Shaped Charges

Shaped Charges
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Shaped charges placed on targetable structures and vehicles would blow up and do 6-8k damage. Make it have a 5 second warmup and any hit from any mob interrupts it. Since it's a shaped charge it would do little to no damage to surrounding mobs and structures.
standing around hitting things for small amounts of damage forever is unrealistic (not that star wars isn't) because in this pantheon other destructive means exist.
Add mechanic like laying a mine so that commando, smuggler, and BH can place a shaped charge on targetable structures and vehicles,

These are the types of characters in the movies that blow stuff up and it would be super cool to add this utility.
Disagree with Smuggler & Bh not their skill set. But definitely Ranger (Replacing mines...) and Commando. Maybe even Ranger for animnal Lairs only, & Commando for people lairs :D

Great idea.

Could use the Mayoral house repack animation & Quaratnie zone cannister timer noises.
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