Controlling Spirit

Controlling Spirit
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  • This quest starts the pre-requisite questline for Exar Kun(EK) heroic instance.

    You can start this quest by visiting a University Teaching Assistant in Mos Eisley on Tatooine.
    /way Tatooine 3341 -4902 University Teaching Assistant;

    Level: 90
    A research outpost on Talus has been out of contact for a number of months, and none of the people sent to re-establish contact have been heard. Worried that something has gone wrong, you have been hired to investigate whatever is going on there.
    Recommended combat level: 90+
    • A University Teaching Assistant: Greetings, my friend. I...uh...was wondering if I could speak with you for a moment?
    • You: Yes, of course.
    • A University Teaching Assistant: Thank you. I speak on behalf of Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn of the University of Corellia. He seeks the assistance of an adventurer such as yourself to aid him. Would you be willing to lend such aid?
    • You: I suppose I could help.
    • A University Teaching Assistant: Most excellent. Please travel to Tyrena on Corellia and speak with Professor Wagglehorn. You'll most likely find him enjoying the view out over the water. Thank you.

    After your conversation, the quest will update.

    Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn​

    Find Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn

    Make your way to Tyrena, Corellia and speak to Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn.
    /way Corellia -5469 -2978 Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn;

    • Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn: Thank you for coming to speak with me. I am a professor with the University of Corellia. The University has a mobile research outpost on Talus, and unfortunately we have lost contact with them. No communication or responses to our queries for over a month. I do not wish to involve the authorities unless there is truly cause to do so and the University agrees. Will you help us by investigating?
    • You: I would not be here otherwise.
    • Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn: I am thankful. The research outpost is on Talus. I'll upload their last known location to your journal. When you learn anything, please use their communications terminal to contact me.

    After your conversation, the quest will update.

    Off-site Research Outpost​

    Head to the Off-site Research Outpost

    Travel to Imperial Outpost, Talus, where you will then head to the Off-site Research Outpost.

    /way Talus -465 4440 University of Corellia Research Outpost;

    Quest will update when you arrive at the waypoint with the following pop-up text:
    "The Outpost is eerily silent as you approach. There should be students and researchers busily at work, but no one is visible. Other than a corpse in the center of the Outpost yard. Go check it."

    Head over to "A Dead Researcher" in the center of the camp and double click. This will place a datapad into your inventory. Double click that datapad and the quest will update with the following pop-up text:
    From the researcher's daily journals in the datapad, you determine that some strange cultists arrived unexpectedly at the outpost and began speaking with the students and researchers. Seemingly overnight, almost everyone at the outpost joined the cult. The dead researcher was one of the few to refuse. He seemed adamant that the cultist had some way of compelling others to join them and that those who joined did not do so of their own free will. He also mentions a location at which the former students (newly converted cultists) were being prepared for off-world transportation under the supervision of someone named Magnus Grenz.

    Send a Message​

    Head to the outpost communications terminal.

    After you power-up the datapad click on the communication terminal to update the quest again.

    /way Talus -449 4433 a communication terminal;

    Magnus Grenz​

    Find Magnus Grenz

    Next, you will need to find Magnus Grenz (a cultist coadjutor) (/wp talus -1837 6609 magnus). There, talk to Magnus to start the spawn of level 90 foes.
    • Magnuz Grenz: You seek those liberated from the University's research outpost. Never fear, they have joined our glorious cause. You may join as well. Though perhaps, I will not allow you the choice.
    Kill all of the cultists until you get a quest advance. Then speak with Magnus Grenz again.
    • Magnuz Grenz: You defeated my minions. Well, not truly MY minions...we all follow the Voice from the Darkness. As shall you. Nevertheless, I remain unimpressed and shall ensure that you learn nothing more from me.

    Grenz's Data Terminal​

    Find Grenz's Data Terminal

    After killing his minions and finishing him off, head down into the bunker, kill the same enemies and click on the Data Terminal at the last level (/wp talus -1822 6651 terminal):
    /way Talus -1822 6651 Yellow Data Terminal;

    Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn​

    Return to Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn

    Make your way to Tyrena, Corellia and speak to Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn again.
    /way Corellia -5469 -2978 Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn;
    • Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn: The investigation team at the outpost found evidence of a mind controlling substance in the blood of the deceased researcher as well as some samples of the same stashed nearby. That, along with your discovery of a cult devoted to Exar Kun, worries me. A colleague of mine, Professor Walter Emanus, has been leading a team on Yavin IV. That team is hoping to find artifacts related to Exar Kun. I fear this cannot be a coincidence.
    • You: What do you wish me to do?
    • Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn: Professor Emanus has been leading an archeological dig on Yavin IV, as I said. They were hoping to find artifacts or relics related to Exar Kun near the Temple of Exar Kun. I fear they may have found something far worse. Please travel to the dig site on Yavin IV and find Professor Emanus.