Remove Vendor Listings on Bazaar search for Condemned and Private Buildings.

Remove Vendor Listings on Bazaar search for Condemned and Private Buildings.
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
I propose vendors located inside a condemned building or a building set to private, to be delisted from the bazaar searches by just automatically de-registering them.
Reduce inconvenience and would help the bazaar be more accurate with current prices (merchants can better ascertain the current prices from their competitors more easily and more accurately)
Just trying to make things a little better I guess. Apologies if this is complete nonsense.
I am sure I have come across buildings that disallow me access with vendors inside. I am neutral character (or was when this was happening looking for space gear) and I can only think the building is condemned or the permissions have been set to private and not public.
A vendor cannot be housed if structure is private afaik.
and doesnt condemned show on the sign?
I know we can ban folks and/or guilds to deny entry...
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I thinik Gwaredd is new so not aware of some things yet. I forget what the message says but on the House sign in red it will say something like Abandoned and if it is in a player city anyone can radial that and make the house go bye bye. They also have an event every year that allows this to happen everywhere to abandoned houses and factories. Pretty sure that time is almost here.
I thinik Gwaredd is new so not aware of some things yet. I forget what the message says but on the House sign in red it will say something like Abandoned and if it is in a player city anyone can radial that and make the house go bye bye. They also have an event every year that allows this to happen everywhere to abandoned houses and factories. Pretty sure that time is almost here.
well older than me, I am waiting for my 3months so i can create a post lol
Condemned houses aren’t made private. There’s just a message and it rejects your attempt to enter. So yes this is probably a bug we need to address.
I never saw any message on general chat channel or on-screen about the building being condemned and I don't recall a sign but there may well have been a sign.

If there is a mechanic for any player to remove a condemned building, then I expect few know about it or use it. This vendor I couldn't get access to had a ton-load of cheaper space components, I surely would'nt have been the only person recently to attempt to buy from there.
I never saw any message on general chat channel or on-screen about the building being condemned and I don't recall a sign but there may well have been a sign.

If there is a mechanic for any player to remove a condemned building, then I expect few know about it or use it. This vendor I couldn't get access to had a ton-load of cheaper space components, I surely would'nt have been the only person recently to attempt to buy from there.
There is actually the event for removal going on right now. A condemned structure can get blown up and removed from land it occupies {it gets packed up in owners data pad} You partake in this by selecting the option from the structures radial menu {sign or terminal if you can get it targeted}
I am sure I have come across buildings that disallow me access with vendors inside. I am neutral character (or was when this was happening looking for space gear) and I can only think the building is condemned or the permissions have been set to private and not public.
I am sure I have come across buildings that disallow me access with vendors inside. I am neutral character (or was when this was happening looking for space gear) and I can only think the building is condemned or the permissions have been set to private and not public.
I noticed your look for space gear, I stock loot ships parts, Droid interface and pre-programmed (Both Rebel / Privateer) chips at my venders.
Out side Mos Eisley WP 3527, -3711 Name FGSD Engineering
Krayt Canyon WP 6260, 4235 in Merchant Tent