Remove The Downvote Option On Player Voice.

Remove The Downvote Option On Player Voice.
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Its just toxic, and only serves to provide a way for people to be toxic without any discussion. If a proposal is not good, it wont get many upvotes. There doesnt need to be a downvote option as this just provides a way for it to be abused by trolls.

Without a downvote option, people who disagree with a proposal will have to actually add to a discussion with their own civil feedback., explaining why they disagree. Or simply dont upvote something. The downvote option is just a shortcut for toxic trolling and bandwagons.

Why dont we have the option to "dislike" individual comments? Because it would be toxic right? Same thing.

EDIT: If you are downvoting this without any discussion you are just proving my point and admitting that I am correct.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Not everyone has the desire, or time to post drawn out posts about why we like or dislike something. Why is it you just want the 'dislike' or 'downvote' removed? Are you hurt when someone doesn't like your idea? Who gets butt-hurt over a downvote? its just a person saying they don't like the idea..who cares? Some of us would rather spend our time playing the game than explaining ourselves on why we agree or disagree...but that don't mean we shouldn't have a vote too? or are you suggesting otherwise?
I'm downvoting this because I believe that the upvote/downvote is an easy way for Devs - the real reason we're doing this - to gauge how favorable an idea is without making them go in depth on our back and forth. If they see an idea is somewhat popular - they can dig deeper for details and make decisions.
Thanks for your suggestion.

We use both "up" and "down" votes because players have stakes both ways. If you could only upvote, an idea may be popular among a niche group and get attention, when another group would be inversely affected and not have the opportunity to indicate as such. Consistent with ensuring this equity, we allow both up and down votes and will not be implementing this change at this time.
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