Option to hide your guild tag

Option to hide your guild tag
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
I think hiding your guild tag should be default and an option to show your guild tag in Options > Misc that would then show it above your characters head and in the examine window of your character.
It's always been a known thing for some guilds to be "cool to hate on" for many reasons, and any new player joining the guild then gets tarnished or has comments said to them because of being in that guild. It's just a nice QoL addition.
In addition to this there have been some Jedi being reported recently who see who reported them and straight away say "im going to report every jedi I see from your guild now" and use it as a tactic to try and stop people doing things within the game.

I think this would also help with increasing some PVP if some people don't know of character names within a guild and normally look at a guild tag and go "im not PVPing with/against that guild" .
I request this be both above the characters head AND in the examine window if chosen to hide.
Well I see a few problems with this which is why I’m asking for a reference point of another game that may have done this:

1\ This is a social MMO and guilds are a social aspect of the game, so at face value this seems antithetical to that.

2\ In supporting pro-social behavior, there naturally should be consequences for associating with certain players or guilds, because those players or guilds have earned that reputation in the community, and the onus should be on them to resolve that, not just opt to hide it. Put in another way, it reads like people who don’t have popular affiliations wanting to hide what their affiliations to avoid the social consequences of that affiliation.

3\ There’s technical friction this creates with things like guild recruitment. For players trying to recruit unguilded players, it will be hard to determine who is and isn’t in a guild.

4\ For a change this far reaching, the burden will be proving it benefits the majority of the community.
1 - Agreed but it's an optional thing not set in stone. Maybe make it the other way around then, on by default and option to hide?

2 - One person doesn't reflect a whole guild, if it's a whole guild causing issues that bad then surely this would reach the scale of people being reported for any misconduct and be up to community staff to deal with? Because someone does something with a member of a known toxic guild, it shouldnt tarnish them and in turn the guild above their head too? It's not likely every member of guilds are bad and toxic but again anything that goes above a simple "oh this guild sucks" or "i dont like them" would possibly be realms of something bad enough to report on and names are known anyway. It was against the whole "oh you reported me as jedi? well now im targeting your whole guild!" as some sort of deterrent to being reported as a jedi.
I have had issues with guilds in the past but even inside of a guild as a whole I would still respectfully talk to individuals, anyone who takes a whole guild name and tarnishes everyone without due cause is probably robbing themselves of a good social experience.

3 - You have a Guild Recruitment channel in discord and people can still show their guild tag if wanted, likely times like in-game events etc where they would want to show off a guild turnout. It's up to people then if they want to show it and maybe someone will remember what guild they are in but not everyone is going to be remembered. Also you could add in "Community > Character" a "Looking For Group" checkbox (this might be a better place to add a "Display Guild Tag" checkbox too now I have just checked it.

4 - I guess that's for the community to decide if it's a chance they would like or not. Yes it could be a lot of toxic players wanting to hide more about themselves or it may just be people who want to be able to RP or play with members of the community without worrying if someone doesnt want to PVP/instance/RP or even buff someone because of what guild they are in. If someone is that bad you will know them by name not by guild.
I agree with the concept that if a guild earns a bad rep or image is on them to fix it , if a new player joins a guild with bad rep that is up to them how to handle that , do i want to be associated with that guild , and for current members of a guild with a bad rep perhaps they should be asking themselves if they still want to be associated with players that bring that type of bad rep to their own guild , on top coming to the discord forums to troll and act like a clown wont help the cause , so yeah it is up to the guild to fix their image imo
I agree with the concept that if a guild earns a bad rep or image is on them to fix it , if a new player joins a guild with bad rep that is up to them how to handle that , do i want to be associated with that guild , and for current members of a guild with a bad rep perhaps they should be asking themselves if they still want to be associated with players that bring that type of bad rep to their own guild , on top coming to the discord forums to troll and act like a clown wont help the cause , so yeah it is up to the guild to fix their image imo
That's one aspect of it but not at all the reason for making this PV. I stated about how some people have been "Reported as Jedi" and then decide they want to then go after the jedi in that players guild as backlash. It happens with people making comments on guilds for stupid things like "x guild is a joke when it comes to PVP they are so bad", or even targeting certain people in PVP because of the guild they are in, like any of that matters. Just thought it might be a nice QoL that would be easily reversed if issues arise.
I see this more likely to enable toxic behavior, by allowing players to at will disassociate with their guild, then preventing toxic behavior.
Is that not what the rules and policies are set for? Should anyone not adhere to them it wouldn't matter which guild they are in they get dealt with on an individual basis.
Why would you want to hide the guild you're in? If you're ashamed of your guild, leave. If you want to do some covert-ops/subterfuge-esque gameplay, use a neutral non-guilded character.
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That's one aspect of it but not at all the reason for making this PV. I stated about how some people have been "Reported as Jedi" and then decide they want to then go after the jedi in that players guild as backlash. It happens with people making comments on guilds for stupid things like "x guild is a joke when it comes to PVP they are so bad", or even targeting certain people in PVP because of the guild they are in, like any of that matters. Just thought it might be a nice QoL that would be easily reversed if issues arise.
How did this get derailed to talking about members of toxic guilds hiding their tags. I don't think that's something anyone wants or is asking for.

As for the rest of this, it sounds like normal interactions between groups of players on a sandbox game.
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The justification and motivation parts of this Player Voice seem like two separate issues.

The justification part sounds like a way for someone to avoid the consequences of their actions./decisions, and I cannot support that.

As far as the motivation part goes, there is nothing to stop anyone from reporting Jedi actions anyway, so I don't see how the guild tag matters here.

TL;DR: Haters gonna hate. 🤷‍♀️