Reduce number of residents requirements for City Status in Player Cities

Reduce number of residents requirements for City Status in Player Cities
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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I propose that the population limit be lowered to 20 to attain city status as we do not have a larger player base like those of SWG Emu or SWG Legends to begin with.
Players do not want to travel 5000m, 6000m or 7000m to complete a quest or to buy items from a crafter's vendor located in a far off city. It is time consuming, boring and can have an impact on the player community if cities start loosing shuttleports, and this could drive them away to play other iterations of SWG, where the player community population is much higher.

This could also help to reduce instances of players creating multiple accounts to maintain city population.
To make travel across the rather large planetary maps of SWG easier and to make it more convenient for players to go to various cities to shop player vendors, boosting the in-game economy.
I recently did a survey on the seven planets that allow player cities/housing. With the recent purge of individuals with multiple accounts and the talk of demolition of abandoned houses, some cities on these planets have lost or will loose enough population so they fall below the 30 toon threshold for that city to maintain a shuttleport. This loss, in some cases, has, or in the near future, will, add a great deal of travel time to the player community when having to travel to the far reaches of a planetary map to continue quests, or put some player vendors too far out of reach that people are unwilling to travel to buy vendor items, impacting members of the crafting community.

Some groups and individuals place their cities/small villages and houses based on having a nearby city with shuttleport access, when that city lost, or looses their shuttleport due to population drop, it affects those nearby players as well.

The following list is the number of player cities that have shuttleports on each of the qualifying planets.

  • Dantooine - 3
  • Talus - 3
  • Corelia - 2
  • Naboo - 6
  • Rori - 1
  • Lok - 3
  • Tatooine - 3
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Just look at lok. A month ago was multiple shuttles now it's down to 3. In one week we lost atleast 3 on lok. Felicity oasis and hidden enclave all are gone since last week
Hidden Enclave is still there and has a working shuttle. Its just ... hidden. Oasis doesn't even show up as a city anymore, let alone a shuttle port.

I like this idea, but it has to scale. When the population regrows, and it will, the current numbers would need to come back.
Ya seen it back, was gone last week. 3 shuttles on dant and lok. Oasis had a reset so it's now a town lvl 1. Agree 100% needs to scale with population of server
I recently did a survey on the seven planets that allow player cities/housing. With the recent purge of individuals with multiple accounts and the talk of demolition of abandoned houses, some cities on these planets have lost or will loose enough population so they fall below the 30 toon threshold for that city to maintain a shuttleport. This loss, in some cases, has, or in the near future, will, add a great deal of travel time to the player community when having to travel to the far reaches of a planetary map to continue quests, or put some player vendors too far out of reach that people are unwilling to travel to buy vendor items, impacting members of the crafting community.

Some groups and individuals place their cities/small villages and houses based on having a nearby city with shuttleport access, when that city lost, or looses their shuttleport due to population drop, it affects those nearby players as well.

The following list is the number of player cities that have shuttleports on each of the qualifying planets.

  • Dantooine - 3
  • Talus - 3
  • Corelia - 2
  • Naboo - 6
  • Rori - 1
  • Lok - 3
  • Tatooine - 3
100% agree with you on the population requirements.. Ideally it could look like this
Rank 1: Outpost - 5 residents
Rank 2: Village - 10 residents
Rank 3: Township - 15 residents
Rank 4: City - 20 residents
Rank 5: Metropolis - 25 residents
OR 3/6/9/12/15 OR 4/8/12/16/20 to at least help retain players/cities . BTW.. Naboo is about to lose more shuttles, check out Imperium shuttle. not working.
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Not to say that a server with 1196 active accounts in the last 30 days should have as many potential cities as one with 5000 either. But some easing of the restrictions as the overal population drops (and tightening as it rises) would be good.
We appreciate everyone’s input on this matter, but we do not want to interfere with normal game mechanics.
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