Patch Notes Archive (Part 2)

Patch Notes Archive (Part 2)
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  • Publish 1.0 (Sept 17, 2022)

    Welcome to Publish 1.0! Our first Roadmap Milestone. Update Notes:

    Mysteries of the Force
    Start your journey to becoming a powerful Jedi, constrained by the era of the Galactic Empire, which poses unique challenges as a thriving Force Sensitive community to take in a youngling for training is nonexistent. Consequently, becoming a Jedi will be a demanding, stimulating, and individualized experience for every inhabitant of the Star Wars Galaxy. Discovery of The Force will require exploration on group and solo adventures throughout the ground and space. Everything encountered along the way, from artifacts and horticulture to creatures and conclaves, will play a role in your saga.
    • Use the /checkForce command to monitor your progress towards force sensitivity.
    Mustafar returns to Star Wars Galaxies, offering more than 30 quest lines and experiences. This adventure planet contains iconic points of interest, relics worth collecting, powerful weapons, dangerous dungeons, and more—all balanced for the Combat Upgrade. Purchase a shuttle ticket to Mensix Mining Facility from Corellia or Talus. The planet is jam-packed with quests, collections, and more! Visit Foreman Chivos in the Mustafar Mining Facility (334, -1125) to get started on an epic adventure.

    Visit the Mustafar Content Vendor after completing various stages of your journey in the lava-filled world to acquire:

    • Lava Resistance Kit
    • A Darth Vader Painting
    • A Jedi Painting
    • Darth Vader vs Obi Wan Kenobi Diorama
    • Dooku’s bust
    • Blue and Red glowing eyes
    • Lava Beetle Mount
    • ]Mustafarian Bunker
    Progression System
    The Progression System has arrived with gating for Mustafarian instances! Players can unlock new content areas after meeting server-wide prerequisites for the galaxy by working together under a unifying set of complex goals. The challenges of the Droid Army, Droid Factory Two, HK-47, and Sher Kar await the collective unlock of the community! Visit the Progression terminal at Mensix Mining Facility to check out the progress of the server as it updates.

    Patch Notes:

    • General
      • Damage over time effects will proc at the following rates
        • Bleed - every 8 seconds
        • Poison - every 10 seconds
        • Disease - every 20 seconds
        • Fire - every 5 seconds
      • Fixed an issue preventing a player from using certain commands and skills while stunned.
      • Enabled weapon-specific damage exotics.
      • Increased the effectiveness of healing potency exotics.
      • Increased the impact of accuracy when your accuracy rating is superior to your opponent’s defense.
      • Reintroduced state recovery skills into the game! You can now clear your blind, dizzy, and stun states if you have the appropriate recovery skill.
    • Accuracy
      • Locomotion (movement) and Posture (physical positioning) now have an effect on Accuracy and Defense rolls. The following is a list of different posture and movement bonuses or penalties. Players will want to consider their accuracy from skill tapes + their bonus accuracy based on posture and movement multiplied by what type of weapon they are holding. Then the opposite can be rolled for your defense. Weapon multipliers are:
        • Pistols / One-Hand / Unarmed x 1.25
        • Carbines / polearms x 1.5
        • Rifles / Two-Hand x 1.75
        • Heavy Weapons / Flamethrowers x 2
    • Attack Speed
      • Adjusted the speed cap of every weapon type, so 0.5 is no longer the hard speed cap. Instead, they are as follows:
        • 0.8 modified for Teras Kasi / Unarmed
        • 0.9 modified for flamethrowers
        • 1.0 modified for pistols and 1-handed weapons
        • 1.15 modified for carbines and polearms
        • 1.3 modified for rifles and 2-handed weapons
        • 1.45 modified for heavy weapons
      • The Adrenal Boost skill from a Doctor, and the Double Time ability from Squad Leader, will reduce your combat speed by 0.25 and 0.5, respectively. This will not change your weapon-modified speed, instead, it will reduce your cooldown timers. Your cooldown timer is calculated as your modified attackspeed + your ability cooldown. Your execute timer is your modified attack speed + the execution time of the ability.
    • Battle Fatigue
      • The Battle Fatigue mechanic has been implemented. Battle Fatigue is generated over time while engaged in combat and produces negative effects on your character based on the amount of fatigue.
      • Your HAM (Health, Action, and Mind) regeneration will be depleted when you reach 200 Battle Fatigue by a rate of 0.25% per point, up to a maximum reduction of 25%.
      • The efficacy of cast heals is reduced by up to 75% when you have full battle fatigue (1000 points).
      • Combat Medic, Master Medic, and Doctor now have a new skill modifier, "healing shock," in their trees that mitigates the effects of Battle Fatigue on their healing.
      • You can heal Battle Fatigue in the following ways:
        • /sit anywhere to rest: 4 points per 10 seconds
        • /sit in a camp: 10 points per 10 seconds
        • Watching an entertainer: 16 points per 10 seconds
        • Watching an entertainer in a camp: 26 points per 10 seconds
    • Death Cybernetics
      • A bug preventing cybernetics from properly attaching to your character when you rolled for one after cloning has been resolved.
      • A helper popup message explaining that a cybernetic has been attached after you cloned and providing instructions on removing it will now display the first time a death cybernetic is applied to your character.
    • Thyferran Buffs now charge your bank account
    • Droids can now be charged with batteries from your backpack.
    • An issue with droids not allowing you to purchase a Thyferran Buff when they have available battery power has been resolved.
    • A bug that allowed droids to be used in combat when out of battery has been resolved.
    • Droids now lose 1% battery when told to attack an invalid target.
    • 3rd character slot content bugs have been resolved.
    • Furniture colors have been re-added
    • The Restoration Lava Skiff collection has been moved to a safe place somewhere else in the galaxy. The limited-time “Mustafarian Skiff” is no longer available in-game. The collection will now offer the desert skiff as the reward.
    • Etinoca Real Estate has been established in the galaxy. Read more here.

    • Artisan
      • A bug that caused factories and harvesters to double charge their re-deed cost has been fixed.
      • The Interplanetary Survey Droid now functions properly for all resource types.
    • Brawler
      • Parry Riposte duration was increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
    • Carbineer
      • Added a new suppression fire effect that creates a "slow down" effect between the attacker and defender. The effect acts as if there was a hill between the combatants, with the attacker at the top and the defender at the bottom. The area of the effect is a cone between the attacker and defender. The "hill" will be maintained between the combatants even if they move.
      • The range of Scatter Shot has been limited to 32m, its damage modifier has been increased to 2.0 from 1.5, and its Mind cost has been increased from 2 to 3.
    • Commando
      • Fixed the special effects of grenades.
      • The Burn Down and It Burns abilities are now restricted to only be usable while a Heavy Weapon is equipped.
      • Commando DOT abilities no longer have a warmup timer.
      • The Deadbang Shot ability now has a range of 42 meters with a 70-degree cone effect and a 2.0 damage modifier.
      • The Focus Fire ability now relies on your weapon range, with a 35-degree cone effect and a 1.7 damage modifier.
      • Flamethrowers now properly treat all attacks as cone Area of Effect (AoE).
      • The cooldown for Stand Fast is now 60 seconds.
      • Heavy Weapon Proc Effects now ignore defenses and apply as follows:
        • Heavy Acid Beams blind chance changes based on distance
        • Lightning Beam Cannon has a chance to apply a Fire Dot, and also it can snare a vehicle.
        • Rocket Launchers apply a Knockdown.
        • Flamethrowers apply a DoT Effect.
        • Heavy Particle applies a Stun Effect.
    • Combat Medic
      • Combat Medic Shock Debuff now works for Knockdown defense.
      • Increased the damage of deuterium toss and neurotoxin.
      • Infect now generates Battle Fatigue on the enemy, and its wound effectiveness has been increased.
    • Creature Handler
      • Fixed a bug related to charge/spit/kick skills that would prevent the handler from using any abilities while these skills were on CD.
      • Fixed a bug with the spit skill that prevented using any other abilities due to the high Mind cost.
      • Added a Global Cool Down between a Creature Handler's pet skills, so it’s no longer possible to macro queue all skills simultaneously.
      • Added a 12-second cool down to the soothing comfort ability.
    • Doctor
      • Disinfect, Extinguish Fire, Counter Toxin, and Bandage now properly reduce the severity of DoTs.
    • Marksman
      • The Lethal Shot skill's damage modifier has been increased from 1.5 to 1.7, and its Action Cost has been lowered from 13 to 12.
    • Pikeman
      • Added a new standard version of Intimidate to Defensive Techniques I (Improved Intimidate remains in Defensive Techniques III).
      • Added an Advanced Intimidate ability to Master Pikeman, which acts as an AoE Intimidate that will reduce enemy damage by 35%.
      • Moved Area Taunt from the Swordsman profession to the Pukeman's Stances Tree to match Pikeman's intended role as an AoE Tank.
    • Pistoleer
      • The Body Shot ability's damage modifier has been increased from 1.5 to 1.6, and its action cost has been reduced from 15 to 14.
      • The Quick Draw ability's damage modifier has been increased from 1.2 to 1.4, and now has a special effect that makes it the fastest ability in-game between cooldown and execution.
      • The duration of the Warning Shot ability has increased from 15 seconds to 45 seconds, and its defensive penalty has been increased from 80 to 140.
      • The duration of Disarming Shot has been changed to 12 seconds.
    • Rifleman
      • The Sniper Shot ability now includes an accuracy bonus of 150 points.
    • Swordsman
      • The damage modifier of the Power Attack ability has been increased from 2.0 to 2.5.
      • Fixed an issue that would make Armor Break Slice completely negate the effects of Armor Break.
      • Greatly increased the damage bonus of berserk.
      • You can heal now while under a berserk effect, but you will also take increased damage.
    • Smuggler
      • The damage modifier of the Reckless Shot ability has been increased from 1.4 to 1.7.
      • The Panic Shot ability now uses a 40-degree cone that lasts 12 seconds.
      • The Overwhelming Shot ability now works against Knockdown Resistance.
    • Teras Kasi Artist
      • Moved "Honed Center of Being" from Balance I to Balance III.
      • Added an Improved Center of Being, which provides a 600 defense rating, 15% damage reduction, and 10% damage output reduction.
    • A bug allowing AI ships to spawn on top of themselves and/or without random axial rotation and distancing has been resolved.
    • Credit chip payouts from kills in space have been adjusted to have no minimum payout.
    • Chasis Dealers now offer 30% fewer credits for Space Parts.
    • The /beacon command should now work properly.
    User Interface
    • The Command Browser now displays a command's disallowed locomotions and states.
    • The Overhead Map now adds additional spacing between overlapping text labels for readability.
    • The maximum zoom multiplier on the free chase camera has been limited to 3x.
    • When a player is watching an entertainer or listening to a musician and has reached the maximum inspiration buff duration, a (Ready for Buff) label will persist above their heads until they have been buffed or stop watching/listening to the entertainer.

    Hotfix (Sept 24, 2022)

    • Volumetric Shadows should now work properly, and their attenuation has been increased for better visual appearance.
    • Volumetric Shadows now cast relative to their origin celestial light source more precisely and adhere to a planet's time of day cycle.
    • The client should no longer crash when opening the skills window after dropping all skills.
    • The Battle Fatigue and Wound effect from Disease Abilities has been reduced.
    • Creatures should no longer fire electricity when using special attacks.
    • Cyrobang grenades should now craft with an appropriate speed. This change is not retroactive.
    Galactic Civil War
    • Mercenary players should now be flagged as Special Forces/Overt when entering the range of a GCW Invasion Defensive General.
    Game Objects
    • A bug causing the barrel of turret objects to appear invisible has been resolved.
    • A bug causing structure placement pylons to appear with invalid textures has been resolved.
    • The following collection objects that previously gave cannot see/cannot interact errors should now be collectible:
      • Burning Rocks 3, 5, 6, and 10
      • A Datapad (Dantooine)
      • Disruptor Rifle (Mustafar)
    Game World
    • A bug with the floors in the Geonosian Caves and Corellian Droid Factory causing players to become stuck has been fixed.
    • The Cloning Center at Mensix Mining Facility on Mustafar now contains an Insurance Terminal.
    • There is no longer snow in Dearic (Mini-Hotfix from Sept. 19).
    • The missing Cargo Shuttle in the "Remodeling" legacy quest has been re-added (Mini-Hotfix from Sept. 19).

    We are aware there are still some issues with the SWG Restoration Launcher for some players. The Development Team is working to resolve those as soon as possible.

    Update - Galactic Moon Festival (Oct 8, 2022)

    • The Galactic Moon Festival is now live. Be sure to participate in the new questline, The Dead Speak, by purchasing a haunted scroll from the Festival Organizer.
    Bounty Hunter
    • PvP Bounties are now limited to Master Bounty Hunters.
    • A bug that prevented Bounty Hunters from seeing player bounties has been resolved.
    • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented a Bounty Hunter from completing a Bounty Mission when killing their player target.
    • Changed the displayed effect for Starshine Surprise from Incap Recovery to Milking Bonus
    • Mandalorian Leggings now use Armor Experimentation instead of Clothing Experimentation.
    • All Ewok Festival of Love and Witches of Dathomir Furniture Schematics should now work properly.
    • All Jewelry should no longer have a required combat level. This change is retroactive.

    Hotfix - Galactic Moon Festival (Oct 27, 2022)

    • Costumes rewarded from the new quest lines, (The Skeleton, The Spectre, The Ghoul) can be redeemed from their respective scrolls if you didn't gain the costume before when completing the quest.
    • If you deleted or lost your scroll, you can use anyone else's scroll(s) to redeem your costume(s) if you already completed the quest otherwise submit a support ticket
    • An issue with the Dusty Skull "Can't see target" has been resolved
    • The error with streetlamps are now fixed
    • An issue regarding costumes not being obtained has been resolved
    • If you purchased a costume from the GMF vendor, please submit a support ticket regarding your missing costume(s)
    • Thimble has given Sedton the correct coordinates to sell their melons
    • The collection item Steaming Rock #5 has been fixed
    • Vani Korr has returned from vacation
    • The client will now warn you when you set a graphics setting to higher than the recommended value for playing
    Combat Medic
    • The Wound and Battle Fatigue multiplier applied from Combat Medic's Infect ability has been reduced
    • You can now apply powerups to all heavy weapons

    • 3rd Character Slot
    • The issue with the profession terminals not responding to input has been resolved
    • Players with the master profession badge (instead of the master skill) can now interact with the profession terminals. The effect of this change means that anyone with the master profession badge can now interact with those respective terminals

    Hotfix (Nov 19, 2022)

    • A bug that caused a replication issue leading to melee professions needing to chase ahead of their targets in order to not receive a “too far” message has been fixed.
    • Weapon Hindrance now only applies while in combat. Once you enter combat, if you have (or later equip) a weapon that applies hindrance to you, the hindrance will remain until you exit combat
    • Cybernetic abilities now work even if they are covered over with an appearance item.
    • Cybernetics can now be uninstalled even when covered by an appearance item.
    • Decrepit Enhancements now have stats.
    • The Galactic Moon Festival has concluded for the year.
    • You can now redeem costume quest rewards by using the radial on the GMF Quest Scroll if you have not already done so.
    • Fixed a bug that caused excessive lag and frame rate drops during GCW Space Battles.
    • Fixed several missing strings and textures.
    • The Firestar Carbine no longer has a skill requirement.
    • The Patrol Point Quests for Entertainers and Artisans during GCW City Invasions now work properly when interacting with the Patrol Point base object.
    • The /bountyCheck command now properly has an icon and appears in the Command Browser. This command is only available to Bounty Hunters.
    • Artisan
      • The “Decorative Survival Knife” was moved from Droid Engineer to Weaponsmith.
      • You can now insert a weapon power bit in Basic and Standard Weapon Cores.
      • All Factory Crates now have a count capacity of 100. This change is not retroactive.
      • Several schematics from the Galactic Moon Festival and Ewok Festival of Love have been fixed.
      • Beast Dietary Supplements have moved to the Food and Chemical Tool and Food Factory.
      • The Two-Handed Athame now crafts with the correct speed and action cost.
      • Mandalorian Gloves now use Armor Experimentation instead of Clothing Experimentation.
      • The Survey and Hand Sampling skill mods now properly modify the amount of resources sampled.
    • Bio-Engineer
      • Incubation Timers on Incubators are now properly enforced and are now properly modified by the Incubation Time Skill Mod.
      • The Master Bio-Engineer box now requires experience points to purchase.
    User Interface
    • A search bar has been added to the crafting tool window. Typing characters into the search bar will automatically filter the schematics shown on the current tab you are viewing.

    Hotfix - Life Day (Dec 11, 2022)

    Life Day
    • Life Day is upon us! One of the most important Wookiee customs is Life Day. On this day, extended Wookiee families gather and celebrate a day of joy and harmony as promised by the Tree of Life. Traditionally celebrated on the Wookiee home world Kashyyyk, Life Day is a time to reflect on the renewal of life and to remember those who have passed on.
    • Players can go to Wayfar, Dearic, or Doaba Guerfel to participate in the festivities.
    • Help Saul Dann with his quests to receive a STAP vehicle.
    • Visit the factional vendors to participate in decorating or destruction for rewards (including a bonus for completing the runs while Special Forces).
    • Open the Radial Menu on the Life Day Tree for the 2022 Life Day Badge and Title: Life Day Aficionado.
    • Open the Radial Menu on the Life Day Tree for a pile of presents for you and a friend. Players will receive either a green or red holiday sweater and an ornament. Presents you can share with your friends will feature both a standard holiday ornament and an exclusive Death Star or Alderaan ornament available only this year.
    • Three new Kashyyykian furniture items are available for sale from the Life Day Vendors.

    Hotfix - January Bug Bash 1 (Jan 6, 2023)

    Client Game
    • Players will no longer automatically mount creatures when called from their datapad.
    • When attempting to mount any vehicle or creature, if the vehicle or creature is colliding with any collidable object or flora, players will be unable to mount and will instead receive a system message that they need to store and re-call their mount in another location. The effect of this change prevents using vehicles to glitch through collidable objects such as walls.
    • The camera rotation from key binding “Ctrl + Shift + S” has been disabled.
    • GCW Static Bases
      • Fixed a bug that caused a contested terminal to become “stuck” without resetting when the timer expired.
      • Fixed several bugs with the countdown timer so it now displays the remaining time correctly and the time now stays in sync with the server’s game time frames for better accuracy.
    • Life Day
      • Life Day has concluded for the season. Thank you to all participants!
    • Nym's Theme Park
      • Increased the timer to complete the Rescue the Lok Revenant quest from 3 minutes to 6 minutes and fixed a bug with the Prisoner’s running speed.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented 2-1B Droids from despawning after a GCW City Invasion ended.
    • Some buildings with missing furniture have been fixed. More will be addressed in a later update.
    • Factional Crackdown Inspections in Cantinas have been disabled.
    • Fixed a bug that caused very dark shadows during weather events on Dathomir.
    • Bounty Hunter
      • A Bounty Hunter can no longer accept a bounty mission if the player target of that mission also belongs to the Bounty Hunter’s account (an alt), is in the same guild as the Bounty Hunter, or is a citizen of the same city as the Bounty Hunter.
      • When a new bounty is created resulting from a PvP death, it will now appear on terminals 30 minutes after it was created instead of immediately.
      • Probe Droids will now provide an exact location of a bounty target in Space.
    • Creature Handler
      • A bug causing “Heal Beast (Mark 2)” and “Heal Beast (Mark 3)” to disappear from your listed skills has been resolved. Mark 2 of this command is now granted at Creature Empathy IV. Mark 3 of this command is now granted at Master Creature Handler.
      • The “Pet Trick 1” command has moved to Creature Training II and the “Pet Trick 2” command is now learned at Creature Training IV.
      • The Skill Templates window now properly reflects that the “Follow,” “Stay,” and “Train Pet” commands are learned at Novice Creature Handler.
      • The action cost of the Exceptional Milking and Egg Finder abilities has been corrected such that they are now usable.
    • Entertainer
      • The command “Holographic Recall” to remove your Holographic Backup Images is now learned at the same time as the “Holographic Image” command.
    • The structures owned by accounts where no players on that account have logged in for more than 180 days have been marked as (Abandoned). Any player can radial the house sign to call for the destruction of an abandoned structure. Players can earn badges for packing up to 100 abandoned structures (note that there are no other rewards besides the new space that was once occupied by the abandoned building). Abandoned structures destroyed through this process will return to the owning player’s datapad.
    • Please be advised that in a future update, the maintenance costs for medium and large structures, harvesters, and other installations will be increasing by 50-150%. More information will be shared in the future.

    Hotfix - Ewok Festival of Love (Feb 5, 2023)

    Ewok Festival of Love
    • [The Ewok Festival of Love has returned to the galaxy! Visit Tyrena, Kaadara, and the Southern Ewok Lake Village to join the celebration. Be sure to check out all of the fan-favorite festivities: dancing Ewoks, chocolate fountains, and much more!
    • There are four Festival of Love activities this year, including a chance to play cupid! Use any earned Chak Hearts to purchase several rewards that are exclusive to the Ewok Festival of Love.
    • Note: Until the next client patch, badges will reflect the year 2011 instead of 2023. Please disregard this as we are holding off on a client patch due to other pending work but wanted to get the festival activated.
    • Allayloo ta nuv!
    Misc. Bug Bash
    • The Ranch is now on Dathomir. But best to stay away unless you are invited.
    • The Melon Farmer now respawns on an 18-hour timer instead of a 24-hour timer so its spawning can rotate to other time zones.
    • Spawns in the area of Lok known as the "Kimogila Valley" have been adjusted to be less bug-prone, such that they should no longer spawn on top of one another, in large clumps, or in areas where they will get stuck or kited into other mob fights.
    • Fixed a bug where a specific Nightsister spawn would frequently spawn in a tree.
    • Increased the respawn time of Krayt Dragons.
    • Fixed a bug that caused 2 "Event Planners" to spawn on top of each other in Hotels.
    • Added Knockdown Resistance to very large creatures (e.g., Krayt Dragons, Rancors, and other large beasts that should not be easily knocked down).

    Hotfix - February Bug Bash (Feb 19, 2023)

    • The Droid Army Instance is now available to play.
    • Jedi Unlock through the end of Phase II is now available.
    • The respawn timer on the Acklay in the Geonossian Cave has been reduced to 90 minutes.
    Misc. Bug Bash
    • The Movement Speed Inspiration Buff has been fixed.
    • Added additional combat spam messages when the Second Chance Inspiration Buff procs.
    • Ewok Festival of Love House Signs now work correctly.
    • Death Blow no longer requires a warmup timer.
    • Fixed a bug causing size disproportionality in the rendering of the Planetary Map.
    • Fixed the appearance of the Planetary Map in the GCW Planetary Control Game (/gcw) window.
    • The "time until macro dump" display in the debug window will now only display ">5 minutes" if the time remaining is greater than 5 minutes instead of a countdown per second.

    Hotfix - March Madness
    Bugbash Spectacular
    (March 20, 2023)

    • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused a delay preventing /knockdownRecovery from executing immediately.​
    • The slow-down effect applied from using the Suppression Fire ability now only applies to targets that can be attacked by the caster (and therefore it will not apply to allies).​
    • Fixed a bug that allowed a Bounty Hunter to apply debuffs and other effects against a player bounty target without activating the PvP temporary enemy flag.​
    • The healing rate of Bacta Infusion is now properly reduced by 50% when used on pets (to put it in line with other heals)​
    • The cooldown for Nutrient Injection, Poison Inoculation, Disease Inoculation, Endorphin Injection, Serotonin Injection, Adrenal Boost, and Heal Wound has been reduced to 10 seconds.​

    • Battlefields​

      • Fixed a bug that caused damage stats to display incorrectly in Battlefields.
    • Mustafar​

      • The Droid Factory 2 instance is now accessible on Mustafar.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed multiple sets of Miners to spawn in the Droid Army instance.
      • Increased the damage dealt by Miners and Detonators in the Droid Army instance.
      • Commandos with expertise in the explosives line can now render more damage using the detonators in the Droid Army instance (damage increases for each box purchased in the tree).
      • The Mustafar Content Vendor is once again open for business and selling items.
    • Quarantine Zone​

      • Fixed a bug that caused several quests and NPCs in Camp Beta of the Quarantine Zone to not work properly.
    • Mandalorian Armor no longer has any profession restrictions.
    • The “Burst Run” Cybernetic Legs now drop as potential loot from the Forward Commander in the Droid Army instance.
    • The “Kickdown” Cybernetic Legs now drop as potential loot from the Devastator in the Droid Factory II instance.
    • Weapons purchased from vendors will no longer be generated in the same manner as loot with a potential for Epic/Legendary stats.
    • Increased the damage of droid detonations. This change is retroactive.
    • Increased the bonus damage of MSE droid detonations. This change is NOT retroactive.
    • Fixed a bug that required players who crash to stay logged out of both characters for 15 minutes before the Login Server would recognize they were no longer at their login limit. Characters should now be able to immediately login if they crash or disconnect.
    • A bug that occasionally caused sound to stop working and/or the distance of waypoints in space to appear very far away has been resolved.
    • Entertainers can now apply inspiration buffs to targets who are less than 25 meters away and both the buffer and target will receive a warning if their buff was canceled due to the distance from the Entertainer.
    User Interface
    • A bug that caused certain space commands to display a warning about your character’s state (e.g., “You cannot match speed while Standing”) has been resolved.
    • A warning message is now given to players attempting to accept more than two missions from the mission terminals advising them to review their datapad for existing ground and space missions and also explaining that the mission count is separate from quests in their Journal.

    Hotfix - May the Fourth Be With You (May 4th, 2023)

    • Fixed AoE/CoE abilities no longer incur weapon decay for each target in the area of effect.
    • Fixed When Berserk is active, no abilities are blocked from use besides Center of Being.
    • Fixed Knockdown recovery and other recovery abilities are no longer on a shared cooldown with melee abilities.
    • Fixed NPCs will no longer path to locations in Water/Lava when randomly repositioning during combat.


    • Added The HK-47 instance is now accessible on Mustafar.
    • Added The HK-47 Jetpack is now available to be assembled in-game by gathering four rare loot drops from Droid Factory 1 & 2 and the HK-47 instance and combining them in your inventory.
    • Removed There are no longer any No Trade restrictions on items dropped from the Champion of Mustafar instances. This change is not retroactive.
    • Removed Creatures on Mustafar will no longer spawn babies.
    • Changed White Thantra’s Brok and Durr now reappear on a shorter cooldown.
    • Added Battlefield Token Reward Vendors are now restocked and selling goods.

    • Added Dust Durni are beginning to pop up everywhere, floating into player’s public houses, all across wastelands, and even into major cities. As they’ve tumbled around, who knows what they’ve collected in their fuzz along the way? There’s only one way to find out! On Friday, May 19 and Saturday, May 20, the Dust Durni will finally have collected enough particulates to be visible in all corners and crevices of the galaxy. Some unattainable creatures are known to lay their eggs in the obfuscation of the dust, and others have reported finding credits swept from the wind. Whether big or small, you’ll have to clean them up to find what (or who) could be inside (results may vary). Whether your luck is high or not, we’re happy to have your recognize your help with keeping the galaxy clean with a beautification committee badge and title. May The Force Be With You!

    Items and Equipment
    • Added A new vendor offering eclectic goods has appeared in Endor’s Smuggler Outpost. His first delivery is Moof Mud, a new consumable that will eliminate weapon and armor decay from PvP for one hour.
    • Added A new command /emptyWaypoints can be used to delete all waypoints from your datapad at once.
    • Fixed The Ommni Box and Nalargon will now continue to play when they aren’t being targeted.
    • Fixed Fixed a bug where an egg would fail to be generated from a baby because your inventory was full.
    • Fixed Fish now offer a much higher yield from being fileted (note: this will become a skill mod in the future).
    • Changed Detonation droids now have a 5-second countdown
    • Changed Detonation droids may now be used while prone (and while in other stances)
    • Changed The newly redecorated Bestine Museum is now open for business.

    • Fixed Droid Scrappers tier 2-4 now correctly appear on their respective missions, allowing the slayer collections to be completed.
    • Fixed Master Smugglers and Master Bounty Hunters can now land at Jabba’s Palace from Tatooine Space Station.


    • Changed The Survey ability may now be used over water.
    • Fixed Bazaar fees are now correctly reduced twice in the Merchant skill tree (the net discount after completing the tree remains the same).
    • Fixed Sword Techniques I and III and Balance I and III subtitles have been renamed to match their granted skills.

    Hotfix Space, Unfortunately (May 31, 2023)


    • Fixed Closing your cloning window after dying from PvP will no longer clear your buffs as if you had died from PvE. However, it will still decay your buffs as if you had died again in PvP, so you still don’t want to do that.
    • Fixed Moof Mud now prevents armor from taking damage during PvP combat. Previously this only prevented cloning decay to armor.
    • Changed Personal Shield Generators will now lose efficiency from ranged attacks at a much higher rate. The efficiency loss scales by damage taken, with a minimum of 2.5% efficiency loss per hit.

    • Fixed HK-47 should no longer have a chance of spawning duplicate waves of droids.
    • Changed Reduced difficulty of the HK-47 instance. GK Oppressor and its spawns have less health, HK-47 does less damage, and the time between warning and burst for AK-Prime and HK-47 has been increased.

    Items and Equipment
    • Fixed Special house signs are no longer able to be dropped inside structures.
    • Fixed The Doom Bringer Obsidian Sword no longer has Ranged Weapon stats.
    • Changed Storyteller props now last 24 hours outside of cities and 48 hours within Player Cities
    • Changed Legendary and Exceptional Loot chests will now only drop Legendary and Exceptional items, respectively.


    • Fixed It Burns/Burn Down no longer has a base cooldown of 0. These abilities should now have around a 2-3 second Global Cool Down and 4-6 second Cooldown (depending on your weapon and skill mods).
    • Fixed Grenades now properly share a cooldown group.
    • Fixed Grenades triggering while you are in the middle of another command will no longer erroneously apply their cooldown to that second command.
    • Fixed Heavy Weapons now properly trigger additional effects based on their type:
      • Rocket Launchers have a chance to knockdown
      • Flamethrowers and Lava Cannons have a chance to apply a Fire DoT
      • Acid Rifles have a chance to apply Blind
      • Lightning Cannons have a chance to apply a Fire DoT and share vehicles
    • Changed Demolition Shot, Deadbang, and Focus Fire no longer have warmup timers.
    • Changed Demolition Shot, Deadbang, Focus Fire, It Burns, and Burn Down now do additional damage.

    Squad Leader
    • Fixed High Yield and Toughen may no longer be applied to yourself by targeting objects/characters outside your group.

    • Added A new Rebel & Imperial Tier 4 destroy duty mission in Deep Space (available at Dathomir Station) is now available.
    • Added A new Rebel Tier 7 destroy duty mission that spawns Imperial Ace Pilots has been added to the Dantooine System.
    • Added A new Imperial Tier 7 destroy duty mission that spawns Rebel Ace Pilots has been added to the Dathomir System.
    • Added A new Neutral Tier 7 destroy duty mission that spawns Neutral Ace Pilots has been added to the Endor System.
    • Added The Ace Slayer Collections are now available. The rewards include a title, badge, and a large number of duty tokens.
    • Added Convoys can now be done as a group. Spawns scale by group size. Every group member in range receives a crate (one per account) upon successfully finishing the convoy.
    • Added Players not in a Gunship have a small chance of receiving one item from Nym’s Starmap from group convoys. This chance scales with convoy level, time taken to complete the convoy mission, and whether the player died during the convoy.
    • Fixed Tier 6+ Tie Bombers now use the appropriate AI pilot profile for their role.
    • Changed Increased the base payout for destroy duty missions Tier 3 and up.
    • Changed Increased the overt duty token bonus from 50% to 100%.
    • Changed To receive the overt duty token bonus throughout the duty mission, you must now be overt before the first wave of spawns.
    • Changed The token bonus for duty mission completion has been increased substantially.
    • Changed Bomber Strike is no longer usable on Space Battle Capital Ships.
    • Changed Players doing Group Convoys in a gunship now receive 50% less loot from their crates.

    User Interface
    • Fixed Added a missing description to the Cover buff icon
    • Fixed Corrected a crafting error message to refer to Bio-Engineer rather than Beast Master
    • Changed Added clarifying “(DF1)” and “(DF2)” to the respective names when choosing which instance to enter at the Droid Factory door.
    • Changed Improved the descriptions for a large number of combat abilities to better match their in-game functionality. Special thanks to Remis for their support with this.

    Publish 1.1: Bejeweled (July 8, 2023)

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    NOTE: Our Publish 1.1 deviates from our Project Roadmap. We will be releasing a new roadmap in the next few days.

    Badges and Collections
    • AddedThe exclusive and mysterious Menagerie of the Bestine Humanities Society has opened across from the Bestine Museum. Join the Society by speaking to Chelsie Tryst, the Member Services Manager, via a quarterly membership fee (currently waived) to access exclusive art shows, a private lounge with exclusive performances, and special vendors.
      • Added A new vendor, Dipus Tittles, a Galactic Publicist, can be found inside the Menagerie. Dipus sells deeds awarding you a custom title. A new title will be available at the beginning of each calendar month. Once the new title is added, the previous title will never be available again except for resale by players on the second-hand market.
      • AddedThe Menagerie Art Gallery will periodically feature a rotation of new artwork. Players can bid on the auction of an original painting (denoted with an [1/1] in the name and a special indicator in the description), of which there will only ever be one, or can purchase a reproduced print for a nominal fee.
        • New artwork is added periodically. Visit the club to see if new artwork is available. No announcements will be made when new artwork is up. It’s all about who you know. The first artwork is expected to drop later this month.
        • You can only bid on one original painting per account, so if you would like the original, choose your favorite to bid on. This limit resets each time new artwork is added.
        • The display screen next to the artwork will indicate the name of the work, the current highest bidder, the current bidding price, and the price to purchase a print. Radial the display screen for options.
        • You can only place a bid once every 60 minutes and the bid can only be increased by a maximum of 10% more than the previous bid.
        • Auctions for originals will last exactly 14 days from placing the first bid.
        • Auction winners will receive a mail message notifying them of their win and instructions on redeeming their original work.
        • Reproduced prints of the artwork will remain on sale regardless of the status of an original work auction until the next art show begins.
    • Added Kakirk, the Aurillia Collections NPC, can now be found in the Bestine Museum.
    • Added A new secret collection has been added to the game allowing players to unlock the Fedora and Whip. It's time to get home on the range because there's much to do to earn the coveted wearables.


    • ChangedThe core attributes now have different weights and diminishing returns applied in most combat situations. The soft cap is still 250, but beyond those values, the diminishing returns reduce impact at a lower rate. The following reflects the base impact of each stat, before diminishing returns at 250:
      • Melee General (Strength)
        • Melee/Lightsaber Speed: 0.33 per point (~0.16 seconds per 100)
        • Defense from Melee/Lightsaber: 0.25 per point
        • Accuracy with Melee/Lightsaber: 0.25 per point
      • Ranged General (Precision)
        • Ranged Speed: 0.33 per point (~0.16 seconds per 100)
        • Defense from Ranged: 0.25 per point
        • Accuracy with Ranged: 0.25 per point
      • Defense General (Agility)
        • Defense: 0.33 per point
        • State Resist: 1% per hundred
        • Healing Efficiency: 0.5 per point
      • Opportune Chance (Luck)
        • Accuracy: 0.33 per point
        • Critical Hit Reduction: 1% per 100
        • Critical Hit Chance: 1% per 100
        • Healing Efficiency: 0.5 per point
        • Medical Combat Speed: 0.33 per point
      • Toughness (Constitution)
        • 2 HP per point
        • State Resist: 1% per hundred
      • Endurance (Stamina)
        • 1 Mind per point
        • 1 Action per point
        • 0.1% H/A/M regen per point
    • Fixed An issue that applied an improper cap on health modifications from armor.

    • Changed Adjusted how minimum and maximum weapon damage affects the calculation of final weapon damage. Damage now scales towards the minimum if your target's defense is higher than your accuracy, and scales towards the maximum the higher your accuracy is compared to your target's defense.
    • Changed The Hit-Chance Formula (i.e., your likelihood to hit or miss your target during a combat roll) has been updated so that actions taken during combat have a higher impact (e.g., your state, posture, and locomotion), and miss chance is more in the player's control. For more detailed information about this change, check out our Developer Diary. Note the following, especially:
      • PvP attacks have a base accuracy bonus of 250.
      • PvE attacks have a base accuracy bonus of 50.
      • Accuracy and Defense that come from builds (SEAs, equipment bonuses, skill tree bonuses, foods, buff items) all begin to hit diminishing returns at 350 points.
    • Changed Ability bonuses are no longer impacted by diminishing returns and will have a higher impact on accuracy.
    • Changed Buffs/Debuffs that affect movement have changed behavior. Now, Stuns and Roots will all share an internal recourse timer that reduces their duration if used in quick succession. Snares fired within 1 minute of another, and Roots within 2 minutes, will have a shorter duration the closer they were to the last Snare or Root.
    • Changed Damage Over Time Absorption skill mods now undergo diminishing returns after 25 points (which grants 25% absorption). At 100 points of absorption, this will now reduce damage taken by approximately 50%.
    • Fixed Abilities with an Action/Mind cost now effectively have a flat cost instead of a % of total Action/Mind cost. Therefore, increasing your total Action/Mind will now actually allow you to use more abilities before it runs out.
    • Fixed Reordered how flat damage modifiers are applied so that they're actually flat

    • Changed The overall damage of all player combat abilities has been reduced by approximately 20%, and healing abilities are being reduced by approximately 30%. We are taking the opportunity of this combat update to reset values to be more historically accurate with the CU, and account for some of the damage creep from NGE and Restoration changes. Any profession-specific damage updates (for example, a 24% damage buff) are relative to last patch as if it also had this reduction in place.
    • Changed The rate of natural battle fatigue generation and the buildup from the Infect ability has been doubled.
    • ChangedBattle Fatigue now recovers at increased rates:
      • Using /sit will decrease battle fatigue by 10 points every 10 seconds
      • Using /sit in a camp will decrease battle fatigue by 16 points every 10 seconds
      • Watching an entertainer will decrease battle fatigue by 20 points every 10 seconds
      • Watching an entertainer in a camp or cantina will decrease battle fatigue by 30 points every 10 seconds
    • Fixed Heavy weapon exotic modifications now properly give damage bonuses.
    • Fixed A bug that caused the Demolition Shot ability to improperly affect Pets has been resolved.
    • Fixed A bug that caused Armor Break Slices to not apply their proper mitigation values has been resolved.
    • Fixed A bug preventing Global Cooldown from applying to combat abilities granted from Cybernetics has been resolved.
    • Fixed Several issues with Critical Chance calculations that prevented certain skill mods (like the Ranged/Melee Crit chance on weapons) from being applied properly. Your critical chance should now accurately be represented in your Skill Sheet.
    • Fixed The Action Cost Reduction Inspiration buff no longer eliminates the entire action/mind cost of healing abilities.
    • Fixed Issues with Critical Strike and Headshot that caused them to lack a global cooldown and prevented their non-improved abilities from doing the correct damage have been resolved.

    • ChangedStates (Stun/Blind/Dizzy) are no longer impacted by diminishing returns and will have a higher impact on accuracy.
      • Blind now reduces accuracy by 150.
      • Dizzy now reduces accuracy by 75 and mind regen by 20%.
      • Stun now reduces defense by 90 and accuracy by 40.
    • Changed Blind/Dizzy/Stun recovery now uses 500 action and has a base 1-second global cooldown.
    • Fixed Several abilities that were unusable while stunned are now usable again

    • Added Master Tailors can now craft Socket Retrofit Tools with a generic item crafting tool.
    • Added A new Medical Combat Speed exotic is now available. This exotic reduces the cooldowns of offensive abilities on Combat Medic
    • Changed The Modifier Bit combinations for Strikethrough Chance have been replaced with Medical Combat Speed.
    • Changed All crafting professions are now able to participate in the GCW Invasions on either side:
      • Armorsmith can create Patrol Construction Tools on Offense and Defense
      • Weaponsmith can create Turret Construction Tools on Defense and Combat Vehicle Construction Tool on Offense
      • Architect can create Barricade Construction Tools and Tower Construction Tools on Defense and Combat Vehicle Construction Tools on Offense
      • Droid Engineer can create Turret Construction Tools on Defense and Combat Vehicle Construction Tool on Offense
      • Shipwright can create Barricade Construction Tools and Tower Construction Tools on Defense and Combat Vehicle Construction Tools on Offense
      • Tailor can create Patrol Construction Tools on Offense and Defense
      • Chef can create Patrol Construction Tools on Offense and Defense


    N-K Necrosis
    • Changed The drop rate of the Wheel Bike has been increased to 10%, and the Bane's Heart Crystal has been removed from the loot table.
    • Changed Bounty Hunter NPC missions no longer drop slicing components.
    • Changed Underworld Smuggler missions now grant more credits and slicing components. The missions will grant one item per rank of mission you are attempting (doubled for PvP missions) up to 5 items for tier 5 (or 10 for tier 5 PvP).

    • AddedThe Empire Day and Remembrance Day celebrations have arrived with tension high between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire as the Empire seeks to celebrate the Emperor's rise to power and the termination of the Jedi Council while the Rebel Alliance works to inspire hope for the future and defeat imperialist propaganda.
      • Both factions are recruiting members to help post propaganda and tear down whatever propaganda the other side managed to post. Entertainers are recruited to boost the troops' morale, while Artisans are hired to help keep supplies flowing to the front lines.
      • Imperials seek out, in Theed, Major Brenn Tantor for Propaganda Quests and Droid Kaythree for Artisan and Entertainer Quests.
      • Rebels seek out, in Coronet, Captain Derlin for Propaganda Quests and Major Carlist Rieekan for Artisan and Entertainer Quests.
      • Be sure to grab the new vehicle and wearable rewards!

    Galactic Civil War
    • AddedOfficer Ranks are now available. The following changes to Officer Ranks are now in effect:
      • Changed A GCW Officer is any rank above Sergeant Major. A “Senior Officer” consists of the top 3 ranks: Lieutenant Colonel/Commander, Colonel, and General.
      • Changed When you are promoted to a GCW Officer Rank, you can no longer elect to be in Covert/Combatant status. You are either On Leave (Off Duty) or Special Forces/Overt (PvP Enabled).
      • Changed If you do not wish to be promoted to a GCW Officer, you can talk to a Factional Recruiter to disable automatic promotions into GCW Officer ranks. You can also resign from a GCW Officer rank immediately by talking to a Factional Recruiter.
      • ChangedWeekly GCW Point Decay Thresholds have been increased. Points to offset decaying in rank are now as follows:
        • Lieutenant: 6000
        • Captain: 9000
        • Major: 12,000
        • Lt. Colonel/Commander: 16,000
        • Colonel: 24,000
        • General: 36,000
    • AddedGCW Officers now have new perks and abilities as follows:
      • Lieutenant
        • Spawn Perk: AT-XT/AT-ST Pet Spawnable. This item is purchasable from a Factional Recruiter.
      • Captain
        • Buff Perk: "Adrenaline Rush" provides a 10% chance to heal your action when you are hit in combat.
      • Major
        • Buff Perk: "Last Man Standing" instantly heals you by 1,750 hit points if you are incapacitated while the buff is active.
        • Spawn Perk: GCW Turret Spawnable. This item is purchasable from a Factional Recruiter.
      • Lt. Colonel/Commander
        • Buff Perk: "Retaliation" provides a 10% chance to damage your target back when they hit you.
        • Stat Perk: +5% Innate Armor (applies to either your body or ship, depending on whether you are defending a ground or space region, and is only active while Special Forces).
      • Colonel
        • Buff Perk: "Unstoppable" provides a 10% chance to be healed when you are hit.
        • Spawn Perk: "Backup Fireteam" spawns a single group of elite NPCs to assist you in GCW combat. This item is purchasable from a Factional Recruiter.
        • Ability Perk: "Stasis Laser" temporarily reduces the movement speed of all enemies in the area. If your faction also controls the space region, a root effect will be applied instead of just a reduction in movement speed.
        • Stat Perk: +10% Innate Armor (applies to either your body or ship, depending on whether you are defending a ground or space region, does not stack with 5% from the previous rank, and is only active while Special Forces).
      • General
        • Buff Perk: "Legendary Warrior" provides all players in your group +100 to accuracy and defense and +750 to kinetic and energy protection for 3 minutes.
        • Spawn Perk: "Backup Squad" spawns a large group of elite and boss NPCs to assist you in GCW combat. This item is purchasable from a Factional Recruiter.
        • Ability Perk: "Airstrike" calls in a ship to strike your enemies from above. If your faction also controls the space region, the damage dealt by the airstrike is doubled.
        • Stat Perk: +20% Innate Armor (applies to both your body and ship, but does not stack with the 5% or 10% from previous ranks, and is only active while Special Forces).
    • AddedSenior Officers are required to assign themselves to a particular control region as part of the Planetary Control Game. Additional details are as follows:
      • When at the rank of Major, you must use the War Intelpad or a War Terminal to indicate the GCW Region you wish to be accountable for to be promoted to a Senior Officer rank.
      • If that region's control is lost (<50% control) while you are accountable for it, you will be demoted to the rank of Major regardless of your standing.
    • AddedNew limitations on the number of Senior Officers that can hold the rank at once have been added. Senior Officers are constrained based on their GCW Region Assignment preferences as follows:
      • Lt. Colonel/Commander: Limit of 1 per GCW Control Region on each Planet and one for each Space Region. The total server limit is 138 players at this rank.
      • Colonel: Assigned to each planet with GCW Control Scores OR a Space Zone. This officer rank is responsible for maintaining either ground or space control. The total server limit is 18 players at this rank.
      • General: Assigned to control a system (both ground and space) of the 10 main planets. The total server limit is 10 players at this rank.
    • AddedUpdated Factional Base Mechanics have been implemented as follows:
      • AddedAll GCW score contributions (including Factional Presence) made by the character occurring within range of a same-faction base will receive a bonus per base. The War Terminal/War Intel Pad/War Table GCW Personal Contribution window displays the bonus that you would receive at your current location. The bonus and range for each base type are as follows.
        • SF Forward Outpost - 2%, 750m
        • SF Field Hospital - 5%, 1000m
        • SF Tactical Center - 8%, 1250m
        • SF Detachment Headquarters - 12%, 1500m
      • Changed Non-S.F. Bases are no longer placeable or purchasable from a recruiter.
      • Changed A character can now only place one (1) factional base at a time.
      • Changed You cannot place a factional base in a GCW Region if there is already a factional base in that region.
      • Changed You cannot earn points towards the control score for your faction if a faction base belonging to the enemy faction currently exists in the GCW region.
      • Changed If your faction's base in a GCW Region is destroyed, that faction cannot place another base for 48 hours.
      • Changed You can only place a base in a contested region if your side is winning the contested region by at least 51%.
      • Changed All player placed factional bases are now displayed under a new Player Placed Factional Base node/category on the Planetary Map that's visible to everyone. Remember, for PvP bases, the Active (sun) / Inactive (moon) icon before the base name indicates whether or not the PvP base is currently in its vulnerability state (Active/sun) or not (Inactive/moon).
      • Changed Factional Bases no longer require you to have enough lots to place them.
      • Changed Factional Bases no longer consume lots.
      • Added A GCW chat room has been added, by joining this chat room you will recieve a system message when a S.F. Base becomes vulnerable/invulnerable.
      • Added The #gcw-activity channel on Discord will display a message whenever a S.F. Base becomes vulnerable/invulnerable.
    • Added Lieutenants can now purchase Covert Detectors from Factional Recruiters and donate them to a Base. Covert Detectors will detect any player that is not in special forces and lock their status to special forces.
    • Changed Banners purchased from recruiters or static bases now grant the Squad Leader’s Rally Point buff

    Items and Equipment
    • Changed The treasure map bracelets that increased Healing Efficiency now instead affect Healing Potency (which grants a much higher bonus to heal values)
    • Changed Moof Mud now grants 95% decay reduction. This can be combined with one tick of the PvP decay reduction Inspiration Buff to get back to 100% decay prevention.
    • Changed Newly crafted Old Republic Personal Shield Generators now offer Kinetic protection. Kinetic-type PSGs offer up to 5000 kinetic protection but lose effectiveness at twice the rate of Energy PSGs
    • Changed Personal Shield Generators now show a buff icon on the user that indicates which type of protection they have and if the PSG is running low on effectiveness. Kinetic PSGs have an Orange icon, Energy PSGs have a Purple icon, and when they are below 50% effectiveness, their icons will change to reflect the weakened state.
    • Changed The General Grievous Wheel Bike is no longer No Trade (this is not retroactive, contact support for assistance)
    • Changed Armor now decays at a fixed rate when cloning. 2500 condition is lost if uninsured, 500 if insured.
    • Changed Interwoven Armor Enhancements now also drop from the Gorax.
    • Fixed PSGs now show their full protection value (previously, the highest value was 2499; this will now show as 2500).
    • Fixed Medical Enhancers will no longer consume two items when being used.
    • Fixed Cybernetic Burst Run Legs now grant a permanent 10% movement boost.
    • Fixed Mandalorian Belts now require an Armorsmith instead of a Tailor to craft.
    • Fixed Looted weapons that have a socket will now be able to have an attachment placed in them.

    • ChangedSeveral professions have been renamed as follows:
      • Marksman is now known as Sharpshooter.
      • Rifleman is now known as Sniper.
      • Pikeman is now known as Lancer.
      • Swordsman is now known as Berserker.
    • Changed Head Hit now has a moderate accuracy penalty, does 17% more damage, has increased action cost to 17%, and cooldown has been increased by 0.5 seconds.
    • Changed Power Attack now has a small accuracy bonus.
    • Changed Critical Strike now has a small accuracy bonus, does 5% less damage, and the cooldown for this ability has been increased by 1 second.
    • Changed Lunge now has a moderate accuracy bonus.
    • Changed Melee Hit now has 0 mind cost and 2% action cost.
    • Changed Center of Being now grants 200 defense (from 250).
    Bounty Hunter
    • Changed The damage of the Spray Shot ability has been decreased by 15% and now has a moderate accuracy penalty.
    • Changed The damage of the Torso Shot ability has been decreased by 24%.
    • Changed The Underhand Shot ability now has a large accuracy bonus.
    • Fixed Neutral Space-only Bounties now correctly display that they are space-only.
    • Changed Leg Shot now has a slight accuracy penalty, the damage has been decreased by 10%, and the cooldown has been increased by 0.25 seconds.
    • Changed Full Auto Area now has a slight accuracy bonus, mind cost has been increased to 4%, and the cooldown has been increased by 1 second.
    • Changed Rapid Fire now has a large accuracy bonus, and the action cost has been reduced to 16% while the mind cost has been increased to 4%.
    Combat Medic
    • Added Master Combat Medic now grants 10 Healing Potency (20% bonus to healing).
    • Changed Master Combat Medic now grants an additional 75 points of damage per tick to DoT abilities (from 25).
    • Changed Traumatize and Hemorrhage are now 25% less effective.
    • Changed Hemorrhage will now replace the Dizzy debuff if it is on the target (and vice-versa).
    • Changed The base damage of Neurotoxin and Deuterium Toss has been increased to 360 points per tick (from 300).
    • Changed The action and mind costs of Bacta Spray have been increased to 12% and 15%, respectively.
    • Changed The duration of Electrolyte Drain has been decreased to 40 seconds.
    • Changed Focus Fire, Deadbang Shot, Demolition Shot, and Overkill Shot have been reverted to their original damage values. Focus Fire does up to 1.7x weapon damage, Deadbang Shot 2x, Demolition Shot 1.7x, and Overkill 4x.
    • Changed Focus Fire and Deadbang Shot now have large accuracy penalties.
    Creature Handler
    • Changed The following creature abilities are now learnable without the Master Tamer's Necklace: Slash 5, Flank 3, Poison 5, , and Stomp 5.
    • Changed The following creature abilities now require the Master Tamer's Necklace to learn: Disease 5, Puncture 3, Siphon 3.
    • Fixed An issue that caused the ability to learn certain creature abilities to proceed at a very slow pace has been resolved. The following abilities were impacted: Kick 5, Spit 5, Wing Buffet 5, Shaken 3, Enfeeble 5, Flank 2, Claw 5, Hamstring 5, Puncture 2, Bite 5, and Charge 5.
    • Added Master Doctor now grants 15 Healing Potency (30% bonus to healing).
    • Added A new PvP damage mitigation buff has been added that grants 2% mitigation per tick, up to two ticks, costing 3 points each.
    • Changed The Second Chance Inspiration Buff now heals between 400-600 health (from 150-300) and grants a 4% chance per point (from 2%).
    • Changed The PvP decay reduction buff has been adjusted to grant 10% per tick and costs 2 points per tick, still up to 50%.
    • Removed The PvP damage inspiration buff has been removed.
    • Added Binding Strike now decreases the heals performed by the target by 25%.
    • Changed Body Hit now has a small accuracy bonus, and its action cost has been reduced to 13%.
    • Changed Scatter Hit now has a moderate accuracy bonus, does 9% more damage, and its cooldown has been increased by 1 second.
    Force Sensitive
    • Changed The inciting incident is no longer restricted to a specific planet and can trigger on all planets (including Kashyyyk and Mustafar).
    • Changed Your inciting incident is now influenced based on which professions you have currently mastered (such that it is no longer possible to, for example, have a combat character with a crafting-related inciting incident). Social-related incidents and those similar are still possible incidents for all characters.
    • Changed Leg Hit now has a slight accuracy penalty, does 20% more damage, has increased action cost to 15%, and cooldown has been increased by 0.25 seconds
    • Changed Spin Attack now has a large accuracy bonus and does 12% more damage.
    • Changed Impale now has a slight accuracy bonus, does 16% more damage, and its cooldown has increased by 2.5 seconds.
    • Changed The root effect from Stopping Shot has been reduced to only 12 seconds (from 20 seconds). Advanced Stopping Shot now has a 75% chance to Stun the target(s).
    • Changed Body Shot now does 7% less damage and has a small accuracy bonus.
    • Changed Firearm Strike no longer has a warmup timer and has a large accuracy bonus.
    • Changed Burst Shot now has a small accuracy penalty.
    • Changed Aimed Shot now has a large accuracy bonus.
    • Changed Ranged Shot now has 0 mind cost and 2% action cost.
    • Added The Panic Shot ability now has a 75% chance to Blind your target.
    • Added A new skill mod, “Pistol/Unarmed Accuracy While Moving,” to the Dirty Fighting line of skills has been added that mitigates the movement penalty to accuracy while using a Pistol or Unarmed weapon.
    • Added The Underworld Line and Master Smuggler skill boxes now grant additional damage to Critical Hits.
    • Added The Overwhelming Shot ability now reduces the healing received by the target by 20%.
    • Changed The Reckless Shot ability is now limited to Pistol combat and now has an accuracy penalty of 150 but will deal 2.8x more damage instead of 1.8x (of base weapon damage).
    • Changed The Last Ditch ability is now limited to Pistol combat, has a substantial accuracy bonus, and scales up to 6x weapon damage based on your health. At 2/3 health, you will deal 2x weapon damage, which will scale higher from there based on your health.
    • Changed The Low Blow ability is now limited to melee range and increases opponent cooldowns by 1 second.
    • Changed The Restraining Shot ability's movement snare has been increased from 25% to 45%.
    • Added Sniper Shot now does 14% more base damage and penetrates armor by 10%.
    • Changed Head Shot now has a moderate accuracy penalty, does 5% less damage, and its cooldown has been increased by 0.5 seconds.
    • Changed Conceal Shot now has a large accuracy bonus.
    • Changed Startle Shot now has a moderate accuracy bonus.
    Squad Leader
    • Changed Volley Fire now grants 15% armor bypass (from 25%).
    • Changed Steady Aim now grants 200 accuracy (from 150).
    • Changed Tactics now grants 200 defense (from 150).
    • Changed Blaze of Glory now grants 20% critical chance (from 15%).
    • Changed Boost Morale now grants a 30% Action and Mind regeneration bonus (from 10%).
    • Changed Charge now additionally grants immunity from snares and roots and lasts 30 seconds (from 90).
    • Changed Toughen now grants 2500 armor, and a bug was fixed that prevented that armor from being applied.
    • Changed Called Shot now has a moderate accuracy bonus.
    • Fixed The icon for the Charge buff has been restored.
    Teras Kasi
    • Changed The Combo Attack ability now does 28% more damage, its action cost has been decreased by 14%, and its cooldown has been decreased by 2 seconds.
    • Changed Honed Center of Being now grants 400 defense (from 500).
    • Changed Greater Center of Being now grants 500 defense (from 600).

    • Added The capital ship's components in a Space Battle are now targetable by players 30 minutes after the battle has started.
    • Changed The attacking capital ship in a Space Battle now spawns one minute after the defending capital ship has spawned.
    • ChangedToken Rewards for Space Battles now use a tiered system as follows:
      • Tier 1 (5 Tokens): Damage the enemy capital ship or an enemy fighter.
      • Tier 2 (15 Tokens): Kill an enemy fighter or damage a component of the enemy capital ship.
      • Tier 3 (25 Tokens): Kill an enemy player within 4000m of a capital ship or kill an enemy NPC ace pilot or do the most damage to fighters, or do the most damage to capital ships.
      • Multiplied by two if you've won the space battle.
      • Multiplied by two if the space battle is a PvP space battle.
    • Removed Tie Aggressors and Y-Wings have been removed from the T7 duty mission spawn tables.

    User Interface
    • AddedA new indicator for accuracy has been added to the above-head target interface next to the con (difficulty) icon. The new icon appears as crosshairs and changes colors to reflect the percentage likelihood that you will land a hit when firing based on your accuracy, your target's defense, and all other modifying factors (e.g., locomotion, posture, states). The color scheme is as follows:
      • White - 40% or less Chance to Hit
      • Red - 41-59% Chance to Hit
      • Orange - 60-79% Chance to Hit
      • Yellow - 80-89% Chance to Hit
      • Green - 90%+ Chance to Hit
    • Added The GCW tab of the character sheet now displays the character's factional helper status, if any. This only applies when viewing your own character sheet. Others viewing your character sheet will continue to see Civilian.
    • Added You can now load a schematic into a factory by dragging and dropping it from your datapad directly onto the structure. Only the owner of a factory can currently use this feature.
    • Added The attributes pane shown when examining an Enzyme Re-Processor now displays the average purity of any enzyme elements placed inside the re-processor.
    • Changed The layout of the Character Sheet's Status tab has been updated, and all GCW information has been relocated to the GCW tab.
    • Changed The "role icon" next to your name can now be changed by clicking on it. Rotate your role icon to indicate your intended combat role in group settings. A special icon is also unlocked if you become a Jedi Padawan.

    Hotfix Publish 1.1 Fixes (A) (July 9, 2023)

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:
    • Added When a GCW Faction Base is attacked, it will now broadcast an alert of the attack to #gcw-activity on Discord in addition to the planet-wide System Message. Note: Base-related updates are also sent to the GCW Chat Channel in-game.
    • Fixed A bug that prevented players who participated in the opposite faction's Empire Day/Remembrance Day Celebration last year from participating in the festivities this year has been resolved. This will reset existing collection progress towards the 2023 event.
    • Fixed A temporary workaround to Master Underworld Smuggler missions was added to grant random slicing items after completing a mission. The underlying issue with this will be addressed in a later patch.
    • Fixed Players owed the Dust Durni Spring Cleaning Badge/Title will be granted it upon login.
    • Fixed Converted more Strikethrough Chance junk loot combinations into Medical Combat Speed.
    • Fixed Corrected several strings that were missing or had typos.
    • Fixed A bug that allowed some commands to execute while the character was incapacitated or dead was resolved.