- Proposal
- Add an option to settings for booster.
[x] Use toggle control for booster
If it's checked (default behaviour) booster stays on until you press button again.
If it's unchecked booster is turned off when booster button is released.
- Justification
- It would give better booster control and prevent unintended boostering that often leads to death when precise flying is required.
- Motivation
- It's very cumbersome to need to push booster on, then hit button again to turn off in some situations. One of my personal main causes of death is because I'm pulling up to something and touch my booster by accident, don't realize it then overshoot my intended stopping point. If it was turned off when button is released (for me anyway) accidents like this would no longer occur.
I love space, just about everything about it. However the booster toggle is very cumbersome and should be optional.