PAAS Daily Login system refinement to address login creep.

PAAS Daily Login system refinement to address login creep.
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Implement a system that utilizes both hard and soft login times to determine consecutive logins and rewards for players in SWG Restoration. This system would calculate the average login time (soft login time) for each player over a specified period and record the exact login time (hard login time) for each login session. When determining consecutive logins and rewards, the system would use the least restrictive time (soft or hard login time) as the reference for a 24-hour window centered around the soft login time.
The proposed dual login time system offers a balanced approach to address the issue of login creep while accommodating the varying schedules of players. By considering both hard and soft login times, the system accurately represents players' regular login patterns and accounts for occasional deviations. This promotes fairness in rewarding players for their consistent activity without penalizing them for minor schedule changes. Additionally, using the least restrictive time as the reference for the 24-hour window ensures flexibility and fairness for all players.
The motivation behind this suggestion stems from the observed issue of login creep in SWG Restoration, where players may feel compelled to log in later each day due to the strict adherence to a 24-hour window for consecutive logins. This can disrupt players' schedules and lead to a less enjoyable gaming experience. By introducing a dual login time system, we aim to mitigate login creep, promote player engagement, and foster a more flexible and accommodating gameplay environment for all players.
Implementing a system with both a hard and soft login time could offer a balanced approach to address the issue of login creep while accommodating players' varying schedules. Here's how this system could work:

  1. Recording Login Times: The system records both the exact time of each player's login (hard login time) and calculates the average login time over a specified period (soft login time).
  2. Defining Soft and Hard Login Times:
    • Soft Login Time: This is the average login time calculated over a certain period, such as a week or a month. It serves as a reference point for players' regular login patterns.
    • Hard Login Time: This is the exact time of each player's login.
  3. 24-Hour Window Calculation:
    • When determining consecutive logins and rewards, the system considers both the soft and hard login times.
    • The system calculates a 24-hour window centered around each player's soft login time.
    • Players can log in within this 24-hour window to maintain their streak and receive rewards.
  4. Least Restrictive Time: To ensure flexibility for players, the system uses the least restrictive time (soft or hard login time) as the reference for the 24-hour window.
    • If a player's hard login time falls outside the 24-hour window centered around their soft login time, the system uses the soft login time as the reference.
    • If a player's hard login time falls within the 24-hour window, the system uses the hard login time as the reference.
  5. Grace Period for Variations: To account for occasional variations in login times, the system could allow for a grace period of, for example, one hour before and after the soft login time. This ensures that players are not penalized for minor deviations from their usual schedule.
I like the thought and detail in thinking this through, however, I disagree with this recommendation.
Due to the fact that tier token rewards are not repeatable and there are 2x paths to achieving the tier tokens, allowing players to log in and grab a token and log out provides the flexibility for a player to token-log their characters without having to worry about spending X amount of time in-game for it to count. That in-game time is tracked for the 'hours played' track, which does not reset. If a player has their eye on a tier 3 or 4 reward and they see the fastest path is the daily login (and their played hours track is way behind), it would be pretty dejecting if they didn't get credit due to not being online long enough.

There are days I do not have the ability to stay online for even 5x minutes, but I want to keep my login streak active and not have it reset.

In regards to player engagement: I think that people who want to play will stay on and play.