

For example: If the total galactic score was 40% Imperial and 60% Rebel, then Imperial players participating in the GCW would gain a 20% bonus to GCW points and planetary control points gained WHILE SPECIAL FORCES. The bonus would not apply to members of the Empire that are Combatant status in this scenario.
This sounds like a good idea to me. Could also have the bonus scale on a slight exponential (the more percent under you are, the higher the bonus per percent under).
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I personally believe that it is total nonsense that a faction can just be locked out of commanding officer ranks just because a planet's control is in favor of the opposing faction. It makes no sense.

Why would the Empire/Rebellion decide "yeah we're just not going to have high command anymore, Lt. Colonel is the best I can do"? What kind of logic is that?

The mechanics of the GCW just up and quits on factions the moment they slip. It condemns anyone who still has the will to fight to being crushed by enemies with air strikes, stasis lasers, colonel rings, general buffs, rebel specforce/stormtrooper squadrons, and any other perks that get locked out when planetary control gets flipped. It creates a 'kick them while they're down' scenario every time.

People should be rewarded for persistence and strategy, not blocked because one person that they have no control over decides to get themselves killed in a zone that the enemy then places a base in to lock down forever.

If we're talking about short term fixes, this is one that absolutely should take effect as soon as possible.