Player Bounty Mission Holding

Player Bounty Mission Holding
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Implement measures to reduce the possibility of people 'holding' missions for their friends, such as making the missions drop / fail when a player is fully link dead from the server / flagged as afk or if they fail to call in an arakyd droid after 10 minutes (they clearly aren't tracking them).
This will help to prevent people from 'holding' missions for people i.e 2 people hold a mission so the third person is forced to do a 1v1.
People have the ability to 'hold' missions for others that they know to reduce the amount of people that can take a mission legitimately. By adding in measures to make it harder to do this easily (and afk) it will open up the slots to people who want to BH legimiately, and help increase the amount of BH's we see.
Whilst how it would work can be debated i think this is a splendid idea. Not just in terms of holding for friends but for people who take it to maybe get them later on and holding onto it for extended periods of time.
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I've downvoted this because I disagree with your proposed prevention methods, but I do agree with the overall need to have some sort of mechanism(s) in place to prevent long term bounty holding.
Why I disagree:
Missions dropping when a player fully logs or goes AFK would be easy to abuse/troll with.
Taking a mission and not calling a droid is a valid way to hunt, I've done it here and on live many times.