Huge Starfighter Cargo Hold | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Huge Starfighter Cargo Hold

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  • The Huge Starfighter Cargo Hold is a space component that can be loaded into any starfighter ship to hold asteroid while space mining.

    You can receive a temporary 10-use schematic by completing the A Dangerous Defense quest from the Celestial Discoveries questline for the Shipwright profession.

    Schematic Information​

    Details relevant to the schematic of the item.

    Complexity: 21
    Requires: Specialized Starship Crafting Tool and Starship Crafting Station
    Resources Required:
    • 375 units of Silicaceous Asteroid
    • 375 units of Cyanomethanic Asteroid
    • 375 units of Steel
    Experimental Hitpoints:
    • Hitpoints:
      • Overall Quality: 50%
      • Unit Toughness: 50%
    Experimental Mass:
    • Mass:
      • Overall Quality: 50%
      • Unit Toughness: 50%
    Experimental Hold Capacity:
    • Maximum Hold Capacity:
      • Overall Quality: 50%
      • Unit Toughness: 50%

    Item Information​

    Details relevant to the crafted item.

    Equipment Certification Level: 7
    Maximum Hold Capacity: 5,500 units
    Mass: ~5,600