The Corny CoB; Migrating Defenses & Block Chance

The Corny CoB; Migrating Defenses & Block Chance
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
The Corny CoB!

As everyone who is reading this probably knows, one of the biggest issues with the game right now is the ability to migrate and mitigate damage properly. I am not going to suggest changes to Jedi as I don't play one and never will outside of TC, but everyone who has done TK x3xx knows the power of Center of Being and abilities like it.

I will be frank; Center of Being is way too strong. Its single use prevents so much more damage than almost every other ability (non-Jedi wise) in the game. If it ever gets nerfed, EVERYONE will feel it, it won't be fun for anyone which is why everyone fights to keep it how it is, we are taking too much damage as it is.

That is now, this is the future. My suggestion though is simple and I suggest two fixes.

1) Add Block Chance to the game, or **fix it** rather. Instead of granting a ton of Defense, it Instead gives Block Chance.

What is Block Chance?
Well, my ideas for Block Chance were two fold. Block Chance as its base reduces the damage taken by 50%. However, my suggestion would be toalso add a statistic that improves this.


What is Block Strength?
Block Strength is a statistic that improves the Strength of Blocking, increasing it from 50% up to 95% (cap). Certain classes would have Block Strength tied to their class trees. For example, Rifleman and Swordsman had increased Block Chance, which was really cool for their class.

Additionally, Toughness could also increase both Block Strength and Block Chance as the current statistic is rather underwhelming.

2) Completely gut the Defenses and spread them around classes. Currently (and this is a problem that affects Jedi too) the reason Breach for example completely deletes a Jedi is because all of their Melee and Ranged defense is tied to a single ability; it means when your Breached; all your defenses are gone and so are you. Cut CoB in half and make the Melee Defense and Ranged Defense of all the classes passively stronger.

This means instead of CoB granting 400 Defense, TKM should have +20 Ranged and Melee Defense (this is an example) added to the Balance Tree, and Meditation should get +Block Strength. This means that CoB can be more reasonable of a buff, rather then literally all your defense in one basket. This future proofs things too, incase Smuggler or BH gets a breach-type ability.

I am not saying to reduce how tanky TKM is, but to fix their counters and spread defense around so everyone who plays melee doesn't feel like they have to be a Teras Kazi Artist.

Well, I have several of them.

1). There are no true counters to dodging. Normally this would be abilities like "Warning Shot"; on paper this seems great, but the problem is that CoB and other similar abilities actually prevent these abilities from ever really landing, thus they counter their own supposed counter. This has another problem as it makes these abilities much better against people who don't use abilities like CoB.

This change, for example making it Block Chance; actually lets these abilities land and provides a counter to them. Why play the classes when the abilities are useless to the majority of players after-all? Even if they could Block 99% of the damage, the debuff now still lands.

2). It is more healthy for the game. For example if anyone ever gets a "breach"-like ability, and your defenses are not in one basket, you have a 'counter' but don't get instantly deleted.

3). Class Variation. Currently almost all melee, even ranged has to use CoB to survive. It is simply just that good compared to everything else. Honestly it shouldn't even work if you switch to ranged weapons but that is another thread and another day. I believe that this is overall more healthy for the game and allows people to delve into other classes without having to feel like they need x3xx TK to play the game. Mind you, I also feel like TK should be slightly compensated, like getting a small AOE attack on combo attack, but that is another story and another thread.

I hope you like these ideas, and hope you have a pleasant day.
Are you asking for "block chance" to be a secondary defense, like block is in pre-CU?


Although its the same mechanic, it obviously can't be implemented the same way and I was giving examples in the past of who got it. The mechanic is already currently in the game, it just has no place in it or doesn't work at the moment.

Block Chance would be a secondary defense that takes place after failing to dodge. The game would try to see if you dodge the attack first, then your Block Chance would come into account after. So; yes.
I can understand the logic, but us PvErs are already getting the shaft with halved defensive stances due to Jedi and PvP, so I am afraid I have to downvote. Try tanking for a group in an instance like SK, DA or HK and tell me CoB is too strong. I literally have to eat wafers like candy since them got nerfed too.
I can understand the logic, but us PvErs are already getting the shaft with halved defensive stances due to Jedi and PvP, so I am afraid I have to downvote. Try tanking for a group in an instance like SK, DA or HK and tell me CoB is too strong. I literally have to eat wafers like candy since them got nerfed too.
If this is your prospective, it is a misunderstanding. This might actually make you tankier in PvE in some ways, it is mostly a way for players in PvP to debuff and deal with mechanics that prevent other mechanics.

I also said I would like it to not mess with how tanky people are, as I said even having Block Strength go up to 95% and giving it a little more so that it prevents similar damage to how it does now.


As I stated here.

This also helps with Stances, and makes the gameplay for them better by spreading the defenses so they are not all tied to one buff.

You must have misunderstood me, because I agree with you.
Honestly, an avoidance tank is actually kind of fun if the game works with it instead of against it. It's always been a viable gameplay mechanic that I do hope is never taken away from SWG and instead is embraced. EQ2 PvP comes to mind on that with Monk, and it was loads of fun in PvP.