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  • Overview

    The Gallery is now open to provide citizens of the galaxy with the finest artwork it has to offer!

    Posters, tapestries and banners included.

    Be sure to click on the images to enlarge them.

    Available Paintings

    Bestine Museum Paintings

    The following are all made from schematic bought from the Bestine Museum Curator after you completed the Bestine Painting Election.
    Keep in mind that you can skip the Painting Election and buy these from the bazaar.

    Name of the Artist
    Lucky Despot
    Krayt Dragon Skeleton
    Giaal Itotr
    (/way Tatooine -3101 2184)​
    Lucky Despot Painting
    Krayt Dragon Skeleton Painting
    Name of the Artist
    Painting of a Residential House
    Painting of the Blue Leaf Temple
    Kolka Zteht
    (/way Tatooine 1521 3259)
    Residential House Painting
    Blue Leaf Temple Painting
    Name of the Artist
    Painting of Blumbush
    Painting of a Rainbow Berry Bush
    Klepa Laeel
    (/way Tatooine -2768 2110)
    Blumbush Painting
    Rainbow Berry Bush Painting
    Name of the Artist
    Painting of a Mon Calamari Eye 1
    Painting of a Mon Calamari Eye 2
    Kafhr Oladi
    (/way Tatooine 3475 -4970)
    Mon Calamari Eye 1 Painting
    Mon Calamari Eye 2 Painting
    Name of the Artist
    Abstract Painting of Golden Petals 1
    Abstract Painting of Golden Petals 2
    Abstract Painting of Golden Petals 3
    Boulo Siesi
    (/way Tatooine -5239 -6566)
    Abstract Painting of Golden Petals 1
    Abstract Painting of Golden Petals 2
    Abstract Painting of Golden Petals 3
    Name of the Artist
    Painting of Matberry Plant
    Painting of a Ronka Plant
    Painting of a Raventhorn Plant
    Painting of a Boffa Plant
    Vanvi Hotne
    (/way Tatooine 3312 -4655)
    Matberry Plant Painting
    Ronka Plant Painting
    Raventhorn Plant Painting
    Boffa Plant Painting

    Collection Rewards

    Paintings awared for completing a collection.

    A Durni Mosaic​
    Rewarded upon completing Endangered Durni Photo Op collection.​
    A Durni Mosaic
    A Panoramic Painting - Tatooine​
    Rewarded upon completing Panoramic Vistas: Tatooine collection.​
    Panoramic Painting Tatooine
    Comlink Painting​
    Rewarded upon completing Comlink Collection collection.​
    Comlink Painting
    Datapad Painting​
    Rewarded upon completing Datapad Collection collection.​
    Datapad Painting
    Patriots of Dathomir Propaganda 1-7​
    One of the posters is rewarded upon completing Patrios of Dathomir collection.​
    PoD Propaganda Poster 7
    Nym's Revenge​
    Rewarded upon completing Nym's Elite Slayer & Nym's Boss Slayer collections.
    The painting is No-Trade Shared.​
    Nym's Revenge Painting
    Nightster Tapestry​
    Rewarded upon completing Nightsister Outcasts collection.​
    Nightsister Tapestry
    Singing Mountain Clan Tapestry​
    Rewarded upon completing Singing Mountain Clan Outcasts collection.​
    Singing Mountain Clan Tapestry

    Crafted Paintings

    These pictures can be crafted by using either Picture Printer or Viewscreen Printer.
    Please check this page for more information.

    Picture Printer

    Bio-Engineer Poster
    Double Helix
    Droid in Contrast
    Bio-Engineer Poster
    Double Helix Painting
    Droid in Contrast Painting

    Viewscreen Printer

    Cargo Port Blueprint
    Coronet Skyscraper Blueprint
    Cargo Port Blueprint
    Coronet Skyscraper Blueprint
    Freedom Painting

    Chu-Gon Dar Cube Paintings

    Paintings created by using Chu-Gon Dar Cube. Credit to SWGJunkyard and SWGElour for the info!

    Mustafar Painting #1: Cataclysm​
    Faintly Glowing Chemical Antidote
    Dimly Glowing Ammo Box
    Dimly Glowing Shisha​
    Creates a 10 use Schematic (No-Trade) for Architect.​
    Cataclysm Painting
    Mustafar Painting #2: Beginnings​
    Dimly Glowing Ammo Box
    Dimly Glowing Shisha
    Dimly Glowing Recording Rod​
    The Cube creates the painting itself.​
    Beginnings Painting
    Mustafar Painting #3: Progress​
    Dimly Glowing Spool of Wire
    Dimly Glowing Recording Rod
    Faintly Glowing Chance Die​
    Creates a 10 use Schematic (No-Trade) for Architect​
    Progress Painting
    Mustafar Painting #4: Living Canals​
    Dimly Glowing Spool Of Wire
    Dimly Glowing Sphere of Water Dimly Glowing Ammo Box​
    The Cube creates the painting itself.
    (Also available from a Rare Loot Chest)​
    Lava Canals Painting

    Event Paintings

    Paintings available during certain Events.

    Empire Day

    Empire Day features four No-Trade Shared posters that are available for purchase during the celebration.
    The other 3 paintings are Tradable.

    Imperial Poster
    Rebel Poster
    Defaced Imp Poster
    Defaced Reb Poster
    Imperial Poster
    Rebel Poster
    Defaced Imperial Poster
    Defaced Rebel Poster
    Painting: Imperial Propaganda
    Painting: Trooper
    Painting: Alliance Propaganda
    Imperial Propaganda Painting
    Clone Trooper PaintingAlliance Propaganda Painting

    Ewok Festival of Love

    These Paintings are available during the Ewok Festival of Love event. These are tradable and can be bought from a player.

    Ewok Painting 1
    Ewok Painting 2
    Ewok Painting 1
    Ewok Painting 2

    Seven Ewok Festival of Love cards are also available during the event.

    Ewok Festival of Love Cards
    EFOL Card 1
    EFOL Card 2
    EFOL Card 3
    EFOL Card 4
    EFOL Card 5
    EFOL Card 6
    EFOL Card 7

    Galactic Moon Festival

    These paintings are available during the Galactic Moon Festival event.

    The Galactic Moon Festival​
    Can be purchased from GMF Vendor - Z'ozpheratu.
    The painting is No-Trade Shared.​
    The Z'ozpheratu Fresco
    The Sayormi Witch​
    Can be purchased from GMF Vendor - Z'ozpheratu.​
    The Sayormi Witch Painting

    Life Day

    These Paintings are available during the Life Day event. These are tradable and can be bought from a player.

    Ancient Life Day
    Family Bonds
    Life Day 2009
    Ancient Life Day Painting
    Family Bonds Painting
    Life Day 2009 Painting

    GCW Restriced

    These paintings can be obtained by participating in the Galactic Civil War.

    Battlefield Vendor

    These can be purchased from the two battlefield vendors with battlefield tokens.
    • Imperial Vendor: /way Talus -2230 2221 St. Sgt Rothax
    • Rebel Vendor : /way Rori 3664 -6427 St. Sgt Levardio
    Merr-Sonn JT-12 Jetpack Blueprints​
    One of the pieces (#4) used in Merr-Sonn 12 Jetpack creation.​
    Merr-Sonn JT-12 Jetpack Blueprints


    Paintings available after achieving a certain rank within one of the two factions.

    Might of the Empire​
    Can be purchased from Imperial recruiters by Imperials who reached the Master Sergeant Rank and over.
    The painting is No-Trade Shared.​
    Might of the Empire Painting
    We Will Never Surrender​
    Can be purchased from Rebel recruiters by Rebels who reached the Senior Sergeant Rank and over.
    The painting is No-Trade Shared.​
    We Will Never Surrender Painting

    Looted Paintings

    Paintings that can be looted.

    Looted From
    Looted From
    Bio-Engineer Poster​
    This painting can be either looted or crafted.​
    Bio-Engineer Poster
    Cargo Port Blueprint​
    This painting can be either looted or crafted.​
    Cargo Port Blueprint
    HK-47 Poster​
    One of the pieces (#4) used in HK-47 Jetpack creation.​
    Factory Guardian​
    HK-47 Painting
    Valley View​
    Common loot.​
    Valley View Painting
    Party Poster​
    Common loot.​
    Party Poster
    RIS One-sheet​
    Common loot.​
    RIS Sheet Painting
    Wanted Poster: Trandoshan​
    Common loot.​
    Wanted: Trandoshan
    Wanted Poster: Han Solo​
    Common loot.​
    Wanted: Han Solo
    Wanted Poster: Leia Organa​
    Common loot.​
    Wanted: Leia Organa
    Wanted Poster: Luke Skywalker​
    Common loot.​
    Wanted: Luke Skywalker
    Warning Sign​
    Undead Boss Loot.​
    Looted from Kallaova.​
    Warning Sign
    Undead Boss Loot.​
    Looted from Soon Dom.​
    Caution Sign
    Undead Boss Loot.​
    Looted from Tal Freykaa
    Biohazard Sign
    Tatooine Tapestry​
    Common Schematic loot.
    Crafted by "Novice Architect".​
    Tatooine Tapestry
    Nightsister Instigator Painting​
    The painting grants a choice of three titles, via the radial menu, to one of your characters.​
    • Darksider
    • Spellweaver
    • Nightsister Slave
    The painting is No-Trade.​
    Nightsister Instigator Painting

    Rare Loot

    Paintings that can be obtained through Rare Loot System. Keep in mind that Restoration server has its own pool for these items.

    Rare Loot Chest Paintings
    Droid in Contrast​
    Droid in Contrast Painting
    Feared Rodian Painting
    No Division​
    No Division Painting
    Bothan Beauty​
    Bothan Beauty Painting
    Bothan Buff​
    Bothan Buff Painting
    Cast Wing In Flight​
    Cast Wing in Flight Painting
    Emperor's Eyes (TIE Sentinel)​
    Emperor's Eyes Painting
    Fighter Study​
    Fighter Study Painting
    Hutt Greed​
    Hutt Greed Painting
    Imperial Oppression
    (TIE Oppressor)​
    Imperial Oppression Painting
    Living Canals​
    Lava Canals Painting
    Pilgrimage Painting
    Poster of Food Preparation​
    Food Preparation 1 Poster
    Poster of a Ship Schematic​
    Ship Schematic Poster
    Poster of Turret Schematic​
    Turret Schematic Poster
    Tatooine Dune Speeder​
    Tatooine Dune Speeder Painting
    Fighters Courage​
    Fighters Courage Painting
    Wookiee Triumph Painting
    Warrior's Honor​
    Warrior's Honor Painting
    Darth Vader VICTORY Painting

    Exceptional Chest Paintings
    A Rebel Painting
    (No-Trade Shared)​
    A Rebel X-Wing Painting
    Fighter Rodian Painting
    The War Phoenix
    (No-Trade Shared)​
    The War Phoenix Painting
    A Festive Gathering
    (No-Trade Shared)​
    A Festive Gathering Painting
    Portrait of the Emperor
    (No-Trade Shared)​
    Portrait of the Emperor
    Advertisement (Rodian)​
    Rodian Advertisement Painting
    Poster of Block Turret Schematic​
    Block Turret Schematic Poster
    Redemption Painting
    A New Hope​
    A New Hope Painting
    Dusk in Kachiro​
    Dusk in Kachiro Painting
    Galactic Gathering​
    Galactic Gathering Painting

    Legendary Chest Paintings
    Gunship Blueprint​
    LAAT Gunship Blueprint
    Rare Painting​
    Rare Painting of Imperial Prison
    Dusk in Kachiro​
    Dusk in Kachiro Painting
    Portrait of High Commander T'inia​
    Portrait of High Commander T'inia
    Portrait of Lady T'inia​
    Portrait of Lady T'inia

    NPC Vendor Paintings

    Paintings bought from NPC Vendors.

    Mustafar Content Vendor

    These paintings can be purchased with Mustafar Tokens or Credits from Mustafar Content Vendor - Raktaki.

    Darth Vader;
    Jedi Crest​
    Cost: 100 000 Credits
    Requires Badge:
    Master Mustafar Trailblazer
    The paintings are No-Trade.​
    Darth Vader Painting
    Jedi Crest Painting
    Mustafar Travel Advertisement​
    Cost: 25 Mutafar Trial Tokens
    The painting is No-Trade.​
    Mustafar Travel Advertisement

    Witches of Dathomir Vendor

    These paintings can be bought from WoD Vendors with Witch currency.

    Nightsister Tapestry​
    Can be purchased from Nightsister Vendor.​
    Nightsister Elder Tapestry
    Singing Mountain Clan Tapestry​
    Can be purchased from Singing Mountain Clan Vendor.​
    SMC Councilwoman Tapestry

    Quest Rewards

    Paintings that are awarded after completing a quest.

    Clone Wars Painting
    (Clone Trooper)​
    Rewarded upon completing Collecting Survey Data quest or Phase 2 of The Great Hunter quest.​
    Clone Trooper Phase 1 Painting
    Clone Wars Painting
    (General Grievous)​
    Rewarded upon completing Remove the Rival mission or Phase 4 of The Great Hunter quest.​
    General Grievous Painting
    Ewoks - Caravan of Courage​
    Rewarded upon completing Eliminate the Arachne quest from Marauder Themepark.
    The painting is No-Trade.​
    Caravan of Courage Poster
    Ewoks - Battle For Endor​
    Rewarded upon completing Eliminate the Mantigrue quest from Marauder Themepark.
    The painting is No-Trade.​
    Battle for Endor Poster
    Marauder King​
    Rewarded upon completing Stop the Ewok Raid quest from Marauder Themepark.​
    Marauder King Painting
    Rewarded upon completing Left Behind quest from Witches of Dathomir Themepark.
    Outcast Painting
    Nym's Arena Poster​
    Rewarded upon completing Beat Opponents in Arena quest from Nym's Themepark.
    The painting is No-Trade Shared.​
    Nym's Arena Poster
    Patriots of Dathomir Brochure​
    Rewarded upon completing Seek Knowledge: Attend the Rally quest from The Prologue.​
    PoD Village Brochure
    Imperial Banner​
    Can be awarded after voting for Victor Visalis in Bestine Election.
    Imperial Banner
    Rebel Banner​
    Rewarded upon completing A Force for Good quest from Rebel Themepark.​
    Rebel Banner Standing
    Can be rewarded upon completing Hearts and Minds.​
    Dathomir Forest Scenery​
    Dathomir Forest Scenery
    Dathomir Mountain Scenery​
    Dathomir Mountain Scenery
    Can be rewarded upon completing Hearts and Minds.​
    Dathomir Plains Scenery​
    Dathomir Plains Scenery
    Dathomirian Portal​
    Dathomir Portal Scenery

    Not Available

    List of paintings that are not obtainable.
    Paintings will vary in size.
    *Not an official name.

    The Phantom Menace
    The Phantom Menace Painting
    Attack of the Clones
    Attack of the Clones Painting
    Revenge of the Sith
    Revenge of the Sith Painting
    Birth of a Death Star​
    Birth of a Death Star Painting
    Rebel Painting: Princess Leia​
    Princess Leia Painting
    Starmap Painting​
    Starmap Painting
    An Imperial Star Destroyer​
    An Imperial Star Destroyer Painting
    An X-Wing​
    An X-Wing Painting
    A KSE Firespray​
    A KSE Firespray Painting
    AT-AT Blueprint​
    AT-AT Blueprint
    Echo Base Shield Plans Painting​
    Echo Base Shield Plans Blueprints
    Falleen's Fist Blueprints​
    Falleen's First Blueprints
    The Price of Victory Painting​
    The Price of Victory Painting
    Rebels' Kiss Painting​
    Rebels' Kiss Painting
    A Twin-Pod Cloud Car Painting​
    Twin Cloud Car Painting
    Imperial Painting: Darth Vader​
    Darth Vader and Emperor Painting
    Jedi Master Yoda Painting​
    Master Yoda Painting
    United In Our Cause​
    United in Our Cause Painting
    Seven Years of Galaxies: Imperial​
    Seven Years Vader Painting
    Seven Years of Galaxies: Rebel​
    Seven Years Leia Painting
    Painting of the Meatlump King​
    Meatlump King Painting
    Agrilat Swamp Waterfall*​
    Agrilat Swamp Waterfall Painting
    Life Day Kashyyyk Painting​
    Life Day Tree Painting
    Still Life of a Nebula Orchid​
    Still Life - Nebula Orchid Painting
    Ewok Festival of Love Painting​
    EFOL Ewok Hug Painting
    Spined Rancor Poster​
    Spined Rancor BE Poster
    Winged Quenker Poster​
    Winged Quenker BE Poster
    Defensive Stance​
    TKA Defensive Stance Poster
    Singing Mountain Clan Conciliator Painting*​
    SMC Conciliator Painting
    Stranded Bothan Painting
    Spitting Rawl​
    TKA Spitting Rawl Poster
    Nightsister Sentry Painting*​
    NS Sentry Painting
    Sunrise at Wayfar*​
    Sunrise at Wayfar Painting
    The Wrath of IG-88​
    The Wrath of IG-88 Painting
    Blueprints for an IG-100 Droid​
    IG-100 Blueprints Poster
    Poster of Mouse Droid Schematic​
    Mouse Droid Schematic Poster
    Whatever It Takes​
    Male Twilek Painting
    (Female Twilek)
    (Has 8 Versions)​
    Female Twilek Painting
    Rodian Collector Painting
    Rodian Collector Painting
    Theater Poster: A Forbidden Love​
    Theater Forbidden Love Poster
    Theater Poster: Come see the Great Rodian​
    Theater Great Rodian Poster
    Theater Poster: The Merchant of Mos Espa​
    Theater Merchant Poster
    Theater Poster: "You won't eat my nuna!"​
    Theater Eat Nuna Poster
    Nuna-Ball Advertisement​
    Baz Nitch/Nuna Poster

    Horizontal Paintings
    Fierce Battle*​
    Fierce Battle Painting
    Battle of Echo Base​
    Battle of Echo Base Painting
    An Empire Divided*​
    An Empire Divided Painting
    Fan Faire 2009 Commemorative Painting​
    Fan Faire 2009 Painting
    Galactic Gathering 2010​
    Galactic Gathering 2010 Painting
    The March to Restuss​
    The March to Restuss Painting
    Despair's Lady​
    Despair's Lady Painting
    Myriad of Lights*​
    The Galaxy Painting
    Star Pilot​
    Star Pilot Painting
    Decimator Painting
    Smuggler's Run​
    Smuggler's Run Painting
    Weapon of War​
    Weapon of War Painting
    Medical Poster 1*​
    Medical Poster 1
    Medical Poster 2*​
    Medical Poster 2
    Medical Poster 3*​
    Medical Poster 3
    Bogglo Blow
    Party Poster*​
    Bogglo Blow Poster
    30th Anniversary Bash
    Anniversary Bash Poster
    The Mad Hands
    Party Poster*​
    Mad Hands Poster
    Delight of the Entertainer​
    EFOL Delight of the Entertainer Painting
    Ancient Ewok Ritual​
    EFOL Ancient Ewok Ritual Painting
    Enchanting Lore​
    EFOL Enchanting Lore Painting
    Festival Treats and Trinkets​
    EFOL Treats and Trinkets Painting
    Heartbreak of the Soul​
    EFOL Heartbreak of the Soul Painting
    (Palowick Musician)
    (Has 4 Versions)​
    Advertisement Palowick Painting
    Corellian Seaside​
    Corellian Seaside Painting
    Landscape of the Agrilat Swamps​
    Agrilat Swamp Landscape Painting
    Majestic Plains*​
    Majestic Plains Painting
    The Most Grand of Palaces*​
    Theed Palace Painting
    Golden Flower*​
    Golden Flower Painting
    Award Certificate*​
    Award Certificate
    DH-17 Blaster Advertisement*​
    DH-17 Blaster Advertisement
    The Jewelry Collection painting
    Jewelry Collection Painting
    Poster of Food Preparation 2*​
    Poster of Food Preparation 2
    Mining Town of Anchorhead*​
    Anchorhead Painting
    March of the Tuskens​
    March of the Tuskens Painting
    Tatooine Travel Advertisement​
    Tatooine Travel Advertisement
    Coruscant Travel Advertisement​
    Coruscant Travel Advertisement
    Survive the Rryatt Trail​
    Rryatt Trail Advertisement
    Hoth Travel Advertisement​
    Hoth Travel Advertisement
    Club Sub Zero*​
    Club Sub Zero Painting
    Great Hyperspace War
    Great Hyperspace War Bas-Relief
    An Exar Kun Fresco​
    Exar Kun Fresco
    Exar Kun Mural​
    Exar Kun Mural
    Patriots of Dathomir Banner​
    POD Banner

    Vertical Paintings
    Victorious Reign​
    Victorious Reign Painting
    Five Years of Galaxies
    Five Years of Galaxies Painting
    Travel Advertisement​
    Travel Advertisement
    Darth Jar-Jar​
    Darth Jar Jar Painting
    Deathtroopers Painting
    Mystic Corellia​
    Mystic Corellia Painting
    The Will of Exar Kun​
    The Will of Exar Kun Painting
    Seventh Anniversary Painting​
    Seventh Anniversary Painting
    Portrait of Axkva Min​
    Portrait of Axkva Min
    Life Day Matriarch Painting​
    Wookiee Matriarch Painting
    Lifeday Painting
    (Wookiee with Pups)​
    Wookiee with Pups Painting
    Life Day Patriarch Painting​
    Wookiee Patriarch Painting
    Ord Mantell Travel Advertisement​
    Ord Mantell Travel Advertisement
    Kashyyyk Travel Advertisement​
    Kashyyyk Travel Advertisement
    Still Life - Kite Plant​
    Still Life Kite Plant Painting
    Advertisement (Smoking Ad)​
    Smoking Advertisement
    Wampa Warning Sign​
    Wampwa Warning Sign
    Mara Jade Poster​
    Mara Jade Poster
    Wedge Antilles Poster​
    Wedge Antilles Poster

    Collection Rewards

    Paintings that cannot be obtained because their related collections are disabled or inaccessible.

    Liberating The Blackguard​
    Rewarded upon completing DePalma's Dispatch collection.

    Currenly unavailable.​
    Liberating the Blackguard Painting

    PRECU Quest Reward Paintings

    These paintings are currently unobtainable because most Pre-CU quests are currently disabled by the developers.

    (Endor Painting)​
    This painting depicting an Endor landscape is a reward for completing Pfilbee Jhorn's last mission.​
    Endor Painting
    Grunda Painting​
    This is a quest reward for completing Odoof Grunda & Jeleela Bindoo missions.​
    Grunda Painting
    A Painting
    (Planet and Star Painting)​
    This is a quest reward from Sean Trenwell for completing his mission.​
    Planet and Star Painting

    Special Paintings

    Special paintings that deserve to be displayed in their own category.

    3D Depth Paintings

    Paintings with a unique feature: 3D depth.

    Fan Faire 2011 Painting​
    Fan Faire 2011 Painting
    Galactic Gathering 2011​
    Granted to players who attended SOE Fan Faire 2011 in Las Vegas.​
    Galactic Gathering 2011 Painting

    Free Character Transfer Painting

    When the original game was online, players could use the Free Character Transfer service to move to the new galaxy. All players who moved to a valid destination galaxy would receive a relocation gift of a painting that, when "examined," would carry the name of the transferred character and the home (transferred from) galaxy on it.

    Painting: The %TU Galaxy​
    There are 12 versions of this painting; the only difference is the server name at the bottom of the painting, which is engraved into a golden plaque.​
    Traveler from The Galaxy Painting

    List of Servers that may be displayed on the painting:
    • Corbantis
    • Infinity
    • Interpid
    • Kauri
    • Kettemoor
    • Lowca
    • Naritus
    • Scylla
    • Tarquinas
    • Tempest
    • Valcyn
    • Wanderhome

    Multi-Painting: Forces Under Siege

    The painting has a number of "modes" that can be accessed via the "painting controls" option in the radial menu of the painting.
    These modes are:
    • Rebel Painting - shows the Victory of the Rebel Alliance painting.
    • Imperial Painting - shows the Triumph of the Galactic Empire painting.
    • Cycle Paintings - will automatically switch appearance between the two paintings on a timer.
    • Reflect Planetary Control - will automatically switch the painting to show the winning faction in the Planetary Control Game for the current planet.
    • Reflect Galactic Control - will automatically switch the painting to show the faction that controls the galaxy.
    Imperial Painting:
    Triumph of the Galactic Empire
    Triumph of the Galactic Empire Painting
    Rebel Painting:
    Victory of the Rebel Alliance
    Victory of the Rebel Alliance Painting

    Paintings with Titles

    There are paintings that allow players to claim titles from them by using radial menu.

    The painting grants a choice of three titles, via the radial menu, to one of your characters.​
    • Underlord
    • XTS Executive
    • Black Sun Koppo Vigo
    Breakthrough Painting
    War Torn Soldier Painting​
    The painting grants a choice of three titles, via the radial menu, to one of your characters.​
    • The Fearless
    • Hard-Boiled
    • Skirmisher
    War Torn Soldier Painting

    No Longer Available

    List of paintings that were available at some point but are no longer obtainable. The only way to get these is through other players or hope for their eventual return.

    Life Day 2021 Celebration Gift Box.​
    Wookiee Compassion Painting
    Life Day 2021 Celebration Gift Box.​
    Wookiee Courage Painting
    Gift Giving Wookiees​
    Life Day 2021 Celebration Gift Box.​
    Gift Giving Wookiees Painting
    It Came From Mustafar!​
    Server milestone reward in 2021.​
    It Came From Mustafar! Painting
    Kashyyyk at Night​
    Life Day 2021 Celebration Gift Box.​
    Kashyyyk at Night Painting
    Life Day 2021 Celebration Gift Box.​
    Wookiee Loyalty Painting
    Mandalorian Skull Banner​
    One of the pieces (#3) used in Merr-Sonn 12 Jetpack creation.

    Was available for purchase from Battlefield Vendor.​
    Mandalorian Skull Banner
    Memories Past​
    Life Day 2021 Celebration Gift Box.​
    Wookiee Memories Past Painting
    Life Day 2021 Celebration Gift Box.​
    Wookiee Morality Painting
    Six Years of Galaxies​
    Was given during the Empire Day 2022.
    The painting is (No-Trade Shared)​
    Six Years of Galaxies Painting
    Pride of the Galaxy​
    The Festival of Harmony​
    A Brave Broach​
    The Festival of Harmony​
    Battlefield Brothers​
    The Festival of Harmony​
    The Big Star​
    The Festival of Harmony​

    NPC Vendor Paintings

    Vendors that have sold paintings in the past.

    Bors Bos

    Bors Bos was an NPC in Mos Eisley that had some of the TCG and Player-made paintings for sale.

    Galactic Hunters Painting
    Galactic Hunters Painting
    Lando Blue Milk Poster
    Lando Blue Milk Poster
    Around the Campfire​
    Around the Campfire Painting
    Lightsaber Techniques Painting
    Lightsaber Techniques Painting

    Matilda Carson

    Matilda Carson was an NPC in Mos Eisley that had 5 paintings for sale.

    Imperial Agent​
    This is the winning painting from the 2010 Painting Contest. Mak'o Rad of Radiant created this masterpiece​
    Imperial Painting
    Intense Performer​
    This is the winning painting from the 2010 Painting Contest. Anj'a of Radiant created this masterpiece.​
    Intense Performer Painting
    Padawan Training​
    This is the winning painting from the 2010 Painting Contest. Asotost Lemme of Shadowfire created this masterpiece.​
    Padawan Training Painting
    Preparing for The Storm​
    This is the winning Rebel painting from the 2009 Create a Painting contest. Hazaz of Bloodfin created this masterpiece.​
    Preparing for the Storm Painting
    Imperial Oasis Incident​
    This is the winning Imperial painting from the 2009 Create a Painting contest. Lexx Yovel of Starsider created this masterpiece.​
    Imperial Oasis Incident Painting

    Player-made Paintings

    Paintings created by players and implemented by developers into the game.

    2021 Homeshow Winners

    Winners of the 2021 Homeshow contest.

    2021 Homeshow Winner
    (My Brothers Keeper)​
    A Brother is your first best friend, and your first enemy. Through thick and thin, I will always be my brothers keeper - Korriin

    Created by Korriin​
    My Brothers Keeper Painting
    2021 Homeshow Runner-up Winner
    (Deep Meditation)​
    Created by Arvenia​
    Deep Meditation Painting

    2021 Screenshot Contest Winners

    Winners of the 2021 Painting Contest.

    South For Winter​
    Created by Philmor ALF​
    South for Winter Painting
    Almost Home​
    Created by Morse Code​
    Almost Home Painting
    Emperor's Claw​
    Having earned the colloquial title of the Emperor's Claw, Hsskor leads the 96th Imperial Task Force with a vision of securing a more perfect Empire of the future.

    Created by Hsskor​
    Emperor's Claw Painting
    Mother of Malice​
    Created by Tess Xeorush​
    Mother of Malice Painting
    Alrek's Doll
    Alrek has fond memories of Bantha Dolls since his brother gave him one many years ago on Interpid.
    Alrek is known to carry one on him most of the time and is happy to trade it to anyone upon request.

    Created by Alrek​
    Alrek's Doll Painting
    Entertaining Jabba​
    During one of Jabba's visits to Naboo he stopped for some entertainment in Star City. Here Seilene entertains the infamous Hutt.

    Created by Skyde​
    Entertaining Jabba Painting

    2021 Screenshot Contest Participants

    Paintings created by players for 2021 Screenshot Contest.

    Contracts End​
    Created by Solus​
    Contracts End Painting
    Created by Zasst​
    Disciple Painting
    Escars Hunters​
    Created by Escar​
    Escars Hunters Painting
    Ithorian Strength​
    Created by Heuwoo Nuumessu​
    Ithorian Strength Painting
    Long Lost Friends​
    Created by GingerBilly​
    Long Lost Friends Painting
    Created by McLovin​
    McLovin Painting
    Created by AmanAman​
    (Undead Rancor) Run Painting
    Slow Motion Horror​
    Created by Des Troy​
    Slow Motion Horror Painting
    Swamp Rat​
    Created by Quimak​
    Swamp Rat Painting
    Grimming of Clan Koscheski October 16th 2021​
    A Mandalorian remembers his first hunt against a Krayt Dragon, and visits the place of his first kill alongside his father and his clan. Always remember what we lost and how lucky we are for what we now have.

    Created by Hagank​
    Grimming of Clan Koscheski Painting
    Heart of Tyyyn​
    This painting shows a dying Kashyyyk moon in the Tyyyn Nebula. Was created by your most favorite artist Maximilian Lyyr.

    Created by Maximilian Lyyr​
    Heart of Tyyyn Painting
    The Laughing Lizard​
    Though many fear the roar of the fearsome Krayt Dragon, few have come to hear the bellowing laughter of such a beast and lived to tell the tale.

    Created by Arvelli Donaedo​
    The Laughing Lizard Painting
    Dev Slayer​
    Created by Rozay​
    Dev Slayer Painting
    Wayfar at Sunset​
    The twin suns on Tatooine hang low behind Jabba's Palace and Wayfar.

    Created by Salguod​
    Wayfar at Sunset Painting

    Need Confirmation

    Currently unknown whether these paintings can be obtained or not.

    Life Day Painting
    (Proud Wookiee)​
    Proud Wookiee Painting
    Life Day Painting
    (Red Robed Wookiee)​
    Red Robed Wookiee Painting
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