Implemented - Other - WE need a galaxy wide LFG tab that is on everyone's chat | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Implemented Other WE need a galaxy wide LFG tab that is on everyone's chat

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Sep 11, 2021
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Create a LFG channel that is pinned into everyone chat window. If they see it exists, they will use it.
Not always someone around within earshot that can help. Having a galaxy wide LFG channel will greatly enhance someone's ability to find a partner to group up with.
Not always someone around within earshot that can help. New players will become frustrated and may quit, thus potentially reducing the server population. Give new players a mechanism that will help motivate them to keep playing. This can also help new guilds to find new members and will enhance the social aspect within SWG which has always been a strong player driven trait since it was launched in 2003.
We need a galaxy wide LFG channel. One that is pinned in everyone chat box window. I think this will go a long way to helping new players group up to level up.

I know myself even as a level 80 player I've needed some help from time to time. On the ground and in space. I can imagine how useful a LFG chat would be for people just starting out. Guilds are great, but even in a Guild you aren't guaranteed finding a guildie to help you. That limits people looking for help to anyone that is within earshot of their chat. Having a galaxy wide LFG channel that is pinned to everyone's chat window, will greatly increase someone's chance of finding a partner.

There is a LFG channel people "can" configure and it does work. But no one knows it even exists to create.

In closing, I would like to ask those reading this, did you ever need help when you first started? Help with locating other players to quest with, explore dungeons, roleplay, or finding training. People who have "Helper" in their title, here is your chance to stay busy by monitoring a LFG channel.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Jul 20, 2021
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I like the idea of it being pinned on the chat tabs. As you say it already exist, but not many people know how to add tabs and channels to the chat. (Which is actually a pretty slick system in itself).

Perhaps a wiki post and pinned notice on discord in the interrim explaining how to add / alter / delete and create chat channels and how the friendfinder works could help
Sep 11, 2021
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Just yesterday, in Mos Eisley, someone messaged me asking if I wanted to join a group. I was busy doing something and could not join. I asked him if he tried the LFG chat channel and he was completely unaware it even existed.

This poor guy has no other way to communicate, that he is looking for more players to fill up a group to do a specific task (Treasure Hunting) aside from asking people within earshot or messaging people he can see.

I have no idea if he was able to fill up the group. But this is a scenario where having a pinned LFG chat channel would have helped him and anyone, Galaxy wide who have an interest in doing the same task.
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Sep 11, 2021
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I just saw someone leveling up Rifleman running around Mos Eisley trying to get trained.

This is another instance on how the player community can benefit from having a Galaxy wide LFG pinned in chat, The inter-dependency built into SWG is one aspect of the game that has set the game above any other game, past and present. Connecting with other players to accomplish common goals keeps the player engaged in the game and the player experience moving forward.
Sep 11, 2021
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Yes, would help in forming groups for some content, as not everyone use's discord when playing, another channel I would like to see is a galaxy wide TRADE channel. Not sure if either are viable within the current game chat mechanism
Galaxy wide 'pinned" trad channel would be awesome as well. Good post!!!!!
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Jun 12, 2022
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There is a fully functioning galaxy wide chat but it has two problems I can see that keep it from being used:

1) It’s not enabled in the main chat by default or set as a tab by default for new players (unless this changed since I created a char)

2) Going out of your way to enable it or create a galaxy chat tab seems temporary as it usually disappears. Probably during logging on/off.

The LFG chat idea is awesome but I think it should be done along with fixes to the issues above or else it will end up like galaxy chat and work but not be used.

*edit* just did some quick testing and logging or restarting the client didn’t remove the galaxy chat tab so not sure what causes it.
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Feb 11, 2022
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The fact that it's already there (though clunky and not a default setting) worries me that it's implementation would be used more to spam advertising for vendors or be more of an annoyance for people NOT looking to join a group. Sure, I like group content, but do I want to respond everything I see "Spin group in Avalon?"? No.

It's not so terrible an idea for me to downvote this PV, but I think there are still plenty of ways to announce and find groups through player tags, area chat, various chat channels (not including outside avenues like discord).
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Feb 13, 2023
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Hello everyone! As a brand new player I'd like to note that reading this was helpful in discovering these things exist, but the 'how in the hell do I get it to work' part eludes me slightly. I think I managed to join the Galaxy chat - though no one responded to my attempts at communication, so perhaps no one is one/using it.

I think that pinning chat tabs by default if that is possible; a Trade, LFG, Galaxy, or Planetary would be super beneficial for us new folks.

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Sep 11, 2021
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I have seen a lot of new people playing in the last few weeks. These were not veteran players starting a new character, but people who either never played SWG or people who are not familiar with this version of the game. Having a LFG pinned chat channel would be very useful in helping these players in understanding the game in those moments when they have questions on what to do or looking for training.

This would go a long ways towards the effort of retaining players on the server.
Jun 13, 2021
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A properly functioning galaxy wide LFG chat would be a great addition for those of us that detest using Discord/social media. I agree that it would help with player retention as well. I rarely group because everyone wants you "get on discord".
Sep 11, 2021
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A properly functioning galaxy wide LFG chat would be a great addition for those of us that detest using Discord/social media. I agree that it would help with player retention as well. I rarely group because everyone wants you "get on discord".
I don't use Discord as well. However, I don't mind using Discord if the group I was in, was all on it. Discord is great for communication within a group or people just hanging out chatting. I have also gone out to Discord to find information.

However, the playerbase, especially new people, as well as those not accustomed to using discord, need that galaxy wide "in-game" ability to reach out for help.

I have to think that there are fewer people on Discord compared to the number of people online playing the game. With that said, I have to think that pinned chat channels would help introduce people to Discord. The in game galaxy wide LFG channel (as well as others like "Trade" that Alex brought up) is a win-win addition to the game.
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Reactions: JayRee1993
Sep 11, 2021
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I spoke to a new player the other day who had completed the Witched of Dathomir. He wished a LFG channel existed when he was doing this.
May 21, 2023
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I believe this idea undermines the unique social elements of SWG design. The idea of meeting up at the cantina to get buffs and socialize is one of those elements. Most of the entertainers have good network of contacts and will help when asked. The /who command is a valuable resource to know where to reach out. The HELPER tag is another element intended to keep new players supported and engaged long enough to form their own relationships in game while they try out all of the content. Try "/who HELPER" - it is a powerful combination. As new players gravitate towards their preferred content, their friends networks grow with like-minded players and friends they have made along the way. The social interaction is part of the adventure.
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Sep 11, 2021
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I believe this idea undermines the unique social elements of SWG design. The idea of meeting up at the cantina to get buffs and socialize is one of those elements. Most of the entertainers have good network of contacts and will help when asked. The /who command is a valuable resource to know where to reach out. The HELPER tag is another element intended to keep new players supported and engaged long enough to form their own relationships in game while they try out all of the content. Try "/who HELPER" - it is a powerful combination. As new players gravitate towards their preferred content, their friends networks grow with like-minded players and friends they have made along the way. The social interaction is part of the adventure.

This does not undermine "anything". This isn't SWG back in 2003 with tens of thousands of people playing on a server at the same time. I can remember the cantina in Anchorhead when SWG first went live where there was standing room ONLY. Those days a re gone forever. There is a limited number of people playing at a time. Some of them never played SWG. When people want to do something , they don't want to run around for 45 mins to an hour or more in an attempt to find someone to buddie up with. Some people have families and don't have a lot of time to spend looking for a partner to group up with. Have you seem the "cantina" lately? Hardly a large enough crowd to get help.. According to you, you need to "network" to try and find someone to buddie up with. Well, I have spoken to and seen dozens of people trying to get help in Mos Eisly, including myself on a couple of occasions that never did find someone to buddie up with. Your friends are not always on, nor are your guildies. You talk about "Helper" tags ..... rarely do you see that in Mos Eisley. But a LFG channel can stream line people looking for help directly with people willing to give them the time ... no matter 'where" they are in the galaxy. And you want to keep that from them? And these people who you find to buddie up with in a LFG channel, IS doing just what you are stating, ... "networking" .... just not the way you envision it. I have dozens of people in my friends list, most of them are not playing much these days .... like 95-98% of them. I have helped people trying to do things. The gratefullness they have is over wheming sometimes. Because they "couldn't find someone to get help". If the server is going to survive then "anything" that can be done do to "KEEP" people playing should be on the table to build our player base. This would be especially helpful for new players who don't know anyone.

I for one am not willing to risk future player base because "that was not how the original game was intended to be played".. This suggestion does not impact the mechanics of the game ..... just how you can find someone to partner up with.
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Development Manager
Nov 7, 2022
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We earlier implemented Galaxy Chat on by default, and the Discord integration, which serves this situation among others.
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