Exquisite Flower Bouquet Left & Right Schematic

Exquisite Flower Bouquet Left & Right Schematic
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  • Exquisite Flower Bouquet Left (or Right) Schematic is a schematic that was available for purchase during the Ewok Festival of Love.
    Requires a Novice Artisan skill to learn, it is a single use schematic.

    Right bouquet can be equipped regardless of the profession, but only entertainers can wield Left or both of them at the same time.

    Both schematics cost:
    Once learned, allows player to craft an Exquisite Flower Bouquet.
    Resources required to make the bouquet:
    • 20 Units of Flowers
    • 5 Units of Hide
    Once crafted, can be equipped and held like a weapon.


    Size comparison

    Placed inside a house with a Pit Droid for scale

    Equipped by the player
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