Open - Science - Force Sensitive - Medical XP converted to Heightened Senses XP | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Science Force Sensitive Medical XP converted to Heightened Senses XP

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May 28, 2021
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Change conversions for force sensitive experience. Combat experience should be allowed under heightened senses if the main skill under heightened senses earns combat xp. In the alternative, reduce medical xp ratio to 8.75 to 1.
The current conversion ratios are unbalanced considering combat prowess and enhanced relfexes can use combat xp whereas, at least the medical profession, cannot use combat experience even though it is earned when healing alone. It will equalize the experience conversion among the professions or skills.
The considerable longer amount of time and increased number of trips I was required to make to the village to finish a branch under heigthened senses compared to the other branches. It is a problem because it is unbalanced and players are generally switching professions to complete the village quicker instead of being able to play the professions they want to play. It is always said to "play the game", but if I am forced to switch professions to be treated the same as others, then I am not playing the game.
The ratio for medical xp to heightened senses xp needs to be lowered or combat xp should be allowed to be traded for heightened xp. When I am "playing the game" whether in a spin group, doing a quest or whatever, as a TKM/Doc, I get three different types of xp for trading into force sensitive xp. Medical, Combat and Unarmed. I can do no healing and I will get unarmed and combat xp, or I can do no attacking and just heal and get medical and combat xp. If I earn combat xp while healing, then why can't I trade this xp in the heightened senses branch? Combat xp is not experience that is earned by itself, it is always a part of some other activity. I am assuming that the ability to use combat xp was a factor in determining the ratio of trade for the other skills. For example, unarmed, 1-handed, 2-handed, etc. all have a rato of 30-1, as does medical xp. All other skills or professions in the heightened senses branch have a much lower exchange rate for their xp. For example, entertainer/dancer is 10-1, scout 8-1, etc. The only exception is creature handler and I have never played creature handler so do not know excatly how this is handled. I would guess CH gets to use combat xp in some way because it has been suggested to me by several people to switch to CH. But I should not have to switch my chosen professions just to be able to go through the village quicker. It should be the same for everyone.

To look at this in a different way, when I am in a spin group, doing a quest, etc. and if I am both attacking and healing, I will max out my experience for all three items at about the same time. I go to the village and I get 140,000 xp in enhanced reflexes or combat prowess compared to just 40,000 xp in heightened senses. That is 300,000 combat xp for 100,000 enhanced relfexes or combat prowess; 1,200,000 unarmed, 1-handed, 2-handed, etc. xp for 40,000 combat prowess or enhanced reflexes and 1,200,000 medical for 40,000 heightened senses. The huge difference for those in the medical professions - 100,000 fs experience per trip to the village. It takes 1,225,000 force sensitive experience points to complete an entire branch, i.e. healing, melee accuracy, ranged speed, etc. It is the same for heightened senses as it is for combat prowess or enhanced reflexes. To complete the healing branch of heightened senses, I had to max out my experience 30.6 times. Whereas for completing melee accuracy I only had to max unarmed and combat exerpience 8.75 times. Or, 30.6 trips to the village v. 8.75 trips to the village.

This is totally unbalanced. I am not posting this to benefit myself as I have now completed all the heightened senses branches that I need or want. This is being voiced for future force sensitives who are wanting to do something in the heightened senses or have medical exerpience as one of their experience options. The player should have the option of using combat xp under the heightened senses branch the same as the other professions. If a player can earn combat xp when earning xp using another skill, i.e. unarmed, 1-handed, 2-handed, creature handler, medical, etc., then they should be allowed to use it to convert to force sensitive xp in the same branch as the main skill. In the alternative, the medical xp conversion rate should be reduced to about 8.75 to 1 to be balanced with the professions who can use combat prowess or enhanced reflexes.
Honestly just make it Force Sensitive XP and let everything convert. Village is already time gated and Jedi XP is even harder to get. Just streamline FS XP.