Move inciting incident to after FS

Move inciting incident to after FS
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Galactic Senator
It's very simple inciting incident belongs after the FS trees but before Padawan and should be moved to there
We have heard time and time again that no one is entitled to Jedi or that it is not guaranteed or a reward and one of the big things to enforce this is the inciting incident which also blocks the force sensitive trees which are not Jedi.
Depending on the implementation of the force sensitive trees restricting the player base's access will potentially lead to greater profession balancing issues. If the FS bonuses are "bad" they might as well not exist at all and just have a little extra stats put into the Jedi trees with some higher skill point costs and skip FS trees all together. If the FS bonuses are "good" then only some players could for example have certain class combinations be more viable, more effectively tank/heal/damage or lose less and gain more when crafting. I for one would rather there be relevant bonuses that can add to builds and make the game even more fun, interesting and diverse but unnecessarily limiting their access will only hurt the game especially considering that Force Sensitive is not Jedi.
The new location of inciting incident would also makes more sense from a lore perspective.
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Just to clarify for some people, this is not to say that incites will only happen once you hit FS, this is to say you don't need your incite until you've done FS. So whilst you may not be in Phase 3 yet, you can still get your incite.
However, removing one item from Phase 1 may not be enough, we may get asked for something to replace it here as A and C are quite "quick" to get? (has to include the ability to be obtained by crafters)
Any suggestions on what the new "B" could be that's fitting in with this? This is the only suggestion around the incites that I agree with so far.
A is basic content and secondary professions, B could expand on that to include harder things like Fate of the Galaxy, HK clears, time gated, GCW related.. just a few things that might trigger someone else having ideas.. I'll keep thinking on it too because these ideas don't really seem to be enough either imo, but maybe others who have been on Resto longer can think of something along these lines?

Use select folks from the Roleplay community and ChatGPT to help write an FS themepark storyline? Require CL80, requirement A and C, and maybe Kash and Musty content? Time gate the themepark similar to Village? Themepark unlocks Village for FS grind, but doesn't unlock the actual FS skill trees? Lock Master boxes (since they'll have abilities) to only incited players with Padawan unlock, requiring a Master Box before Padawan can be trained?

Themepark could stretch across the outlier areas of every vanilla planet, help bring life to dead areas of the game.

Maybe add a social part to FS/Incite unlock.. give every account a single in-game vote to help increase a player of their choice's chance to incite or unlock FS. (Talking decimals here, can't be enough to really abuse, just kind of like a commendation to a helpful/active player). Could just be a command like /commend a targeted player like how /tip works and just flags that character (not account, and therefore not targeted to the player's character choice).
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As discussed over Discord, because FS provides perks/bonuses to all roles, it is intended that it is gated by the Inciting Incident so we won’t make this change. Thanks for your suggestion!
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