Separate Pet and Droid datapad limit

Separate Pet and Droid datapad limit
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Pets and Droids currently share the same limit in the datapad (20 total). This should be changed so that each of them have their own limit of 20.
The Droid limit is clearly there to limit storage per character, but since Pets don't have that functionality it doesn't make sense to make them shared.
The current setup disadvantages Creature Handlers for no good reason.
Pre-empting a potential argument: No, the Beast Encoder and Replicator is not a workaround/solution for this problem.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Can anyone explain if creature mounts count toward the pet limit or the vehicle limit?

I ask because while I definitely support this as a MCH who also needs the extra storage a few droids provide, I don't like the artificial limit on creature mounts either. So many in the game as rewards and as tamed mounts. While I don't need to pokemon them, I also don't like having to choose between a one-time reward mount (like a bolotaur) and the bantha/eopie/dewback/peko that my MCH trains for one of my non-CH alts (the other one doesn't like riding creatures. too unpredictable).
Can anyone explain if creature mounts count toward the pet limit or the vehicle limit?

I ask because while I definitely support this as a MCH who also needs the extra storage a few droids provide, I don't like the artificial limit on creature mounts either. So many in the game as rewards and as tamed mounts. While I don't need to pokemon them, I also don't like having to choose between a one-time reward mount (like a bolotaur) and the bantha/eopie/dewback/peko that my MCH trains for one of my non-CH alts (the other one doesn't like riding creatures. too unpredictable).
Creature mounts share the same limit as vehicles (60 total).
Bringing this thread to the forefront again, as these limitations can be a major handicap for CH's in limiting accessory droids and/or space droids.
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