QoL for Chronicler Profession and Vendor

QoL for Chronicler Profession and Vendor
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  1. Ability to trade in Gold Chronicles Tokens to Silver Tokens.
  2. Double clicking on a Chronicle Relic adds the entire stack to your quest builder.
  3. Double clicking on a Chronicle Relic Fragment creates a relic as long as there are 10 fragments in the stack.
  1. There is already a way to trade in 1000 silver coins for a gold coin, but not the other way around.
  2. Right now, you have to open up the radial menu, add, then add stack.
  1. Adding this would allow people that didn't need / want gold tokens to trade them in if they were short silver tokens.
  2. Adding this would save time for those that deal in bulk tokens.
  3. Same as two.
See proposal below:
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
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