Approved - Other - Remove No Trade from about 90% of everything | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Approved Other Remove No Trade from about 90% of everything

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Sep 6, 2021
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Remove no-trade from about 90% of the items out there (I'd be fine with an option to remove it myself, via radial).
No-trade is, and has always been, heavily overused. There are, certainly, some things it applies to, but those are few and far between.
No-trade is a skurge. If I work for something, and get it, there is no reason I shouldn't be able to sell/give/trade/loan/etc. it to someone else. What I do with what I worked for is my, and no one elses business.
No-trade is inherently evil. With the exception of some very specific things (that actually NEED to be no trade to avoid game breaking consequences), there is no reason most things need to be no trade.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Sep 22, 2021
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this is a tough one. some no trade items have to be in the game. tbh anything thts class specific. it can encourage players to do content they normally wouldnt do. an example of whee removl of no trade was a bone head idea.. on legends they mae the old balck hand anniliator a no trade drop that smugglers could only get by doing convoys. since most of the smugglers who wanted it where groundpounder pvp trolls they cried like hell about it and the devs there removed the no trade status. this i feel was a terrible move as those smugglers refused to do space content. so if there is a good rational as to why something is no trade then i can agree with it. but all in all make things no trade shared rather than just stright up no trade
Sep 6, 2021
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this is a tough one. some no trade items have to be in the game. tbh anything thts class specific. it can encourage players to do content they normally wouldnt do. an example of whee removl of no trade was a bone head idea.. on legends they mae the old balck hand anniliator a no trade drop that smugglers could only get by doing convoys. since most of the smugglers who wanted it where groundpounder pvp trolls they cried like hell about it and the devs there removed the no trade status. this i feel was a terrible move as those smugglers refused to do space content. so if there is a good rational as to why something is no trade then i can agree with it. but all in all make things no trade shared rather than just stright up no trade
Anything that is controversial we can have a discussion about, I would agree that not EVERYTHING should be tradeable (it's needed for some things). I just want to remove it from things it certainly shouldn't be on.
Jun 13, 2021
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As someone who ran NK-Necrosis over 30 times and "lost" Grievous Wheelbike 2 times, i have to agree with this. It was painful for me. "No Trade" is bane of group content.

Yours truly,
Maximilian Lyyr.
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May 28, 2021
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I see no-trade items as things that come from outside the player crafter community and negatively effect it already. I would not change no-trade items to tradeable and make that worse.

Now if all loot rewards had to involve a crafter, then I'd change my position.
Sep 23, 2021
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Well, instead of the final product it could drop the shematic (mostly it will be re-crafted anyway).
Another issue is that for specific items it is already possible to bio-link them. This is in compliance with the lore while no-trade is just frustrating. No trade just makes no sense.
I fully support the idea to remove no trade and for specific items it should be converted into shematics or bio-linkable.
My 2 cents. :) Love you all :-* <3 Pokémon!


Development Manager
Nov 7, 2022
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Believe it or not, we're doing this.

No Trade removal will roll out in phases, as we work through the list and make sure we don't break the game. The intent is that any items that don't need to remain No Trade simply for game integrity will be available on the open market. This includes quest rewards, token vendor items, etc.
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