Toughness and Incoming Healing

Toughness and Incoming Healing
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
- Create an "Incoming healing bonus" stat mod that increases the amount healed from all sources, including healing stims/items. This value can increase based on a % of a players total toughness attribute value to accent the attributes Impact on a player.
-Decrease initial output healing amounts from abilities to account for incoming healing bonuses. This decreased amount in a players healing output wouldn't see a real change due to those players who will or do still stack toughness, having hit the 250 soft cap value in toughness from seas and other equipment, to determine incoming healing bonuses.
-Keeps Science/Medic Builds Optimal. If implemented, build change from there is a choice rather than a forced change.
-Grants more Build Flexibility outside the current science meta for all players, including science based builds.
-Places a larger emphasis on the effect of toughness so players stop overlooking toughness over other attributes.
-Increases the economy for unused or overlooked items/buffs/effects, allowing more personal style choice in what a player obtains through spending credits and encouraging sales of items not currently selling.
-Encourages more options of exotics for Science profession based builds outside of healing potency, encouraging both stackers and utility based builds.
-Toughness is being replaced with other stat mods in most player builds due to its low impact.
-Over Dependency of Advanced Science profession abilities for combat viability currently causes less freedom, enjoyment, utility of build versatility.
-Not many viable options, after obtaining science abilities, for all the variations of stat mods and effects granted by equipment, consumables, and buffs.
-Much of the equipment and item content is currently in an "Unused" tier when compared unfortunately, and dead sale items are abundant at the moment.
Please read the entire PV before up/down voting. Take into account ALL players, thank you.
Defining Term
Incoming Healing: A bonus to the amount a player is healed based on a mechanic given by the target(s) of the effect.
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So essentially you want a combat class to be able to sustain themselves with just the medic line by stacking toughness?
So essentially you want a combat class to be able to sustain themselves with just the medic line by stacking toughness?
Thats not exactly what the entire PV covers in a wider range, but if that works in a build that's great for an option! Well there you go combat with just medic is a takeaway from this and was oddly and quickly stated as I didn't account for that being an option after and how cool! If I want less medic so what? Medic abilities are poor in comparison to advanced science professions abilities and it still isn't recommended to not take 4xxx in CM/DOC regardless. Keep that viability while opening a little door is all.
Toughness isn't being replaced in player builds and it surely isn't low-impact. Some players may be choosing to remove toughness from their SEAs due to finding better avenues for gaining toughness. With 12 healing potency from tapes and an additional 4 from parwan (which also gives a crapton of toughness if your chef makes it properly for you) you can already pretty comfortably just use stims + bacta shot for ~2.5k heals every time they're off cooldown.

The real problem you're facing is that there's only 1 option for each utility skill in melee and they're spread across 4 different professions - making it impossible to have a well-rounded melee template without using the skill points that your healing trees are currently occupying- whereas ranged can effectively stack 3 times the utility in a current meta template. -1 on the unnecessary healing changes, I'd like to see melee trees get some love on the utility side so that newer players aren't so confused as to why they're having to spec doc 4xxx or cm 4xxx and be less useful than an equally-kitted ranged player.
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Toughness isn't being replaced in player builds and it surely isn't low-impact. Some players may be choosing to remove toughness from their SEAs due to finding better avenues for gaining toughness. With 12 healing potency from tapes and an additional 4 from parwan (which also gives a crapton of toughness if your chef makes it properly for you) you can already pretty comfortably just use stims + bacta shot for ~2.5k heals every time they're off cooldown.

The real problem you're facing is that there's only 1 option for each utility skill in melee and they're spread across 4 different professions - making it impossible to have a well-rounded melee template without using the skill points that your healing trees are currently occupying- whereas ranged can effectively stack 3 times the utility in a current meta template. -1 on the unnecessary healing changes, I'd like to see melee trees get some love on the utility side so that newer players aren't so confused as to why they're having to spec doc 4xxx or cm 4xxx and be less useful than an equally-kitted ranged player.
Did I mention there is no personal gain in my PV? I do not run medic in my main build at the moment and am not having problems with content I am more than enjoying the game.

Maybe this idea is too new to be taken into real consideration. More data gathered and shared and people actually playing different builds. Public has demanded video play of the current state of builds which is still so silly to me due to there being a TS.

Yes I am aware I can heal for a lot with novice medic especially with agility and opportune chance bonuses to efficiency.

Toughness grants 500 health at soft cap which is Jack compared to all other sources of increasing health not to mention the damage scale tip for non-cob player targets. 500 health vs any other attribute at soft cap is a "dump" stat and isn't enough to constitute anyone's investment when there's the obvious outweighing benefits of Agility, Strength/Precision, and Luck. Endurance is for some not all but the topic is Toughness and healing amounts.

Now, personally in MY opinion? The games too easy, healing can be brought down and I wouldn't care. Potency is too easily increased through medic abilities, exotics, attributes, stim enhancers and other effects. The proposed idea wouldn't be enough to improve my build with the cool down on healing stims with ruby at 30s.

I fail to see my personal gain from this PV as the amount hasn't even been spoken of. I didn't say 50% of all healing should be incoming, nor did I say I need help with my own toon.
Did I mention there is no personal gain in my PV? I do not run medic in my main build at the moment and am not having problems with content I am more than enjoying the game.

Maybe this idea is too new to be taken into real consideration. More data gathered and shared and people actually playing different builds. Public has demanded video play of the current state of builds which is still so silly to me due to there being a TS.

Yes I am aware I can heal for a lot with novice medic especially with agility and opportune chance bonuses to efficiency.

Toughness grants 500 health at soft cap which is Jack compared to all other sources of increasing health not to mention the damage scale tip for non-cob player targets. 500 health vs any other attribute at soft cap is a "dump" stat and isn't enough to constitute anyone's investment when there's the obvious outweighing benefits of Agility, Strength/Precision, and Luck. Endurance is for some not all but the topic is Toughness and healing amounts.

Now, personally in MY opinion? The games too easy, healing can be brought down and I wouldn't care. Potency is too easily increased through medic abilities, exotics, attributes, stim enhancers and other effects. The proposed idea wouldn't be enough to improve my build with the cool down on healing stims with ruby at 30s.

I fail to see my personal gain from this PV as the amount hasn't even been spoken of. I didn't say 50% of all healing should be incoming, nor did I say I need help with my own toon.
You fail to see the balance issues this would create as well. I guarantee that's the cause of most of the downvotes.

I am not talking about your personal aspirations, I don't really care for those in respect to this PV. I am addressing the 4 points you listed here. I will number them to alleviate the confusion.

1. Toughness is not replaced because you can literally get to softcap without a single toughness mod in your SEAs, thus meaining other attributes are prioritized. Toughness also grants state resists (albeit the effectiveness of this may be in question). One can argue that maybe it should be stronger on its secondary benefit(read: state resists), but that is not the purpose of this PV thus I won't bring it up.

2. There is no dependency of Doc/CM if you want a template to be effective in combat. The overall goal for combat is "kill things before they kill you". You do not need either tree for a majority of content that any player will do. If you want to do endgame content, that's where being effective starts mattering and running a template for the good of your group may come into play. This is hardly a justifiable reason to vote for the changes you've proposed.

3. My point about melee sucking right now directly addresses both point #2 as well as this. On the ranged side you can comfortably get all the tools you may need with 250 skill points. On the melee side this couldn't be farther from reality.

4. This is the nature of reviving a legacy game with almost a decade of item updates. Reworking medic/doc/cm has nothing to do with this.
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I feel you. Im experiencing the following:

1-There is currently no viable reason to prioritize health increasing over the statistics that affect healing, defense, and accuracy. Defense decreases the damage you take tremendously in that stacking outweighs the need of toughness through SEAs. In PvP I'd rather have ranged general as Im melee. That gives me the soft cap ranged when switching weapons for closing the ranged vs melee fight as well as well as another 50 ranged defense and well worth the ranged speed increase. If That's not optimal right now I'd be surprised with the bonus of +250acc in PvP, no need for ranged profession investments at an effective 600+ accuracy attack. PvE I pick whatever works for fun. With healing everywhere and easily used with only novice medic I find it hard to see 500 health affecting any combats outcome. At an average in PvP of what Im told is 1 strike, and in PvE who cares healing is much easier on a team.

2. My goal in combat is to not die and take all hits while dealing all states for a team. That's the role I enjoy playing personally. I understand this isn't everyone elses play style. Some like dips, some like ranged, some are into balancing all stats, etc. The roles of DPS, Tank, Breaker, Healer, whatever a player concentrates on in those broadened terms. You say "if you want to do"...I don't have that in mind. I was thinking of team mechanics the entire time.

3. You can use Ranged General and a blaster to help your ranged vs melee issue. Your abilities have greater damage multipliers with melee builds than ranged builds so you deal probably around the same amount of damage on hit. Other factors from buffs and such sources apply to this statement on both ends.

4. I understand the growing pains of a revival game process. Nature is a matter of design through future development not old habits. Resto can and has changed the game mechanics in a unique way all in it's own. This isn't a way to out science viability if anything it's enticing me to take it more. It might make every dps to have better team tactics or actually have a reason to take toughness over a Luck/Agility/General stat overload. No problems with that build but toughness isn't worth it with it being a DPS race with blasters in the galaxy and all.
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