The road to Jedi

The road to Jedi
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While maybe not exactly, change the path of a Jedi to become more focused on the story. There are plenty of gates in place for Jedi. Active log in, death timer, pvp, saber looting, etc. The journey to Jedi shouldn't be filled with more purposeful gates of chance.
This is a proposed "Idea" change for the journey to Jedi. I believe it will enhance the story of becoming one, and give the journey more meaning.
I love the Force and am a huge lore nerd when it comes to Sith, Jedi, and everything else. I care a lot about it and would love to make sure it's done as closely as possible to a complete story. I believe some of the requirements focus too much on just "Doing" things rather then the journey it would actually take to become a user of the Force and the deeper meanings behind it.
The Path of the Jedi

“Becoming a Jedi is not easy is it?” -Nadia Grell

The journey of a Force user is difficult. Regardless of if you walk the path of the Jedi or the way of the Sith it requires commitment. A struggle known to very few to learn and delve into the mysteries of the Force. Every step is a mountainous achievement of an uphill battle. To learn, to grow, and to become powerful...All of these things are required in one’s journey with the Force.

In this post, I am going to attempt to lay out in my opinion what a more appropriate journey for an aspiring Force user in the time period of Star Wars Galaxies would be. This is not to discredit the amazing work the development team has put into their project, but to share my passion for the star wars universe and more specifically the Force.

A quick note, since we are not certain what the last two phases of the Jedi path entails, this will be under the assumptions of reworking what we already know and beyond.

Phase 1: Procuring Proclivity

This phase is laid out as the time in which someone discovers their latent connection with the Force. In the grand story of star wars, this is more often than not discovered through manifestations of the Force in times of need or extreme emotion.

Requirement A: Universal Requisites

-I believe this portion of phase 1 is laid out perfectly. The points contributed to a total that eventually unlocked the portion for the player. This engages the player in the game and has them going through many different avenues of content to obtain their goal.

Requirement B: The Inciting Incident

-This is the greatest point of contention in Restoration’s unlock process so far. Many players like it, many do not. While intended to become a gate for the number of Jedi active on our server, I believe there is a better way to implement and achieve this goal.

A Force user’s inciting incident is what I personally consider to be the defining moment in one’s journey where they realize for the first time they are in fact in tune with the Force to some degree. This moment is not a game of chance, it is not something that happens by accident. It is a moment of extreme pressure that brings the energy inside them to life.

The change I propose to this requirement is to create a set of requirements that are obtainable by many different avenues. Examples would be as follows.

For a crafting profession:

Idea 1: In the span of an hour, create x number of amazing crafting successes, each success required to be the creation of a different item or object.
Idea 2: Craft a total of x different unique items to show specialization in your trade.

For a combat profession:

Idea 1: By yourself, defeat an elite enemy over the level of 80 without ever dropping below 40% health.
Idea 2: in a dungeon or difficulty content such as Droid Factory, do not become incapacitated once through the whole encounter.

For a non-combat profession:

Idea 1: As a doctor, heal a total of x number of wounds within an hour.
Idea 2: As a healer, save x number of players after they are incapacitated within 2 seconds of them going down.
Idea 3: As an entertainer, Perform x number of flourishes and give “Inspiration” to x amount of people without going afk over the period of an hour.
Idea 4: As an entertainer, have one of the players you have given “Inspiration” to complete an inciting incident within two hours of receiving your buff.

These ideas are obviously just prototypes, but the goal would be to turn the inciting incident into a moment where your character’s actions mattered. Where the things you did or the experience you partook in had a direct impact on your character. Leaving the inciting incident to a game of chance feels as though it removes the special nature of one of the most defining moments in someone’s path to the Force.

Requirement 3: Learn to Meditate

This phase is one that I believe is already nearly perfect. The ability to meditate and essentially for any Force user to hone and perfect their connection to it. Collecting holocrons of ancient knowledge and studying them to better understand the Force is great. However, instead of simply finishing the collection and obtaining the skill, I believe it would be more story friendly to give the player a task.

Upon completing their Holocron - Meditation collection, the player receives a message alert. A feeling inside them stirs, and they are drawn to a location. The player is given a set of coordinates on a randomly selected planet. Within x radius of these coordinates, the user must activate their new meditation ability to successfully complete this requirement.

While this feels like a small addition, the steps to becoming a Force user should be stepped in story. This small addition of a task gives the player an accomplishment after the time spent gaining these holocrons.

Phase 2: Mending Mindfulness

This phase is one that should be dedicated to a player exploring in more depth their new found connection to the Force. From what we know so far, there is a series of riddles that must be solved to find locations to meditate on. I believe with the change to Phase 1: Requirement 3, this would create a better flow into the tasks presented in this phase.

I believe these riddles should completely stay, as they are an excellent execution of witt and story. The only thing I would add to this phase is a way to explore the player character and their own connection. A series of questions at each meditation spot to begin to gauge the potential alignment the player wishes to walk.

This phase overall should be finished with the same reward of the Meditation temple(Either Sith or Jedi). From there, there should be a final step of meditating inside of your newly obtained temple. This, depending on the answers given to the questions at each meditation spot should give the user a series of “Visions”. While this will not finalize their path, it should be a way to show them where they are going. The way of the light or the way of the dark.

Phase 3: Voyage to the Village

With the name, I can only assume this will be the village phase. They devs have spoken about how they wish to implement more proper quests into this section. I assume this will be close to the traditional village system. This should be a stage of growing in the Force. The Force sensitive skill trees are unlocked here, and those that do not wish to continue the path of the Jedi (Remain crafters, non force skill trees, etc) Will stop here. Your journey has been long, but it will go on.

Phase 4: Narratives with Nosyln

Phase 4 is reaching territory that is purely speculative, and as such I will voice how I think the remainder of the Jedi story should go. At this point, the player has come far in their journey to the Force, but the real challenge begins now. From the name of the phase we can assume the NPC Noslyn will be involved. With the proposed changes of Phase 2 involving a form of alignment, this could change.

Noslyn is an undercover Jedi hiding during the galactic civil war. From what we know, he is light aligned. Those who have chosen to thus far walk the path of the light will find and converse with Noslyn.

Those however who chose the path of the dark will find and converse with another NPC who has since fallen to the dark side (Example being a Jedi such as Terran Malicos who fell after his exploration of Dathomir).

While these decisions won’t lock you into a certain type of Force user, they should influence how you perceive your journey. Noslyn should give you tasks and challenges that fall in line with the way of the Jedi and this new NPC should give you ones that fall in line with the way of the Sith.

These tasks should be challenging in body, wit, and spirit. With this new NPC as a surrogate master, each task completed will be a step closer to learning how to harness and utilize the Force. From learning the basis of the individual codes, to how one should “behave” with their newfound powers.

These tasks will be taken upon by the player alone, through a series of dungeons that will provide difficult combat, puzzles that are randomized to be solved, and questions about the Force that are all based on a time limit. The path to the Force is not and should not be easy. Only those prepared to dedicate their time fully should embrace this path.

These challenges should prepare the player for what life as a Jedi is going to mean. A way of life that will bring danger and struggle. Perhaps the end of this phase ends with a difficult NPC bounty hunter coming after the player?

Phase 5: Padawan Trials

The final step to becoming a fully realized Force user is to pass a series of Trials. Sith and Jedi of old have done this for as long as their orders stand. While there will be no true “Sith” to keep to the rule of two laid out in the lore of Sidious and Vader, players should still have the chance to pursue the route of darkness as Dark Jedi.

Depending on which NPC the player has been interacting with should determine the “Theme” of their trial, but not the raw content of the trial itself. Jedi trials are outlined in lore and are a basis to test what it means to be one.

Trial of Skill

-This trial is one that shows the raw proficiency of a Force user. This should be the apex of challenge. A creature, person, or thing the player must take on that will test the limits of their knowledge of the game, its mechanics, and their respective class.

Trial of the Flesh

-This trial in lore is supposed to be about overcoming hardship. A challenge that is laid out for the prospect to overcome. In the sense of Anakin, his trial of flesh was literal when Dooku cut off his hand. I believe a trial of flesh in the game of SWG should involve participating in GCW content. Perhaps a specific rank, or a certain amount of player conflict. Jedi at the end of the day is inherently a pvp class, and should have the player participate.

Trial of Spirit/Trial of Insight

The trial of spirit is a quest of self discovery, something that pits the prospect against themselves and the darkness within. The trial of insight is to test if one can see through effects on the mind, things such as illusions.

There are two very immediate things that come to mind that fit well into the plans the devs already have. The Kyber crystal trial for lightside, and the bleeding of a kyber crystal for the darkside. This would be the final portion that would really be where a player could “Choose” Their alignment.

Ilum was already planned as a place for Jedi to grow and harvest crystals for their saber. I believe this final step should be where a Force user gets their first crystal away from pvp in an “instanced” zone. Make it the weakest possible variant of a crystal, but allow the story elements.

Both bleeding a crystal and obtaining a crystal are big moments for a force user. In these moments, the Jedi receives visions to judge their character and determine their “color”, while during bleeding, the last vestments of a kyber will fight back against the darkness.

This first crystal can be the weakest variant of a crystal, enough to power a saber but incentivize going back for crystals harvested under pvp. The main goal however, should be to present the final story beat to complete the journey. Everything they’ve done thus far has come to this moment, where obtaining a crystal is the final step in becoming a fully realized Force user. Of course there are still knight trials, but that is for another time.

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Requirement B: The Inciting Incident

The change I propose to this requirement is to create a set of requirements that are obtainable by many different avenues. Examples would be as follows.

For a crafting profession:

Idea 1: In the span of an hour, create x number of amazing crafting successes, each success required to be the creation of a different item or object.
Idea 2: Craft a total of x different unique items to show specialization in your trade.

For a combat profession:

Idea 1: By yourself, defeat an elite enemy over the level of 80 without ever dropping below 40% health.
Idea 2: in a dungeon or difficulty content such as Droid Factory, do not become incapacitated once through the whole encounter.

For a non-combat profession:

Idea 1: As a doctor, heal a total of x number of wounds within an hour.
Idea 2: As a healer, save x number of players after they are incapacitated within 2 seconds of them going down.
Idea 3: As an entertainer, Perform x number of flourishes and give “Inspiration” to x amount of people without going afk over the period of an hour.
Idea 4: As an entertainer, have one of the players you have given “Inspiration” to complete an inciting incident within two hours of receiving your buff.

These ideas are obviously just prototypes, but the goal would be to turn the inciting incident into a moment where your character’s actions mattered. Where the things you did or the experience you partook in had a direct impact on your character. Leaving the inciting incident to a game of chance feels as though it removes the special nature of one of the most defining moments in someone’s path to the Force.​

I like the idea of "challenge mode" type things but the difficulty of these suggestions will have to be ramped a LOT, almost completely changing your ideas.

For the combat side, both of these ideas would be obtainable extremely easily if the player has the slightest idea of playing. For idea #2, this is almost a given if the tank knows how to play the game, and if they don't, such mechanics would encourage selfish team play.

For all of the crafting/non-combat ideas, these could all be grinded far too easily.

Sorry but this needs more thought.
I like the idea of "challenge mode" type things but the difficulty of these suggestions will have to be ramped a LOT, almost completely changing your ideas.

For the combat side, both of these ideas would be obtainable extremely easily if the player has the slightest idea of playing. For idea #2, this is almost a given if the tank knows how to play the game, and if they don't, such mechanics would encourage selfish team play.

For all of the crafting/non-combat ideas, these could all be grinded far too easily.

Sorry but this needs more thought.
The ideas were simple prototypes. Things I could throw out there to get an idea of what "could" be a defining moment. I'm not going to pretend to be perfect at balancing swgs systems, as it's a game I'm not completely familiar with the math behind and min maxing. The over arching idea though, is to make it more story focused and important moments that leave a lasting impression
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Thanks for taking the time to write this up.

We've reiterated previously that our design tenant for Jedi is such that it is not a content or progression reward, nor is any player entitled to it for any specific achievement. While evaluating any suggestions on changes to the unlock process, we will not break those central tenants. Our system is deliberately designed to obfuscate the unlock requirements such that it is impossible to grind.

While you share compelling examples of how some force users have discovered their sensitivity, it's not always the case that they discover it from doing the things they want to be doing; rather, it is a moment in time when they are compelled for one reason or another to call upon an inner power they didn't know they had in a time of need for them. Keep in mind our design also centers around the historic familial suppression of any force sensitivity or ideation displayed by young children in the galaxy from fear of the Galactic Empire, so the force abilities need to come out in a novel way through adulthood.

I've left largely unaddressed anything mentioning Phase 2+, as these seem to primarily be story suggestions, not suggestions for changes to features or mechanics, most of which have not been released or are, as you note, purely speculative, so I don't feel there is any need to discuss them at this time.

We welcome suggestions for changes to unlock mechanics, but only insofar as they do not depart from our design intentions and tenets for the Jedi system.
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