Kashyyyk Collections

Kashyyyk Collections
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  • General Information​

    Kachiro Route
    Estimated Time to Complete: TBD
    Required Group Size: 1+
    Start Point: Kachiro Outpost

    No special notes or strategies for this route, as there are no difficult or complex Collections in Kachiro.

    Rryatt Trail Route
    Estimated Time to Complete: TBD
    Required Group Size: 2+(You need an SL for move speed boost or else this will take an extra half hour to do)
    Start Point: Rryatt Trail

    Note: Rryatt Trail is composed of multiple subzones. Each waypoint set can only be generated when within the corresponding subzone(except for the Rryatt Trail Entrance wp).

    Kachiro Route​

    PART1 (Kachirho Forest)
    /way kachirho -677 -166 white wp:01 Kachirho Starport(You must land from space);
    /way kachirho -744 257 green wp:02a Kkowir Forest Entrance;
    /way kkowir -279 -192 blue wp:02b Rare Pistol Mark III #11;
    /way kkowir 228 316 yellow wp:03a Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #11;
    /way kkowir 76 471 blue wp:03b Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #11;
    /way kkowir 87 -476 green wp:04a Rare Carbine Weapons Mark I #3;
    /way kachirho -478 -12 yellow wp:04b First Level;
    /way kachirho -463 -19 blue wp:04c Rare Carbine Weapons Mark I #3;
    /way kachirho 337 -200 blue wp:05 Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #1;
    /way kachirho 152 164 blue wp:06 Rare Pistol Weapons Mark II #1;
    /way kachirho 130 218 blue wp:07 Rare Rifle Weapons Mark I #1;
    /way kachirho 312 118 blue wp:08 Rare Carbine Weapons Mark II #3;
    /way kachirho 601 731 blue wp:09 Rare Rifle Weapons Mark I #5;
    /way kachirho 128 814 blue wp:10 Rare Carbine Weapons Mark I #2;
    /way kachirho -127 864 blue wp:11 Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #2;

    Rryatt Trail Route​

    PART3 (Rryatt Trail)
    /way kachirho -59 839 green wp:12a Rryatt Trail Entrance;

    Subzone(Rryatt Trail Upper Levels)
    /way -124 -41 green wp:12b Trail Guide to High Grounds;
    /way -469 609 blue wp:13c Rare Carbine Weapons Mark II #4;
    /way 252 580 blue wp:14 Rare Carbine Weapons Mark I #7;
    /way 364 95 green wp:15a Trail Guide to Worshyr Canopy;

    Subzone(Rryatt Trail Worshyr Canopy)
    /way 11 445 green wp:15b Trail Guide to Webweaver Path (left fork is shorter);

    Subzone(Rryatt Trail Webweaver Path)
    /way -344 -65 yellow wp:15c Rare Carbine Weapons Mark II #5;
    /way -595 -331 blue wp:15d Rare Carbine Weapons Mark II #5;
    /way 464 338 green wp:16a Tail Guide to Shadowed Lands;

    Subzone(Rryatt Trail The Shadowed Lands)
    /way -340 -159 blue wp:16b Rare Heavy Weapons #9;
    /way 221 61 blue wp:17 Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #4;
    /way -421 121 green wp:18 Exit;