Imperial Inquisition

Imperial Inquisition
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  • Imperial Inquisition​

    Tier 1: Lt. Barn Sinkko, Kaadara, Naboo (5205 6727)​

    Patrol the Naboo System​

    Once you arrive in the Naboo System you will receive a navigation waypoint to the first stop on the patrol route. Travel to this waypoint. Once you arrive the navigation waypoint will update to the next stop on the patrol route. Continue following these navigation waypoints until you receive a mission alert.

    Destroy the Rebel X-wing Ambush
    You will have to defeat:
    • 2 Tier 1 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"

    • 100 Credits
    • 25 points of Imperial faction standing

    Seek and Destroy X-Wing Fighter Cadets​

    Travel to the Naboo system, hunt down, and destroy four X-Wing fighter cadets. You will receive 5 navigation waypoints to suspected areas of Rebel activity. You can check out the area around the waypoints to see if you can locate the Rebel cadets or just search the system yourself.

    • 200 Credits
    • 50 points of Imperial faction standing

    Meet the E-62 Transport Freighter​

    Travel the assigned security patrol route until you are contacted by the Imperial Freighter carrying the E-62's.

    Escort the Decoy E-62 Transport
    Once you have made contact with the vessel escort it safely through the zone. You will meet some waves of Rebel Fighters:

    Wave 1:
    • 2 Tier 1 Z-95 "Rebel Z-95"
    Wave 2:
    • 1 Tier 1 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    Wave 3:
    • 2 Tier 1 Z-95 "Rebel Z-95"
    Wave 4:
    • 1 Tier 1 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"

    • 500 Credits
    • 50 points of Imperial faction standing
    • Tie Pilot Bodysuit

    Destroy the X-wing Squad Leader​

    Destroy the Rebel X-Wing Squad Leader in the Naboo system:
    • 1 Tier 2 X-Wing "X-Wing Squad Leader"
    • 1 Tier 1 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"

    • 1000 credits
    • 75 points of Imperial faction standing
    • Tie Pilot Helmet

    Imperial Technology 1

    Equipment 1

    Imperial Training 1

    Astromech Management 1

    At this point it is possible to now do the Naboo Space Station mission to unlock the ability to land directly at the Emperor's Retreat. These missions can be difficult at this point, but is worth doing to speed up access to your pilot trainers. If you are unable to complete them, either ask for help from a buddy or wait until you have upgraded your ship to try again.

    Tier 2: Inquisitor Fa'Zoll, Emperor's Retreat, Naboo (Naboo 2444 -3896)​

    Inspect the Railgun Mercenary Courier​

    Travel to the waypoint, Naboo(Penumbra Omen). Disable the Mercenary Courier, then inspect and dock with it:
    • 1 Tier 2 Scyk "Mercenary Courier"

    If you accidentally destroy the ship, just wait a minute at the given waypoint and it should respawn.

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 Cygnus "Starblaster" Disruptor
    • 75 points of Imperial faction standing

    Intercept the Enemy Signal​

    Travel to the waypoint indicated in the Dantooine System(Isryn's Veil) and survive until you've relayed the intercepted message to the Imperial Inquisition:

    Wave 1:
    • 3 Tier 2 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    Wave 2:
    • 3 Tier 2 Z-95 "Rebel Z-95"
    Wave 3:
    • 3 Tier 2 Y-Wing "Rebel Y-Wing"
    Wave 4:
    • 3 Tier 2 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    Wave 5:
    • 3 Tier 2 Z-95 "Rebel Z-95"
    Wave 6:
    • 3 Tier 2 Y-Wing "Rebel Y-Wing"

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 Sienar Fleet Systems Light Military Grade Durasteel
    • 75 points of Imperial faction standing

    Imperial Technology 2

    Capture Colonel Hend's Shuttle​

    Travel to the convoy in the Naboo System(Penumbra Omen), and destroy the Rebels before disabling the Lambda Shuttle. That Lambda shuttle has only one weapon at its back, so it's quite easy to disable it if you stay in front of it.
    • 4 Tier 2 Z-95 "Rebel Z-95"
    • 1 Tier 3 Lambda Shuttle "Colonel Hend"

    Once disabled, stay away from it until it turns friendly--it will shoot at you, and it hurts. Once it turns friendly, escort it against:

    Wave 1:
    • 3 Tier 2 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    Wave 2:
    • 2 Tier 2 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    • 2 Tier 2 Y-Wing "Rebel Y-Wing"

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 Republic Sienar Systems Ion Booster
    • 75 points of Imperial faction standing

    Equipment 2

    Imperial Training 2

    Astormech Management 2

    Execute Colonel Hend​

    Travel to the Dantooine System (Isryn's Veil), and make your way to the convoy, once it's been detected, and eliminate it:
    • 1 Tier 3 Lambda Shuttle "Colonel Hend"
    • 1 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    • 3 Tier 2 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 Rendili Dual-Projector Shield Generator
    • 75 points of Imperial faction standing

    Tier 3: Inquisitor Vrke, Emperor's Retreat, Naboo (2382 -3970)​

    Capture Colonel Hend's Yacht​

    Travel to the Naboo System, and head to the position of the yacht.
    • 1 Tier 3 Lambda Shuttle "Colonel Hend's Yacht"

    Once there, disable it (again, destroying the rear turret will help). Once it is disabled, it will pause a bit before turning friendly, and you will have to escort it through:
    Wave 1:
    • 4 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    Wave 2:
    • 2 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    • 2 Tier 3 Y-Wing "Rebel Y-Wing"

    Inspect the Mercenary Spy
    Yavin IV system (Ferrous Aurora), go to the waypoint, disable, inspect, and dock with:
    • 1 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Mercenary Spy"

    Deliver the Data to the Imperial Freighter
    You will then need to travel to and dock with a freighter, while being attacked by waves of Tier 4 Rebel fighters. These waves will only stop once you've docked with the freighter--don't bother killing them, get to the freighter and dock ASAP.

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 Rendili "K-Class" Weapon Capacitor
    • 100 points of Imperial faction standing

    Imperial Technology 3

    Inspect Doctor Shinss' Yacht​

    Travel to the Yavin System (Ferrous Aurora), and make your way to the waypoint. When you get there, disable another Lambda Shuttle, inspect and dock with it:
    • Tier 3 Lambda Shuttle "Doctor Shinss's Yacht"

    You will then receive a mission update:

    Transmit the Data To Headquarters
    Travel to the Antenna and keep your position against waves of fighters will come at you until you receive confirmation that all information is successfully transferred. You will have to destroy:

    Wave 1:
    • 4 Tier 3 Y-Wing "Rebel Y-Wing"
    Wave 2:
    • 4 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    Wave 3:
    • 4 Tier 3 Z-95 "Rebel Z-95"
    Wave 4:
    • 4 Tier 3 A-Wing "Rebel A-Wing"
    Wave 5:
    • 4 Tier 3 B-Wing "Rebel B-Wing"
    Wave 6:
    • 4 Tier 3 Y-Wing "Rebel Y-Wing"
    Wave 7:
    • 4 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"

    Transport the Documents
    Travel to the rendezvous waypoint to find a Lambda shuttle to dock with. Then deliver the documents to another Lambda shuttle. You must dock it while a wave of Rebel fighters will attack you:
    • 4 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    • 5 Tier 3 A-Wing "Rebel A-Wing"
    Try to dock as fast as possible.

    Capture Doctor Shinss
    Dathomir system (Empire Blockade), make yoru way to the waypoint. Destroy the escort, and disable the freighter:
    • 5 Tier 3 Kimogila "Railgun Merc Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 3 Medium Freighter "Doctor Shinss"

    Once it's been captured, you will need to escort it. You will have to fight:

    Several Waves of:
    • 4 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 Sienar Fleet Systems Military Grade Droid Interface
    • 100 points of Imperial faction standing

    Equipment 3

    Delivering a Fake List​

    Travel to the Dathomir System (Empire Blockade), and meet with a delivery shuttle. Dock with it to pick up the list.

    Then, travel to the next waypoint to deliver it. On your way you will be attacked by continuous waves of Tier 3/4 X-Wings and A-Wings. It is best to get to the waypoint to deliver the list and then destroy the X-Wings and A-Wings.

    Destroy the Rebel X-Wings
    Hyperspace to Empire Blockade as soon as the docking is complete, the extra X-Wings will not spawn when you come out of hyperspace only the 7 Tier 3 X-Wings will be there.
    Destroy them all:
    • 7 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"

    Rescue the Lambda Shuttle
    Travel to it, dock with it, and then escort it out of the system while under attack by:
    • 4 Tier 3 Y-Wing "Rebel Y-Wing"

    Inspect the Rebel Command Vessel
    After the shuttle departs, Imperial Command detects what they believe is a Rebel command vessel sending encrypted data to the fighters. Find out what information that ship has by docking with it:
    • 1 Tier 3 YKL-37R Nova Courier "Rebel Command Vessel"
    • 5 Tier 1 X-Wing "X-Wing Fighter Wing Leader"
    (Note: The escorting fighters re-spawn continuously. Disable the Command Vessel's engine, then all weapon points, then dock with it. If you destroy it by mistake, a brand new one will hyperspace in to take its place.)

    Deliver the Plans
    Naboo system (Rendezvous location is roughly equidistant from Royal Way, Penumbra Omen, and Sea of Veruna.)
    Once you get there, on your way to the shuttle, you will be attacked by repeating spawns:

    Wave 1:
    • 5 Tier 3 A-Wing "Rebel A-Wing"
    Wave 2:
    • 5 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    Wave 3:
    • 4 Tier 3 B-Wing "Rebel B-Wing"

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 Sienar Design Systems High-Output Reactor
    • 100 points of Imperial faction standing

    Imperial Training 3

    Kill General Breckon​

    On entering the Dathomir System (Dathomir's Vitality), you will be directed towards the convoy. Destroy them all. You can use similar tactics described for the other Lambda Shuttles, or you can use the Bomber Strike ability you were granted with your last pilot level to weaken them a bit.
    • 1 Tier 4 Lambda Shuttle "General Breckon"
    • 5 Tier 3 TIE Interceptors "General Breckon's Escort Fighter"

    Escort Doctor Shinss's Prison Ship
    Proceed to the waypoint you're given for Doctor Shinss's prison ship and then escort:
    • 1 Tier 4 VT-49 Decimator "Imperial Prison Transport"

    Protecting it from:
    • 4 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"

    Battle the Rebel Forces
    Destroy the enemies:
    • 1 Tier 3 Y-Wing "Rebel Y-Wing"
    • 4 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    • 5 Tier 3 A-Wing "Rebel A-Wing"

    You will receive the help of:
    • 3 Tier 3 TIE Interceptors
    • 2 Tier 3 TIE Fighters

    Destroy the Price of Liberty
    You receive a new waypoint and ordered to destroy the Price of Liberty and its escort:
    • 1 Tier 3 Assault Gunboat "Price of Liberty"
    • 6 Tier 3 X-Wing "Rebel X-Wing"
    NOTE: The Gunboat will hyper away after about 5 minutes so disable it quickly.

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 Cygnus "Megadrive" Starship Engine
    • 100 points of Imperial faction standing

    Astromech Management 3

    Tier 4: Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso, Emperor's Retreat, Naboo (2382 -3902)​

    Imperial Technology 4

    Patrol the Dathomir System​

    Dathomir system (Empire Blockade), follow the navigation waypoints. At the third waypoint you are sent to investigate possible unauthorized activity.

    Inspect the Crystal Smuggler
    You find the Crystal Runner. After disabling it, inspect it, and dock with it:
    • 1 Tier 4 YT-1300 "Crystal Runner"

    Destroy the Mercenary Ambush
    Just kill your opponents:
    • 6 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"

    Deliver the Crystals
    Travel to the rendezvous waypoint and dock with a Lambda shuttle to transfer the crystals. On the way to the shuttle you will be attacked by repeating waves of Tier 4 fighters.
    • 4 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 7 Sienar Design Systems "Boltdriver"
    • 150 points of Imperial faction standing

    Equipment 4

    Capture the Crystal Smuggler​

    Dathomir system (Empire Blockade), follow the waypoints until you find the Crystal Smuggler Transport vessel. Disable it, dock with it, escort it through the system. You will be attacked by:

    Wave 1:
    • 5 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"
    Wave 2:
    • 3 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 3 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"

    Rescue the Recon shuttle
    Travel to the Lambda shuttle and dock to assist it with repairs, then escort it through the system, fighting off any occasional attackers:
    • 3 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 3 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"

    Destroy the Coynite Ambush
    Kill all:
    • 6 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"

    Capture a Coynite Neutron
    Disable the Coynite Neutron reactor or engine.
    • 1 Tier 5 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"
    • 4 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"

    Then escort it through the system fighting off any waves of:
    • 2 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 3 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Cygnus "Holoscreen" Shield Generator
    • 150 points of Imperial faction standing

    Imperial Training 4

    Intercept the Coynite Message​

    Dathomir system (Emperor's Hand), head to the waypoint and wait for the transmission to start. Fighting off any attackers, stay within a few thousand meters of the transmission point. Disabling rather than destroying is a recommended tactic when soloing this mission.
    Wave 1:
    • 3 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    Wave 2:
    • 3 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 1 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"
    Wave 3:
    • 3 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 2 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"
    Wave 4:
    • 3 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 3 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"
    Wave 5:
    • 3 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 3 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"
    • 1 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"
    Wave 6:
    • 3 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 3 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"
    • 2 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"
    Wave 7:
    • 3 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"

    Dropping off the Transmission
    Travel to the waypoint and meet a Lambda shuttle, fighting off any attackers on the way. The waves repeat endlessly so, get to the shuttle and dock with it to transfer the transmission and stop the waves of attacks.
    Wave 1:
    • 2 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 2 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"
    Wave 2:
    • 2 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 2 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"
    Wave 3:
    • 2 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 1 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"
    • 2 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"
    Wave 4:
    • 3 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"
    • 3 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"

    Destroy the Escort
    Travel to the waypoint of a Coynite Ye-4 Gunboat and 9 escorts. This portion is timed. If you do not destroy it in about 5 to 10 minutes, it will leave the area and you will fail the mission. Destroy both the Gunboat and all the escorts; calling in a bomber strike against the gunship may be helpful.
    • 4 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 4 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"
    • 2 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"
    • 1 Tier 4 Ye-4 Gunboat "Coyn's Tempest"

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Republic Sienar Systems Special Durasteel
    • 150 points of Imperial faction standing

    Astromech Management 4

    Escort the Prison Shuttle​

    Dathomir System (Dark Force), rendezvous with a prison shuttle and escort it through the system, engaging any attackers along the route:
    • 4 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"

    Capture The Prison Break Shuttle
    A prison shuttle is trying to make a break for freedom, you must disable it before it leaves the system.
    • 1 Tier 4 YT-1300 "Prison Break Shuttle"
    • 5 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"

    Escort the shuttle through the system, destroying any attackers that try to stop you:
    • 3 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"
    • 3 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"

    Destroy The Prison Break Shuttle
    You are sent a waypoint to intercept another prison shuttle that is trying to leave the system. Destroy it and any escorts before they escape the system.
    • 1 Tier 4 YT-1300 "Prison Break Shuttle"
    • 2 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 3 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"

    Destroy The Prison Break Shuttle. Part II
    Another ship has been detected leaving the planet. Destroy it and any ships accompanying it.
    • 1 Tier 4 YT-1300 "Prison Break Shuttle"
    • 3 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"
    • 5 Tier 4 Kimogila "Coynite Neutron"

    Assist the TIE 701st Wing
    • 3 Tier 4 TIE Fighter
    • 4 Tier 4 TIE Interceptor

    • 1 Tier 4 HC-A1A Medium Cruiser "Coyn's Fury", treat as gunship
    • 4 Tier 4 Scyk "Coynite Pulsar"
    • 6 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar"
    Strategy: Use your Bomber Strike 2 against the transport, then target each escort fighter and disable.

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Republic Sienar Systems Advanced Military Grade
    • 150 points of Imperial faction standing

    Tier 5: Grand Admiral Niall Declann, Theed, Naboo (-5526 4618)​

    See Imperial Ace Pilot Missions