Separate Basic Lightsaber Color Crystals Stat Mods From Specific Colors

Separate Basic Lightsaber Color Crystals Stat Mods From Specific Colors
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
There are a couple different ways that the mechanism for changing blade colors could be implemented, either:
1) all lightsabers gain the option of adding an 'appearance crystal'. This appearance crystal is just any other color crystal that can be put into the lightsaber to change it's blade color appearance without adding any other additional stat mods;
2) Jedi gain the ability to 'retune' their color crystals while meditating at their shrine or temple. Retuning the color crystal changes the color of the color crystal (either randomly or by giving the jedi a choice from the existing colors), but does not change the stat mod
3) When a color crystal is tuned through the current existing process, the stat mod that generates on the crystal is randomized instead of being tied to a specific color
Any of the three mechanisms described above would result in a Jedi being able to ultimately use their preferred color blade with their preferred stat mod for their build without having to choose between one or the other.
This is obviously a pure quality-of-life change, and would therefore be lowerer priority than some of the other things that are currently being worked on/balanced related to Jedi. However, having the option to customize and choose one's blade color without it impacting their build would allow players to put more of themselves into their character
The basic lightsaber color crystals currently have a specific stat mod (eg, lightsaber damage, force regen bonus, etc) tied to specific colors of color crystals. This forces Jedi to use a specific basic color crystal for their build instead of being able to chose which color they would like to color their blade. For example, neither the Red Color Crystal nor the Dark Red Color Crystal provide the Lightsaber Damage stat mod, meaning that someone can't use a red colored lightsaber if they want to maximize a lightsaber based build. Instead, Jedi should have a mechanism of changing their lightsaber's blade color to a color they prefer with no change in stats. This would be akin to the Armor Appearance system, where players can wear different clothes/armors visually that don't impact their defensive stats.

Depending on the exact mechanism, advanced/rare color crystals, like the Lava Crystal or Bane's Heart, could be excluded from being color changed in order to keep with lore and highlight the 'uniqueness' of the rare crystals.
I both love and hate this, however I will still upvote it and then leave my opinion on how it might work rather nicely..

Basic Colour Crystals should remain unchanged - this means no loss of already implemented work.
Named Colour Crystals should allow you to tune the crystal, in which if you do that, the name will change to your name i.e "Cyra's Throne", "Rohlan's Redemption", "Banth's Pocketbook".

That name could either be fully customizable, or partial customizable where your Character's name is First Name and the custom name is Last Name. I think that would add a LOT of flavour and also be fun !

Additionally, in the spirit of making things more complicated, then maybe if you do that then the crystal takes a very slight stat hit ?? so +5 dmg not +6 dmg for example. Or perhaps it goes the other way and is better stats as it's tuned to you - I guess the balancing team can decide there.
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When Ilum comes, we’ll be redoing crystal stats and how they work etc, focused on extending customization. I don’t know this will be implemented exactly as written but it is our intention to sever color from stats yes. We won’t do this sooner because we don’t want to mess with crystals twice, so will have to wait until Ilum arrives.
When Ilum comes, we’ll be redoing crystal stats and how they work etc, focused on extending customization. I don’t know this will be implemented exactly as written but it is our intention to sever color from stats yes. We won’t do this sooner because we don’t want to mess with crystals twice, so will have to wait until Ilum arrives.
This sounds fair enough to me! Glad to hear they will end up being separated