Watto's Junk Exchange & Trash Emporium

Watto's Junk Exchange & Trash Emporium
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Create a vendor at Watto's shop that will request and/or accept various pieces of looted junk throughout the galaxy, to create a use/purpose for some of the more useless loot in the game.

Power crystals, color crystals, collection items, junk armor, weapons, ship parts, isos, anything and everything that once it has served its purpose (completed your collection, etc), it can still have a purpose in the overall loot table in the game.

Watto exchange: the ability to trade items for other, better versions of those items, (ex: trade 50 housing collection non-rare for 1 rare, etc),

Weekly Watto "contracts": create a weekly quest where Watto requests a specific number or combination of items to fulfill his contract, in exchange for a currency or progress toward a badge, etc (reward options could be almost anything, ex: do Watto Weekly 10x to get a badge). People like badges, titles, creds, all would be appropriate carrots to chase.

Ultimate prize at the end of the rainbow could be a Watto Junk Bag, that would allow a fairly decent high inv capacity (as clearly the 160 slots for the pre-Jedi event people were liking), though this could be made a very tough thing to achieve but be a cool end goal.

Watto stats: be able to see how much junk everyone on the server collectively has turned in, potentially have a concept around cumulative junk turned in, that if a certain threshold is met, new rewards are unlocked, etc.
SWG proper had lots of ambition on the loot front, but as they progressed, left a lot on the table as they constantly clearly had other things taking priority. This concept would make looting true "junk" from the game (stuff that essentially serves no purpose), and turn it into a fun side activity for the server to participate in.

Also gives Watto's shop a nice, true purpose and lore for the game that's both applicable and on theme.
The thought of the number of items that eventually simply stop being useful in any capacity other than to sell for pennies or to simply trash. Turns it into a nice server wide useful scavenger hunt, weekly quest, and exchange ability to be able to take those items and manifest them into something useful for the player, even if on a small scale.
Create a themed junk/collection oriented vendor exchange around Watto the junk dealer, where players can trade/exchange/sell various pieces of loot for creds, rewards, or other loot.
I'm OK with large amounts of loot being worthless junk that just gets deleted. I've never liked that the chassis dealer buys everything. That's part of what made space so unbalanced.
An item fulfilling a similar purpose existed in live: https://swg.fandom.com/wiki/Deluxe_Sarlacc_Trash_Can

The devs have stated they plan to eventually add most TCG and Vet items from live to the game, so this is already 'planned' at some point in the future.
I'd actually see this as a prime candidate for an item you would unlock/receive as part of this. Since it's perfectly themed and serves a similar, but definitely not the same...type of purpose.
I like the idea of selling junk to watto for quest items, Same time add merchant tree bonus for dealing with him or other junk dealers, Allows you to get higher prices for the junk then the average joe. (like slice terminal for smuggler but Negotiable price for merchant)
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