Yacht - Redeed or Not Count Against Limit

Yacht - Redeed or Not Count Against Limit
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Allow us to either redeed the Sorosuub Luxury Yacht or not count against the 6-ship limit
The Yacht is a non-combat non-attackable ship so it doesn't make sense that it counts against the limit
We have so many combat ships available with more coming that it the 6-ship limit should only apply to combat ships
Having the Yacht unnecessarily taking up a spot in the ship list and not be redeedable is only wasting a ship spot. Redeeding a combat ship is a pain as you have to remove all components first then deed it. This may not get traction, as it's really only a QoL ask, but thought I'd put it out there because it should be fairly easy to implement.
Agree w Shintu. Can you not redeed it?

You cannot.
Agree w Shintu. Can you not redeed it?
It is currently not redeedable, However it can be stored on a Stardock Terminal from the chronicler vendor as a workaround for now but i think being able to redeed it should be considered as a QoL fix for the future.