- Proposal
- Addition of PVP dailies/weeklies:
Daily (5) kills. - 1 token
Weekly (20) kills. 5 tokens
Potential PvP events reward tokens
Daily/weekly rewards vendor: npc vendor (at neutral location maybe a poi somewhere) has an Auto flag aura 50 metre. Exact same system as GCW invasion generals.
The best Armor and weapon enhancements in the game. (20 tokens)
Random roll on stats per purchase of enhancements. ( this prevents getting the item once and never participating in the daily/weekly’s again. )
Slight Increased odds on roll depending on PVP rating (/showpvp)
Potential other rewards:
Corpse collector(alternative name Carebear Collector) backpack, 1 socket available, 60 item capacity. ( 200 tokens) *skull,rib cage appearance backpack*
Fight club prevention:
Kills on a player may only be counted once for daily quests. For example, player A, lands death blow on player B that counts as 1/5 for daily and 1/20 for weekly. Additional deathblows on player B will not contribute to daily and weekly quests within a 24 hr period.
Deaths have a negative effect on daily/weekly kills against a players account. For example, player A has 4/5 of his daily pvp kills and dies in pvp combat, player A’s account suffers a negative daily kill count of -1. Bringing his daily down to 3/5. This -1 must be account wide to stop from farming kills via alts.
Open for more suggestions on fight clubbing prevention and rewards etc.
*24 hr timer on Kill counter*
*Reward tiers based on PvP rating (possibly PvP specific Enhancements at higher rating)*
*GCW Ranks (when implemented) unlock additional reward items*
*Characters from same account and guild do not count as kills towards daily/weekly kill count.*
*Titles that can be purchased through daily tokens ( PvP Warlord, Carebear Slayer, etc)*
*Invasions daily complete 0/2 - 1 token*
- Justification
- Not a lot of Incentive for community to get involved in PVP
- Motivation
- PVP not in a great spot right now and needs some incentives
Up Vote if you'd like to see a system like this in place.