PVP Kills = Automatic Bounty (System creates GCW and Credit Rewards)

PVP Kills = Automatic Bounty (System creates GCW and Credit Rewards)
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Make any PVP kill automatically apply a 20k bounty / 500 GCW (or whatever is deemed feasible) for their faction. Also allow players to increase the amount of credits to this if they choose to do so.

This should only apply to one kill per player, so there is no chance of people farming / fight clubbing.
Creates more PVP / GCW incentives and makes being a BH more fun. At present it is all down to luck if you recieve a bounty following a PvP kill. I feel that a kill should have consequences, regardless of whether the person you DB chooses to apply a bounty or not.
At present the BH boards are pretty much empty and having been someone that played a BH most of live I would certainly like to be able to do so more often on Resto.

PVP is also becoming quiet and this could be a way to help revive that a bit. At the moment it is all down to luck if you recieve a bounty or not so I see no reason to just apply it regardless.
PVP Kills = Automatic Bounty (System creates GCW and Credit Rewards)
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I like this thought process; I'd also like to throw in the idea of a higher bounty/gcw bonus the higher rank you get, or if some people dont like this PV maybe restrict the auto bounty to those of a senior officer rank to add a little more risk to the reward in pvp.
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could we also make bh missions so the bh can attack each other if they choose too when hunting the same mark.

Would create greater tension & risk for all parties.
I think this would be a great avenue for earning credits from doing PvP. Currently if you’re a Bounty Hunter it’s more cost effective to take PvE missions, this would be a greater risk/greater reward opportunity that would encourage more players to play the Bounty Hunter profession and look forward to seeing the boards after a big PvP fight.
I like the idea but I don't think it makes sense to have it so that 1 kill = 1 bounty.

The way Legends handles this is a good solution imo, for each kill you get it adds x amount of credits to your bounty (1k each I think) then at the 20k threshold you're on the boards. Your bounty continues to increase as you get kills.

Perhaps 1k per kill isn't enough for the resto population though.
As well as generating credits, albeit only for the benefit of BHs, the continued bounty accrual in this way might serve as a nice incentive for people to try and hold on to their bounties and see who can keep the highest bounty for the big flex.
I like the idea but I don't think it makes sense to have it so that 1 kill = 1 bounty.

The way Legends handles this is a good solution imo, for each kill you get it adds x amount of credits to your bounty (1k each I think) then at the 20k threshold you're on the boards. Your bounty continues to increase as you get kills.

Perhaps 1k per kill isn't enough for the resto population though.
As well as generating credits, albeit only for the benefit of BHs, the continued bounty accrual in this way might serve as a nice incentive for people to try and hold on to their bounties and see who can keep the highest bounty for the big flex.
That sounds sick. Most wanted. Can we have a poster of the highest in every SP aswell
Absolutely not. Defend yourself, especially in space, and catch a bounty that could be there for weeks. Some bh comes along in a group convoy an fubar the whole thing for an entire group.
I like this idea. There's really zero consequences to pvp now and bounty hunting has been extremely lacking in the past fee months.
I like this idea. There's really zero consequences to pvp now and bounty hunting has been extremely lacking in the past fee months.
Thats kinda the point, little to no consequences an people still arent doin it. Start impacting other aspects of the game an theyll avoid it entirely. Right now the only time you catch a bounty is if someone epeen got bruised, an for the most part adults play on the server so its to a minimum. You can freely hop into pvp for an hour or two an not worry that its gonna come back to bite you in the ass. Auto bounties will counter that entirely, pushing any casual pvper out.
Thats kinda the point, little to no consequences an people still arent doin it. Start impacting other aspects of the game an theyll avoid it entirely. Right now the only time you catch a bounty is if someone epeen got bruised, an for the most part adults play on the server so its to a minimum. You can freely hop into pvp for an hour or two an not worry that its gonna come back to bite you in the ass. Auto bounties will counter that entirely, pushing any casual pvper out.
I agree with this. I don't pvp often, mostly because I would be solo, but if I got a bounty for 1 pvp kill either in space or on the ground, I just wouldn't flag. I played BH on this server and I had pvp missions everytime I looked. There should not be consequences to pvp, thats how you kill your pvp and eventually end up with 1 side over populated and winning everything.
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Thats kinda the point, little to no consequences an people still arent doin it. Start impacting other aspects of the game an theyll avoid it entirely. Right now the only time you catch a bounty is if someone epeen got bruised, an for the most part adults play on the server so its to a minimum. You can freely hop into pvp for an hour or two an not worry that its gonna come back to bite you in the ass. Auto bounties will counter that entirely, pushing any casual pvper out.
Tbh casual pvpers won't be getting bounties. The odds they manage to catch the db are small enough normally, non existent if they just avoid the db altogether.