Meatlump Safe | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Meatlump Safe

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  • Meatlump Safe is a collection, that is part of the Meatlump Code Breaker Collection Tier 2 collection.

    To start this collection, you must receive the Muddle the Meatlumps quest from the Meatlump Themepark.

    To get credit towards the collection, you will need to open a Very Old Safe. Once you complete the collection, you will get credit for the quest.

    This collection and the quest are repeatable!


    To open a Meatlump safe, you must use a Safe Slicer item, be on the Muddle the Meatlumps quest, and solve the word-scramble puzzle.

    The Safe Slicer item is given to you for free by the Corellian Times Reporter, Halden Wes.

    /way Corellia -175 -4435 Halden Wes;


    The player must solve a word-scramble puzzle in order to open the Meatlump safe. You will be given a random string of characters and the objective is to create X number of 3-4 letter words. The longer the string, the more words you need to create!

    You may also purchase a Safe Autodialer item, which when used prior to starting a puzzle, will decrease the number of words needed to open the Meatlump safe. You may purchase this tool from the Corellian Times Vendor for 2 Meatlumps.

    /way Corellia -172 -4437 a Corellian Times Vendor;


    There are 12 Meatlump safes in total.
    • 2 are located inside of the Meatlump Bunker
    • 10 are scattered around the galaxy
    /way Rori -5156 -2538 Safe 1/12;
    /way Talus 3960 5070 Safe 2/12;
    /way Corellia -3952 3170 Safe 3/12;
    /way Lok 270 4636 Safe 4/12;
    /way Corellia 3610 5824 Safe 5/12;
    /way Corellia -5701 -2326 Safe 6/12;
    /way Tatooine -5216 -6771 Safe 7/12;
    /way Naboo 4641 -5056 Safe 8/12;
    /way Naboo -5242 3664 Safe 9/12;
    /way Tatooine 3966 2426 Safe 10/12;
    /way Corellia -596 -4288 Safe 11/12 (Inside Meatlump Bunker);
    /way Corellia -523 -4192 Safe 12/12 (Inside Meatlump Bunker);


    Meatlump safes may contain Meatlump collection items, Meatlump junk loot, or Meatlumps.

    Junk Loot​

    • Common
      • a Meatlump Sculpture, Style 1
      • a Musty Smelling Bedroll
      • a Half Eaten Pie
      • a Petrified Meatlump
      • a Hand Torch
      • a Flaring, Swaggering and Cutting Kit
      • a Temperature Clamp
      • an Instrument Pouch
      • a Magnetic Locator
      • a Pipe Cutter
      • a Pressure Gauge
      • a Leak Inspection System
      • a Datapad Picture
    • Rare
      • a Meatlump Sculpture, Style 2
      • a Clean Towel
      • a Drain Stopper
      • a Lump Clip
    • Very Rare
      • Comet
      • Weezy
      • Baxter
      • a Plunger


    • Common
      • Meatlump Boots Armor
      • Meatlump Hench Doll Left Arm
      • a scrap of paper 1/10
      • a scrap of paper 2/10
      • a scrap of paper 3/10
      • a scrap of paper 4/10
      • a scrap of paper 5/10
      • a scrap of paper 7/10
      • a scrap of paper 9/10
      • a Meatlump newspaper article 1/10
      • a Meatlump newspaper article 2/10
      • a Meatlump newspaper article 3/10
      • a Meatlump newspaper article 4/10
      • a Meatlump newspaper article 10/10
      • Meatlump Dunder Rank
      • Meatlump Lunk Rank
    • Rare
      • Meatlump Shirt Armor
      • Meatlump Pants Armor
      • Meatlump Hench Doll Head
      • Meatlump Hench Doll Left Leg
      • Meatlump Hench Doll Right Leg
      • Meatlump Officer Doll Head
      • Meatlump Officer Doll Left Arm
      • Meatlump Officer Doll Right Arm
      • Meatlump Officer Doll Stuffing
      • Meatlump King Doll Left Arm
      • Meatlump King Doll Right Arm
      • Meatlump King Doll Left Leg
      • Meatlump King Doll Right Leg
      • a scrap of paper 6/10
      • a scrap of paper 8/10
      • a scrap of paper 10/10
      • a Meatlump newspaper article 5/10
      • a Meatlump newspaper article 6/10
      • a Meatlump newspaper article 7/10
      • Meatlump Donk Rank
      • Meatlump Simp Rank
      • Meatlump Nerp Rank
      • Meatlump Lieautenant Rank
    • Very Rare
      • Meatlump Chest Armor
      • Meatlump Officer Doll Right Leg
      • Meatlump King Doll Head
      • Meatlump Decider Rank
      • Meatlump Captain Rank
    You will most likely need to repeat this collection multiple times in order to get all of the collection pieces.

    Once you complete the collection, you will not be able to open the Meatlump safes again until you complete the Muddle the Meatlumps quest and grab it again.

    Reward: XP, Meatlumps, and progress towards the Meatlump Code Breaker Collection Tier 2 collection

    • Halden Wes will only give you a Safe Slicer item if you don't have any in your inventory already
      • A way around this is to put the Safe Slicer item in your bag and he will give you another one