Restoration III Security Force

Restoration III Security Force
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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I am proposing the creation of the R3 Security Force (Or another name) where some players can be recruited into positions of severely limited power (Kick from R3), in which they would be responsible for enforcing petty R3 terms of service breaches like AFK camping for profit.
I think that this would be a good step toward limiting AFK camping/farming for profit, especially as those responsible will be less likely to AFK farm when they know that there are players who could potentially kick them from R3 for doing so in game with them at any time.
Obviously, AFK is a touchy subject, and submitting complaints via ticket can only go so far. R3 is still young, and this would be the perfect time to implement a Security Force for the server to help lighten the petty load on the admins and developers, who shouldn't have to deal with this kind of stuff.
With the continuous complaints about players farming loot (In times where it is against the terms of R3), it can be incredibly difficult to rely on the admins to enforce the rules, making for a fair gaming experience for everyone. I am not questioning the admin's ability to police R3 as I strongly believe they are doing a phenomenal job. However, at some point, there are too many players in game, and it must be a hassle for them to pull attention away from the important issues to deal with AFK player complaints. (Yes, I know... I made a Player Voice about AFK Entertainers recently as well). The admins and developers already have their hands full, with real life, and with R3, and I am proposing the addition of an R3 Security Force.

This could be a potentially huge undertaking in regards to what powers they should have. I think a simple Kick from the server would be most beneficial for those who have committed the infractions. I would also propose a "report" system that the Security Force members would fill out on the R3 website to keep track of incidents and hold the Security Force member accountable for their actions, and to avoid abuse of power, which could allow for some peace of mind for the admins.

Feel free to tweak this idea as you see fit. Thank you for reading!
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I have a missing item ticket I sent in on the 16th. Admins, I am not complaining by any means!! The item is purely cosmetic and I'm in no hurry to get it back, but just using this as an example. The admins and developers are incredibly busy. For them to deal with issues like mine constantly, their time is taken away from developing content for the community. If we could help lighten their load on minor things with R3, I feel it would greatly benefit all of us.
They could really just fix this by not allowing macro's to bypass the afk read. Simple if a player even running a macro has not moved a certain distance in 15 mins then they get disconnected. When said player returns they can log back in. The whole 90 mins afk makes no sense really. I mean either you are or you are not gonna allow it. As far as in certain places like DWB,Geo Caves etc make macros auto dump and make sure once logged out players are removed so the cannot just wait for a spawn timer and pop back on. The other option is just to allow afk and become every other emu around and it is what it is. I mean sure there will be issues either way but they need to pick one. I just dont know with the certain variables to when and where that they can trust a kick team to get it right.
You make a good point. If you make those dungeons similar to the corvette instance and give a 1 hour timer until you are removed automatically, that could fix things as well.
They could really just fix this by not allowing macro's to bypass the afk read. Simple if a player even running a macro has not moved a certain distance in 15 mins then they get disconnected. When said player returns they can log back in. The whole 90 mins afk makes no sense really. I mean either you are or you are not gonna allow it. As far as in certain places like DWB,Geo Caves etc make macros auto dump and make sure once logged out players are removed so the cannot just wait for a spawn timer and pop back on. The other option is just to allow afk and become every other emu around and it is what it is. I mean sure there will be issues either way but they need to pick one. I just dont know with the certain variables to when and where that they can trust a kick team to get it right.
I'm 99% sure Geo Caves and DWB kick you out after you log out for a few minutes - so the logging in to camp a spawn based on the timer is a non-issue. If you are offline too long you start from outside like everyone else.

The macro dump/disconnect thing from not moving also poses some issues because your samplers that are fairly stationary would be disconnected non-stop. Also - who cares if someone isn't moving. If they're at the keyboard killing something over and over again - as long as the system can confirm they're there and they're not hindering someone else's ability to accomplish something - it shouldn't matter.

At the end of the day - the Dev's solution should be able to handle this stuff automatically. If you want to be in DWB for 7 hours - who cares - as long as you're at the keyboard. What I think we should definitely not do is have a player group with some sort of elevated power to do anything - as that has about a 99.9 percent chance of being abused.

I think we should wait until they implement their Captcha prompts or what have you - and see if that improves things, and we go from there.
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Yea i didn't say players should or should not be able to afk as i really dont care what players do. I was just referring to either allow afk or don't and ways to fix it if you dont want it in your game other than to say 90 mins running a macro before a Captcha is anti afk. Your right as far as i know about DWB and GEO being a remove from instance after logging unless it was changed but if i recall correctly those are also no afk zones so the macro dump disconnect wont effect hand samplers there. Hand samplers are subject to the no afk implementation coming aswell which is what it is. Like i said i really couldnt care less about if they want afk farmers/levelers or not that's there thing i was just saying pick one and roll with it . Just make it clear what the platform is and the population that does not want that style can go find a game with a style more there liking and it will remove the issue all together.
Yea i didn't say players should or should not be able to afk as i really dont care what players do. I was just referring to either allow afk or don't and ways to fix it if you dont want it in your game other than to say 90 mins running a macro before a Captcha is anti afk. Your right as far as i know about DWB and GEO being a remove from instance after logging unless it was changed but if i recall correctly those are also no afk zones so the macro dump disconnect wont effect hand samplers there. Hand samplers are subject to the no afk implementation coming aswell which is what it is. Like i said i really couldnt care less about if they want afk farmers/levelers or not that's there thing i was just saying pick one and roll with it . Just make it clear what the platform is and the population that does not want that style can go find a game with a style more there liking and it will remove the issue all together.
Just as a clarification - my post was a mixed response to your post and the OP. Sorry about the confusion..but I'm on board with ya
Thanks for your suggestion!

We don't feel we'll be able to implement a program of this nature anytime soon due to oversight constraints. However, with the introduction of our new approach to unattended gameplay that will be patched in the near future, we'll be including a player command /reportAFK so players can report others they believe are AFK. We'll use the data from submitted reports to discover edge cases and refine the detection logic to improve the overall effectiveness of the program.

In the interim, please continue to report any players who are violating our unattended gameplay rules to Community Support and we'll review logs and take action in accordance with our Community Standards.
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