Please Make Huge Cargo Holds Available

Please Make Huge Cargo Holds Available
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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The largest holds available are not presently obtainable on Resto. I am respectfully requesting they be added to a future patch so that they may be crafted by Shipwrights. The schematic for them can be automatically added to Shipwright at Master or be a special purchasable item, if desired.
This will allow a more efficient use of game time for those who would like to mine space resources. It's an easy win for the development team, as the assets already exist - they just needs to be made available.
As it stands, the Y-8 is the optimal ship for mining, but also requires a significant set up, especially if you're trying to use a multi-crew ship alone. The "huge" hold is a respectable sized container allowing a miner, especially in a Starfighter, to do less back and forth emptying their holds.
This is a request to make available assets that were in live, specifically the following:
  • Huge Cargo Hold Starfighter (Schematic)
  • Huge Cargo Hold (POB only) (Schematic)
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
The huge cargo hold designed to fit in starships caps at 5500 units and the one for POBs caps at 8000. The Y-8 largest caps at 48,000 units - so the Y-8 is quite safe as the champion of space mining.
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