move decorative survival knife to weapon smith

move decorative survival knife to weapon smith
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Galactic Senator
move the decorative survival knife schematic from being learned at novice droid engineer to weapon smith
Tailor and armor smith have a decent RE item within their class, weapon smith should also. Additionally there is no reason for it to be in droid engineer as they have no use for it.
weapon smith should have access to its RE item within its own class
I duno DE having the decorative survival knife schematic just doesn't make sense unless its to inconvenience weapon smiths into taking novice DE
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Or you know since it is CL1 maybe make it Artisan so then everyone can craft it.
It can be socketed, which makes it the best "weapon" for a weapons RE person. The armour and clothing RE folks have their simple socketed items, this represents the one for the WS. It makes most sense to move it to WS, but there would indeed be some good and no harm in making it Artisan instead.
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