Being able to heal others through BH TEF

Being able to heal others through BH TEF
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
When hit by BH you are put into a TEF locked with that player/s so no one else can heal you and you cannot heal them. Interestingly, this TEF takes priority completely over Special Forces flag which is the bedrock of the pvp game, leading to you being unable to heal or be healed by your own group in a PvP fight.

(This seems backwards and SF TEF should take priority, this is NOT the subject of this PV but would be great for any comments on this in general as there are complexities - as well as comments on the primary proposal.)
There is no logic in being unable to heal other players simply because a BH is attacking you. Normal on leave/combatant/special forces rules to apply.
Less clearing of bounties to reduce impact in pvp, less exploitation of BH TEF in PvP (intended or unintended)


As the TARGET of a BOUNTY HUNTER MISSION, You are now able to heal other players normally. You still CANNOT receive heals from other players.
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Mine as well. It is reasonable from a gameplay perspective. I don't see it breaking BH at all. If anything, it's still an advantage for the BH due to your attention being split, but I would definitely still recommend having an off-healer hehe
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