Remove Restrictions and Improve Bracelet of Inspired Status

Remove Restrictions and Improve Bracelet of Inspired Status
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Remove the Master Entertainer requirement on Bracelet of Inspired Status, and add other bonus(es).
Most profession specific bracelets provide numerous and useful benefits, making them worth fulfilling the requirements for and sacrificing a slot of possibly statted jewelry. The Bracelet of Inspired Status has no reason to have the requirement cost for what almost meaningless benefit it provides.
Currently, if an entertainer is not an Image Designer, they still take Master Entertainer just to be able to equip the Bracelet of Inspired Status. That is a lot of 'wasted' skill points for what little benefit it gives.
With the removal of the profession requirement, the Bracelet of Inspired Status would see more wide usage and free up skill points to allow non-ID entertainers to diversify a bit.

As for what additional bonus, the easiest one would be: +1/2 Additional Holographic Images. This would allow solo entertainers to have a wider variety of backing holograms for more interesting performances without needing to create anything brand new.

I will say that the entertainer bracelet should not provide a quantitative bonus(more inspiration points/stronger buffs/etc) to the point where it is required to provide buffs.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'll let someone else comment on the bonus itself - but absolutely that bracelet needs the requirement dropped.
I could see merit in lowering the profession requirement down to having at least novice entertainer, meaning you need to be SOME level of entertainer to make use of it. It was originally an NGE thing, and Image Designer, Musician, and Dancer were all merged, as we all well know. So, when they made this, they didn't consider its use in a server like this. As for the bonus? I feel like adding more holographic images, while interesting and would allow for someone to have a wider variety of instruments, doesn't feel like something that should be limited to the bracelet. The only thing the bracelet DOES is it makes it take less time to get to max duration, and that should remain the case. I don't see a need to add any further buff to the benefits it gives you, as on its own it does its job fairly well.
Approved insofar as removing the profession requirement as such is consistent with how we've adjusted all other treasure map bracelets. This change has been made and it will be applied in a future hot fix.

Open a separate PV regarding the stats if needed, as PVs should only address one concept/change.

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