Slicing Opposing GCW Bases

Slicing Opposing GCW Bases
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Hide base vulnerability times and require an opposing smuggler to slice the base to get the time.
To give smugglers a meaningful, and expandable, role in GCW, while expanding GCW pvp opportunities.
Smugglers being able to slice is an unused facet for GCW. This additionally adds value to static defense and pvp operations outside the vulnerability timer of a base, generating more action.
In addition to requiring a smuggler to view an opposing base's vulnerability time, this could even be extended to using a smuggler to change your own bases vulnerability time. This second mechanic would need some vulnerability time 'lock' upon the base being sliced to prevent changing the window once its known for at least one vulnerability window etc.
As a smuggler, I think I like this. We need more GCW activities, and it fits to have someone infiltrate a base to gather Intel.
I like the concept of having to acquire base times, especially using more “shady” techniques but I think I’d prefer this ability/functionality to not be tied to a specific profession.

R2 for example basically hacks the Death Star terminal.