Not Implemented - Space - GCW - Unique Navy Officer Ranks (GCW) | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented Space GCW Unique Navy Officer Ranks (GCW)

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Nov 4, 2023
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These are suggestions I wanted to propose for new rewards for the Navy Ranks of GCW.


(Replaces Lt Colonel)
Perks: +5% Innate Armor
Item: Tie Baron Uniform, Ship Deed: Unknown Tie Variant (Oppressor Reskin), Ship Skin: Dark Empire Tie Oppressor.
Space Ability: "Elite Bomber Strike": Same as Strike Package 3, but your allies are Tier 6 and have GCW AI.

Wing Commander (Replaces Colonel)
Perks: +10% Innate Armor
Item: Tie Pilot Ace Respirator (Faction Officer Signet Reskin; takes ring slot), TIE Crawler (ground vehicle), Spawn Perk: Elite Interceptor Squad (3x T7 Tie Interceptors.), Ship Deed: Advanced Tie Interceptor (Belbullab-22 Reskin, has a red stripe.), Ship Skin: Dark Empire Tie Interceptor.
Ground Ability: "Bomber Package: Napalm": a copy of "Core Strike 3" from NGE officer, causes AOE burning damage in a large area with Tie Bombers.

Admiral (Replaces General)
Perks: +20% Innate Armor
Item: Tie Baron Helmet, Spawn Perk: 128th Squadron (Summons the 128th Tie Interceptor Squadron), Ship Deed: Tie Phantom (TBD RESKIN), Ship Skin: Dark Empire Tie Advanced.
Space Ability: "Scourge Squadron": A squadron of Jet Black Tie Bombers and 1 Ace Oppressor, all T7, never fails.

Additional Item: Experimental Sienar Fleet Cannon (a Green Borstel (copy of experimental borstel schematic + 50k, costs 100 space battle tokens but you can only buy them as an Admiral.)


Marshal (Replaces Lt Colonel)
Perks: +5% Innate Armor
Item: Elite Y-Wing Uniform, Elite A Wing Uniform, Ship Deed: Advanced Z-95 (Fixed Hitbox), Ship Skin: Chrome X-Wing, Ship Skin, Chrome Y Wing.
Space Ability: "Elite Bomber Strike": Same as the Imperial's Strike Package 3, but your allies are Y-Wings (Bomber Only); Tier 6 and have GCW AI.

Wing Commander (Replaces Colonel)
Perks: +10% Innate Armor
Item: Rebel Ace Respirator (Faction Officer Signet Reskin; takes ring slot), T4-B heavy tank (ground vehicle), Spawn Perk: Hydra Squad (3x Chrome Blue T7 A-Wings), Ship Deed: Advanced A-Wing (Belbullab-22 Reskin, has the Kashyyyk A-Wing Engine), Ship Skin: Chrome A-Wing.
Ground Ability: "Bomber Package: Napalm": a copy of "Core Strike 3" from NGE officer, causes AOE burning damage in a large area with Y Wings.

Admiral (Replaces General)
Perks: +20% Innate Armor
Item: A-Wing Helmet, Spawn Perk: Rogue Squadron (Summon Rogue Squadron), Ship Deed: Kom'Rk Class Fighter (TBD RESKIN), Ship Skin: Chrome B-Wing.
Space Ability: "Pheonix Squadron": A squadron of Chromatic Red Y-Wings (Bomber Variant) w/ GCW AI, all T7, never fails.

Additional Item: Experimental Mon Calamari Cannon (a Red Borstel (copy of experimental borstel schematic + 50k, costs 100 space battle tokens but you can only buy them as an Admiral.)

Smugglers do piloting missions for additional armor as well so I didn't see any issues with the perks, and I would like space and ground to have more differences. I love space, and I decided to go for reskins because nobody can agree on new ships, so its easier just to say: "Well, just reskin this ship."

I believe its fine if some things work for ground as this game has always meshed many things together (PvE/PvP), and its a long tradition anyways.

I think space deserves more love, as much as people dislike it, it's one of the most unique parts of the game.

I had these ideas floating in my head for awhile and wanted to put them to paper, I loved Rogue Squadron and as you can see a lot of ideas came from that game.
I had to do a lot of research and take time to find out the names for these, I hope I didn't mix up Marshal and Wing Commander though, but you can't deny the former sounds awesome.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
These are suggestions

None of these ideas by themselves are bad, but the way they are put together is not adhering to the purpose of PlayerVoice. As I've said multiple times, PlayerVoice is for one change, not a design document for a system. This is the type of thing you need to work with your Senators on so that they can elevate to the Dev Team.

For the record, these ideas are okay to work from; we've already agreed to separate the ranks for space and already said they might be named differently, so sure, this is a decent advancement towards that idea, but you're trying to do game design in a place that wasn't intended for game design. We can't action this because if there's one thing someone disagrees with, they could downvote the entire thing, and then we can't understand what the actual issue is. Moreover, this proposal isn't actionable because there's too much here that we'd have to dissect separately in design discussions (armor, items, and abilities).

Also, as a general note, if we're going to be adding ships, we're adding ships. We don't care if "you all" can't agree on them. Reskinning is for modders. We are a development team.

If we keep having this issue, we're going to have to take away your PlayerVoice permissions. I highly recommend working with your senator and discussing in the space channels on Discord to arrive at a general consensus before posting PlayerVoices.
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