Little Help From Friends

Little Help From Friends
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  • This quest is part of Lando Calrissian's questline from the Ace of Aces space content.

    Level: 1
    Lando has hired a few Tatooine friends to help with the Mining Guild

    Recommended combat level: 1

    Take the Mining Guild Head On​

    Work with the Hutts to eliminate the Mining Guild
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Tatooine System
    • Upon arrival, you will be given a waypoint - go to it
      • Shortly after receiving the waypoint, two groups of enemies will hyperspace in
    • 1 group of enemies will be Tier 5 and have Huttin their names
      • This group will consist of ~5 ships
    • The other group of enemies will be Tier 7 and Tier 8 and have Mining Guildin their names
      • This group will consist of ~10 ships
    The goal here is to wipe out the group of enemies that have Mining Guild in their names, before the group of enemies that have Hutt in their names get destroyed.
    • Try your best to not shoot and damage any ships with Hutt in their names!
    • The Hutt ships might start to attack you, but do not attack back!
    Once all of the Mining Guild ships have been destroyed, the quest will update.

    Report back to Lando​

    Report back to Lando on Corellia
    • Return to Lando Calrissian in the Idiot's Array lounge
    • Once you arrive, speak with Lando Calrissian
    Lando Calrissian: After that, the Mining Guild won't bother with the Tatooine system for a while. Too many resources wasted without the payoff.

    This completes the quest. Speak with Lando Calrissian again to progress the questline.

    Lando Calrissian: Bad news, Ace. The Mining Guild has been disruptive on the other side of Bespin in the Endor system.
    You: What happened now?
    Lando Calrissian: The Mining Guild thinks they can get away with picking off our shipments there, but they have another thing coming with you, Ace. For now, go salvage my shipment transport there.