Attributes | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration


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   Attack Speed
      Defense General
      Melee General
      Opportune Chance
      Ranged General
  • An Attribute refers to the following six character statistics:

    Ways to Increase Attributes

    • Armor suit, 11 pieces with up to +35 in each socket. Each socket can hold up to 3 attributes
      • +35 Headwear
      • +35 Chestplate (can be increased to +49 on a crafted chestplate with +14 armor bit crafted inside)
      • +35 Left Bicep
      • +35 Right Bicep
      • +35 Left Bracer
      • +35 Right Bracer
      • +35 Gloves
      • +35 Shirt (Clothing)
      • +35 Belt / Bandolier (Clothing) or Personal Shield Generator (Armor)
      • +35 Pant
      • +35 Boots
    • +35 Socketed weapon (can be increased to +49 on a crafted weapon with +14 weapon bit crafted inside.
    • +125 Jewellery (bracelets x 2, rings x 2, necklace) (cannot be crafted with sockets, so must be found in a loot drop).
    • A number of buff items can also increase the attributes. These buff items are obtained from quest rewards or looted items.

    Attribute Calculator​

    The community member Fez has designed a google sheet for ease of calculating total attributes, including SEAs and various buffs. Make a copy to lab out your own personal suit and buffs, check with community for attribute priorities and goals, as these can change with patches and builds.

    Fez's Attribute/SEA Calcultor

    Effective Points Formula and Diminishing Returns

    • <=250 effective points = attribute points
    • >250 effective points = (3 * attribute * 250)/(2 * 250 + attribute)
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