Galactic Moon Festival Rewards

Galactic Moon Festival Rewards
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  • Galactic Moon Festival Rewards

    Hub page for all GMF rewards and items.

    Rewards and Items obtainable in GMF 2023

    The main currency of this event is Galactic Moon Festival Coins.
    Each day it is possible to receive up to 1200 GMF Coins by Trick or Treating!
    These coins can be used to purchase spooky goods from Z'ozpheratu.

    Welcome to the Galactic Moon Festival! What can I do for you friend? A costume perhaps? Or some trinkets courtesy of the benevolent Jabba the Hutt? - Z'ozpheratu

    Dusty ScrollX1 000
    Spooky Scroll500X
    Cursed Scroll1 000X
    Max Rebo's Collected Classics: Dirge900X
    Bat PheromoneX5 000
    Spider PheromoneX5 000
    Trick or Treat Projector II200X
    Trick or Treat Projector III700X
    Scarecrow Kashyyyk Style I
    (Storyteller Token)
    Scarecrow Kashyyyk Style II (Storyteller Token)400X
    Streetlamp Kashyyyk Style I
    (Storyteller Token)
    Streetlamp Kashyyyk Style II
    (Storyteller Token)
    Spider Web Decoration Style I200X
    Spider Web Decoration Style II200X
    Spider Web Decoration Style III200X
    Sith O'Lantern I200X
    Sith O'Lantern II200X
    Sith O'Lantern III200X
    Sith O'Lantern IV200X
    Sith O'Lantern V200X
    The Galactic Moon Festival
    Krayt Dragon Skeleton400X
    Crescent Moon House Sign
    Crescent Moon House Sign
    Candle on a Skull200X
    Candle in a Skull200X
    Galactic Moon Festival Backpack700X
    Galactic Moon Festival Jacket600X
    The Sayormi Witch
    Schematic: Crafted Bat Pheromone500X
    Schematic: Crafted Bat Pheromone500X
    Burning Ewok Costume Instructions800X
    Gamorrean Guard Costume Instructions600X
    Kowakian Monkey-lizard Costume Instructions600X
    Toydarian Costume Instructions600X
    Chiss Costume Instructions600X
    Dark Trooper Costume Instructions600X
    Chevin Costume Instructions600X
    Afflicted Costume Instructions600X
    Exar Kun Costume Instructions600X
    Dantari Male Costume Instructions600X
    Dantari Female Costume Instructions600X
    B'omarr Monk Costume Instructions600X
    Hutt Costume Instructions600X
    Skeleton Costume Instructions600X
    Z'ozpheratu Costume Instructions800X
    Standard HoloshroudX900
    Ponda Baba's ArmX10 000
    Gackle Bat Familiar80050 000