The Rare Loot System is a looting mechanic that gives all qualifying mobs in the galaxy a chance to drop a Rare Loot Chest with unique and hard-to-find valuables. The system was introduced by SOE during the NGE as part of
Hot Fix 17.10 and is available on Restoration. The Rare Loot System was refactored by Restoration III as part of the
October 2021 Mid-Month Patch.
Rare Loot Chance
Minimum Qualifications to Loot
In order to even have the chance at rare loot, you must satisfy the following requirements:
- You must be actively providing user input (be at the keyboard, not just using a macro).
- If you are in a group, every group member within 30m of the defeated mob must also be active at the keyboard.
- The mob must be at least Level 40.
- The mob must not be lower than 5 Combat Levels below you (for example, if you are level 70, defeating a level 68 mob will still give you a chance for Rare Loot, but defeating a level 64 will not).
- You cannot earn rare loot on the last planet where you previously earned rare loot. For example, if you last looted rare loot on Tatooine, you must loot a Rare Loot Chest on another planet (e.g., Dathomir) before you can loot a Rare Loot Chest again on Tatooine.
- You cannot earn rare loot on the same mob as the last one that you got rare loot from. For example, if you last got rare loot from a Tusken Raider, you must loot a Rare Loot Chest from a different mob before it will be possible to loot one from a Tusken Raider again.
Probability for Rare Loot
If a player meets all of the Bare Minimum Qualifications to Loot, they will have a 0.5% chance to loot a Rare Loot Chest. For every 100 points of Opportune Chance (luck) a player has, they will gain 0.1% chance up to a maximum of 1%. For example, if you have 350 points of Opportune Chance, the probability of looting a Rare Loot Chest is 0.8%.
Probability for Chest Types
The chance to loot a "Rare" level chest is 70%. If a player rolls in the other 30%, they will either receive an "Exceptional" or "Legendary" chest. The chance for a Legendary level chest is increased if you are defeating a silver (or increased even more for a gold) elite mob. The Developers have intentionally chosen not to provide additional information about chest type probability.
Rare Loot Collection
With the release of the Rare Loot System, a collection was added to the game which tracks whether you've looted each of the 3 Rare Loot Chest Types (Rare, Exceptional, and Legendary). Upon looting all 3 types, players earn the "Fortune Hunter" title.
Rare Loot Items
As part of
Hot Fix, the Rare Loot System had a change to the system to only include their own loot pools and not inherit from the lesser quality chests i.e Legendary Loot Box will only reward items from the Legendary category and not also include Rare and Exceptional.
Items on Restoration differ to the typical list on other servers. Items here include things from the TCG system, but also Jedi related items seem to have been removed, such as the Cloaks and Crystals.
Here are some of the items that are confirmed currently.
Rare - Player Reported
Miniature Wroshyr Tree
No Division (Painting)
Food Preparation (Painting)
Fighter's Courage (Painting)
Warrior's Honor (Painting)
Emperor's Eyes (TIE Sentinel) (Painting)
Feared (Painting)
Pilgrimage (Painting)
ROTJ Endor Helmet
Triumph (Painting)
Living Canals
Bothan Beauty
Bothan Buff
Cast Wing In Flight
Fighter Study
Hutt Greed
Imperial Oppression (TIE Oppressor)
Poster of a Ship Schematic
Poster of Turret Schematic
Tatooine Dune Speeder
Miniature Wroshyr Tree
Bubble Tank
Exceptional - Staff Confirmed
Xeno Couch
Xeno Table
Xeno Recliper
Xeno Rug
Xeno Desk
Xeno Desk
Xeno Lamp
Monkey Lizard DNA
Advertisement Rodian (Painting)
Fighter (Painting)
Gungan Statue Style 1 Schematic
Gungan Statue Style 2 Schematic
Gungan Statue Style 3 Schematic
Gungan Statue Style 4 Schematic
Holo-Entertainment Table
Jedi Relic
Poster of Block Turret Schematic (Painting)
Prayer Mobile
The War Phoenix (Painting)
Anniversary Goggles
Galactic Gathering
Exceptional - Player Reported
Redemption (Painting)
Corellian Corvette Hologram
A New Hope (Painting)
Dusk in Kachirho (Painting)
A Rebel Painting (Painting)
A Festive Gathering (Painting)
Portrait of the Emperor
Legendary - Staff Confirmed
Dug Costume Instructions
Dusk in Kachirho (Painting)
Mercenaries' Despair/ (Painting)
Mercenaries' Lament/Portrait of High Commander T'inia (Painting)
Nightsister Melee Armguard
Rare Painting (Painting)
AT-PT Walker Vehicle Deed
Gunship Blueprint (Painting)
Mechno Chair
Corellian G9 Rigger Freighter ITV
Forage Worm DNA
Emperor's Senate Office Chair
Emperor's Senate Office Desk
Emperor's Senate Office Lamp
CLE-004 Holo-pet Data Cube
INS-444 Holo-pet Data Cube