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I propose that the revive feature for both combat medic and doctor be changed to better suit them for their respective professions. Combat medics are in the field. They should be able to revive when in combat, making them far more valuable in group settings. That said, as a doctor can only revive out of combat, I think that whoever they resuscitate should immediately be back to full health when they get back up.
Combat Medics will have a combat revive. Doctors will revive targets with full health (Or possibly revive fully doc buffed)
Combat medic and doctor are very different professions, but the revive is the exact same. I think making this subtle change will make Master combat medic far more desirable.
I am suggesting a minor tweak to doctor and combat medic revives.
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I think this is a good idea, Combat medic can revive during combat, while a doctor can only revive when out of combat, this would improve the importance of master CM's. Looking at how other MMO's deal with a combat rez; a combat rez brings a player back with full health, but only one combat rez can be done in a 5 minute window - regardless of how many revives are available within a group, making it a choice of who to revive, I think this time limit is also important and should be implemented if the revives within the game are changed.

So to clear up my comments;
mDoc - can only revive out of combat - and the revived player will need to be healed back up to full health
mCM - can only revive in combat - and the revived player is revived with full health, but a combat rez is limited to only one combat rez within a group and only once in 5 minute window
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This makes sense, I agree with the need for a moderate casting time as well for combat medic, with an appropriate cooldown based on where the health/action/mind decision ends up upon rez. I can see logic behind full health or moderate health for either professions rez.

If not full health rez for CM maybe a short 5 second buff that the target player has that increases efficiency of heals done to them? Left over chemicals or effect of the rez that allows group members to help them stay up - as in PvP they would likely be an immediate target again.
I agree that there needs to be an in combat revive. Out of combat only revive is pretty much useless in my opinion, for the CM and the Doc. If you are fighting NPC it seems to me that if one person is in combat the whole group is in combat, it doesn't matter if you are actively attacking or something is actively attacking you. And it is not possible to get out of combat unless you travel some distance away from the rest of the group, dragging the dead player with you if you are a doc or a CM who has enough medic skills to have the ability to do so. Most often you have to wait until everything in the area is dead. Most often in PvP, the medic, (whether CM or Doc) is going to be the first one to die. In instances, it is a closed area in most of them so you can't drag the dead player far enough to get out of combat.

The only reference point I have is how it was in Live so I am going to say how it was then. In Pre-cu, I don't remember if a doc or cm could revive in combat as I didn't play either. But I was leveling a jedi and know that if I were revived by a doctor, I would not lose any XP if a doc revived me because I did not clone, as long as my death was not from a BH. If a BH, I lost only half as much, saving the loss of XP from cloning, but still losing the equal amount of XP from the BH kill (hope that made sense). A jedi master healer did not have a revive ability, but very close to it. The jedi healer had the total heal that could be used on an incapped player. So in PvP it was possible to bring an incapped player back to full health before the death blow. I am not sure if in Restoration the total heal can even be used on another player. The description appears to say that it is just used on yourself. The main purpose behind a doc, cm, or jedi master healer is being able to heal others, not just yourself. So, if total heal cannot be used on others, it needs to be changed to allow it to do so.

In the NGE, there was no more doc or cm or jedi master healer, but only the medic, which very few wanted to be. Originally, there was no in combat revive, and which as stated above, made the medic pretty useless and no wonder no one wanted to be a medic. Later, an in combat revive was added. It was called a resuscitation if it was out of combat only, and revive if it was in combat. The cooldown timer was much longer on the in combat revive then for the resuscitation. There was also a pvp revive and resuscitation, and an area revive and area resuscitation (I don't remember the area ones enough to remember if it was just pvp or just npc or how they worked. I found this in the SWG Fandom Wiki which appears to say they were in both. Again, the cooldown timer being much longer.) The spy had the ability to put other players in cloaked or invisibility mode which could be used to get the medic out of combat.

So why say all of the above, just further justification for there being an in combat revive in some form. It really is pretty useless to just have the resuscitation ability whether Doc or CM if it can only be used in combat. More often than not, there is combat when someone dies, including the Doc or CM, or how else did the player die?
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