...And Found

...And Found
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  • This quest is part of the Witches of Dathomir questline.

    Previous Quest: << Lost

    Level: 90
    One of the witches in the spider cave is using a Nightcloak spell to block spells of Seeking. Leandra/Azzenaj needs you to return to the spider cave, find her, and put a stop to it so she can locate the missing Initiates so you can rescue them.
    Recommended combat level: 80

    Stop the Obfuscation​

    Locate and stop the witch responsible for the Nightcloak spell.
    • Travel to the waypoint provided by Spell Weaver Leandra/Arch Witch Azzenaj
    • Inside the Spider Clan cave, there is a randomly named NPC about half-way down
      • They are a CL88 elite
    • Once you slay the witch, you will get a comm message and the quest will update
    /way dathomir -932 6158 Witch;

    Spell Weaver Leandra/Arch Witch Azzenaj - Comm message: Much better, that weakened the Nightcloak. The Initiates are definitely in that cave but I still cannot pinpoint them. It is up to you to find and free them.

    Free the Captives​

    Locate the Initiates and free them from their captors.
    • Continue heading down the cave until you reach the bottom, where you will find an Outcast Witch
      • She will be surrounded by four CL75 elite Spiderclan NPCs
    • Kill the surrounding NPCs and speak with the witch
    • After speaking with the witch, you will get a comm message and the quest will update
    /way dathomir -1106 6140 an Outcast Witch;

    An Outcast Witch: Are you yet another illusion of rescue sent to break my will?
    You: Oh no, I am quite real. Follow me and I'll show you what power there is in anger and hatred.
    An Outcast Witch: No. You know not the tortures these foul beings have put to me nor what I witnessed them do to my sisters. I have anger and hatred aplenty.
    You: So you're not going to let me escort you out of here?
    An Outcast Witch: You have weakened them. I can feel the power of my passions building in me. I shall battle free on my own or perish in this attempt.

    Spell Weaver Leandra/Arch Witch Azzenaj - Comm message: There was only a single Initiate left alive?! She is bold to face the Spiderclan alone but there is a fine line between bravery and foolhardniess. Create a distraction to help her escape then return to me.

    Cause a Distraction: Engage Acolytes​

    Engage a number of the Spiderclan Acolytes and cause a distraction to help the lone Initiate escape.
    • Kill 5 Spiderclan Acolytes that are located throughout the cave
      • They are CL80 elites
    • Once you've killed 5 Spiderclan Acolytes, the quest updates
    Note: The respawn timer on the Spiderclan Acolytes is very long. (30 minutes, maybe more. This may be a bug)

    Return to Leandra/Azzenaj

    Make your way back to the Nightsister Stronghold/Singing Mountain Clan stronghold and return to Spell Weaver Leandra/Arch Witch Azzenaj.
    • Make your way back to Spell Weaver Leandra/Arch Witch Azzenaj at the Nightsister Stronghold/Singing Mountain Clan
    • When you arrive, speak with Spell Weaver Leandra/Arch Witch Azzenaj
    Spell Weaver Leandra/Arch Witch Azzenaj: The sole remaining survivor has returned. You have succeeded, Outworlder.
    You: She made it back? But where is she?

    This completes the quest. Continue your conversation to move onto the next quest.

    • 3 Spider Silk
    • 3 Random Valuables

    Nightsister Dialogue

    Spell Weaver Leandra: In the process of fighting her way free it appears she cast a spell fueled by anger. She has now been exiled from her clan to purify herself. Fools. She has tasted true power, now, and will come join the true Nightsisters soon.
    You: That doesn't solve the problem, though.
    Spell Weaver Leandra: Indeed it does not. As long as this Spiderclan is strong there exists danger.
    You: So what is going to be done?
    Spell Weaver Leandra: These rogues cannot be allowed to consider themselves in any way victorious.
    You: That means we go kick some more spider tail?
    Spell Weaver Leandra: Spiders do not have tails. Using the patches you gathered for Rubina, I cast a spell of seeking. It leads to another location that is obscured.
    You: So go take out Obfuscatrixes so you can see better and then you'll lead me in again?
    Spell Weaver Leandra: Yes, just like before.

    Singing Mountain Clan Dialogue

    Arch Witch Azzenaj: In the process of fighting her way free it appears she cast a spell fueled by anger. She has now been exiled to purify herself from the influence of the Night.
    You: That doesn't solve the problem, though.

    Arch Witch Azzenaj: As long as this Spiderclan is strong there exists danger.
    You: So what is going to be done?
    Arch Witch Azzenaj: 'Never concede to evil' is the final entry in our Book of Law and Allya's last words to her daughters.
    You: That means we go kick some more spider tail?
    Arch Witch Azzenaj: As you say. Using the patches you gathered for Rubina, I cast a spell of seeking. It leads to another location that is obscured.
    You: So go take out Obfuscatrixes so you can see better and then you'll lead me in again?
    Arch Witch Azzenaj: Yes, just like before.