Punish Indar

Punish Indar
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  • This quest is part of the Marauder Theme Park questline.

    King Terak - Comm message: Indar. Yes, my punishment of Indar for failing me then inventing lies to cover up his cowardice and competence. He's run off, but I trust he will not be hard to find. You are to follow his trail and execute him in the name of Terak, King of the Marauders. Fail me and you shall suffer the same fate. The signs of his departure should be visible in the citadel and easy to read. Spare no extravagance of pain in his demise.

    Level: 80
    King Terak requested that you punish the traitor Indar

    Recommended combat level: 80 and with a group

    Locate Indar​

    Despite the good kings proclamations of "easy to read signs" in the citadel, Indar is actually hiding fairly well. You will find him on a small island in the middle of the map, surrounded by a number of other named mobs.

    /way endor -194 -2471 Indar location;

    Dispatch Indar​

    Again, another tank and spank with a super hard hitting mob surrounded by minions. Try to pull Indar himself out of the fray in order to avoid aggro on the surrounding named mobs, and you and your group should be able to handle him quickly.

    Return to the King​

    King Terak - Comm message: Indar is dead. You perform your duties tolerably. Take these credits and this pair of leg guards Indar left behind. Once you are finished loafing about, return for further duties.

    • 10,000 XP
    • 80,000 credits
    • *the King mentions Indar's leg guards in his quest text...but they seem to not be a thing currently