Not Implemented - Combat - BH targets | Page 2 | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented Combat BH targets

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Oct 18, 2022
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Remove the ability for hunted targets to be healed by group members when they have been attacked by a BH. Jedi is in an insanely strong place at the moment and allowing out of combat heals , even if they do flag SF is just pure carebear mechanic and needs stopping. Alternatively allow grouped BH to heal one another
Jedi are OP and don't need OOC heals.
Was removed from live for a reason
Jedi should not be able to receive heals from anyone once they are attacked
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I prefer the preCU tef where everyone can join in.

If Grouped with Jedi: Can fight with em.
If Grouped with BH: Can fight with em.

None of this coward stuff.

It was the fairest and coolest way to do this.

It never made sense to me a BH can gun someone down whilst their friends watched.
Same with Jedi, with a BH attacking them and Inquisitors.

There should be some kind of Faction Penalty.

-1000 Bounty Hunter's Association faction or Inquisition Faction or smt.
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Basically you just want to make Jedi easy for you to kill when you attack them and not actually have to do anything or put forth any effort in actually "Bounty Hunting". FYI it is Tier IV reward and you can only have 1 Jedi. Also Jedi are not the only people BH can hunt.
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so the whole tef logic is pretty fucked up
So we should fix that then, no? Why use the piecemeal approach if the underlying system needs to be redesigned?
If your target is with a group you gotta stalk them and strike when they are in the open and alone.

Translation: Sorry No PvP. Logout of the game and go play anything else.
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Also, applying real world logic and feelings to a videogame isn't always the best.

Just because something feels stupid, like not being able to help fight a bounty hunter who is shooting your friend, doesn't mean it is bad for the game.

BH tef was like the one tool players had to get world PvP against the enemy in cases in which flagging up against big numbers would just be stupid and suicide.
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I’m going to close this for now. I’ve asked the Development Team to revisit and produce a design document for how all flagging logic for PvP should work from the ground up. We’ll likely post a Developer Diary in the future to share our thoughts and will solicit feedback through the Senate and other channels in the process. There are a lot of different approaches and thoughts around how flagging should function and I don’t believe trying to address it at a low level will be helpful without first evaluating the macro view of flagging broadly and design intention.
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