Changes to the Bounty Hunter TEF System

Changes to the Bounty Hunter TEF System
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
A change to the mechanics of the TEF (Temporary Enemy Flagged) mechanics around Bounty Hunter and the Player Bounty missions to allow for Special Forces players to continue to fight and support each other while one of them is being bounty hunted.
Bounty hunting TEFing during Special Forces PvP battles is harmful to the health of Special Forces PvP and the GCW PvP content on the server as it prevents players from healing or buffing their comrade if that person is becoming bounty hunted during a fight. Allowing for Special Forces players to heal their comrade after being Bounty TEFed would allow for PvP combat to continue uninterrupted.
Being bountied during a Special Forces fight is very annoying and I know from my time on this server that nobody likes it and everyone gets annoyed when it happens to them. It ruins PvP fights by taking a single target out of the fight by a 3rd party that cannot be hurt by the hunted player's team. It has been an annoying issue for a long time on the server and I know everyone in the PvP community would agree Special Forces PvP would be much happier without it.
My suggestion for the PvP system is as follows,
If the target of the bounty hunter has their status as On Leave or Combatant, then the traditional mechanics of player bounties and TEF are applied and are no different than they have been.

if the target of the bounty hunter is Special Forces, then a unique TEF is applied, making the situation similar to a guild war or a duel. The bounty hunter only becomes targetable by the player being hunted, BUT the player being hunted can be healed and buffed by players of his same faction that are ALSO Special Forces. The players in the hunted's faction cannot attack the bounty hunter unless they are obviously flagged special forces in the other faction, but they can at least provide their comrade with healing and buffing so they may continue to fight as a team and uninterrupted.

You may say, "Won't this be abused when Jedi are implemented?" the solution to this is that if a Jedi heals a Jedi that is being bounty hunted, they generate visibility for the galaxy to become aware of their Jedi status.

I'm open to ideas and suggestions but this system has annoyed PvPers for a long time and it's time that we address it.
"Won't this be abused when Jedi are implemented?"

This will be abused right now. It negates the entire purpose of the ability to place a bounty in pvp.
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It's supposed to be annoying. You PvP you pay. It's part of the system. It's not like only one side is being hunted, though timing might make it seem that way. And if the reason this keeps coming up is because guildies/alts that are BH are using the non-TEF as a cheat, then make further restrictions that alts/guildies of anyone in a PvP zone can't hunt in that PvP zone, or some such.

Implementations of things like this will just kill BHing if you have to have a Gentleman's Agreement to even engage the bounty. Then it's not bounty hunting anymore.
"Won't this be abused when Jedi are implemented?"

This will be abused right now. It negates the entire purpose of the ability to place a bounty in pvp.
Ah, yes. The purpose was to take people out of group fights with no way to bring them back in.
The current system sucks. Kazhar literally TEFs people then runs away.
The proposal is dumb, if you allow SF group members to heal the target its just a 1vs20 and the bh is always going to die. Keeping in mind that 99% of the bounties are veteran pvpers and they rarely run around without a group it just kills the bh profession.
Also the proposal is incoherent as you state that "The bounty hunter only becomes targetable by the player being hunted, BUT the player being hunted can be healed and buffed by players of his same faction that are ALSO Special Forces" then you say "The players in the hunted's faction cannot attack the bounty hunter unless they are obviously flagged special forces in the other faction"
Ah, yes. The purpose was to take people out of group fights with no way to bring them back in.
The current system sucks. Kazhar literally TEFs people then runs away.
Then it sounds like you need a time limit, say 20 mins, from point of engagement to no combat with the BH where it goes away. Cause you are just proving my point, you want to abuse it.
Abuse what? How? Please do explain
By allowing the target to be healed/buffed you are eliminating any chance the BH has of completing the mission, negating the entire purpose of the system itself. You say it disrupts group pvp. So instead of making it so that it doesnt take as long for the target to return to normal overt status after the BH engages them, keeping the fight fair. You want to stack the deck in the name of gcw. The entire purpose of being able to put a bounty on someone that killed you is to disrupt that group you are wanting to protect.
By allowing the target to be healed/buffed you are eliminating any chance the BH has of completing the mission, negating the entire purpose of the system itself. You say it disrupts group pvp. So instead of making it so that it doesnt take as long for the target to return to normal overt status after the BH engages them, keeping the fight fair. You want to stack the deck in the name of gcw. The entire purpose of being able to put a bounty on someone that killed you is to disrupt that group you are wanting to protect.
Bounty hunting's purpose is to disrupt group fights? That's news to me. I thought it was about stalking your target until you find a good opportunity to take them out. You know, when they are alone and vulnerable.
Bounty hunting's purpose is to disrupt group fights? That's news to me. I thought it was about stalking your target until you find a good opportunity to take them out. You know, when they are alone and vulnerable.
The purpose of placing the bounty is to disrupt the group fights. On a server with 500k it is meant to bring in BH to take out members of that group to even the playing field. Since this server doesnt have 500k, an the chances of you even encountering a BH coming after a member of your group that isnt already abusing that sytem (guild/friend) then the entire proposal is moot. By negating this system you are advocating for a member of your group to get a free kill. That isnt what it is for. If the bounty sytem is being abused (hit and run) then propose something to directly negate THAT. Not an entire game mechanic just to make pvp easier for you.
The purpose of placing the bounty is to disrupt the group fights. On a server with 500k it is meant to bring in BH to take out members of that group to even the playing field. Since this server doesnt have 500k, an the chances of you even encountering a BH coming after a member of your group that isnt already abusing that sytem (guild/friend) then the entire proposal is moot. By negating this system you are advocating for a member of your group to get a free kill. That isnt what it is for. If the bounty sytem is being abused (hit and run) then propose something to directly negate THAT. Not an entire game mechanic just to make pvp easier for you.
Even the playing field? Is there a mechanic I'm unaware of that stops the winning team from doing this?
Even the playing field? Is there a mechanic I'm unaware of that stops the winning team from doing this?
Are you just being purposefully dense? It IS the mechanic. Get killed, place the bounty, BH comes in an either kills the target or keeps it entertained for a while.
Are you just being purposefully dense? It IS the mechanic. Get killed, place the bounty, BH comes in an either kills the target or keeps it entertained for a while.
Bounties are indefinite and can't be picked up for 30 minutes after they are placed, making your entire point irrelevant, no?
Bounties are indefinite and can't be picked up for 30 minutes after they are placed, making your entire point irrelevant, no?
Oh, so your group just runs for 10 mins at a time. Got it....
The fact you are bitching about it, and there is a pv over it, means the system is still working as live intended. As I said, address your actual complaint rather than eliminate an entire game mechanic just cause its annoying.
Oh, so your group just runs for 10 mins at a time. Got it....
I am genuinely curious, do you PVP? It seems like you're missing a ton of context.

You said the purpose of bounty hunting was to complete the mission. I mentioned that you could do it when the target is alone and vulnerable. Then you said the purpose of bounty hunting was to disrupt the winning team. I mentioned that there was a 30 minute timer before the bounty can be picked up, in which case they may no longer be the winning team anymore. On top of that, bounties last forever, so you could just hold onto the bounty. Hell, you could even let your comrades get the DB while you infinitely BH your target. So please, what else can I dismantle for you?
I am genuinely curious, do you PVP? It seems like you're missing a ton of context.

You said the purpose of bounty hunting was to complete the mission. I mentioned that you could do it when the target is alone and vulnerable. Then you said the purpose of bounty hunting was to disrupt the winning team. I mentioned that there was a 30 minute timer before the bounty can be picked up, in which case they may no longer be the winning team anymore. On top of that, bounties last forever, so you could just hold onto the bounty. Hell, you could even let your comrades get the DB while you infinitely BH your target. So please, what else can I dismantle for you?
My stated purpose never wavered. I said the purpose of the person being killed ability to place the bounty is designed to disrupt the group. All YOU are wanting to do is make the BH mission impossible to collect when they show up. And as I pointed out above, the fact you are bitching, an there is a pv over it, means that system is STILL working as live intended.
Tell ya what cupcake, since you are incredibly dense, allow BH to have a group that can target player bounties an itll even out what you are wanting to do. If you can heal the bounty, then allow BH to group up an do them. Dont want 8 BH comin after you? Ya, THATs why we dont want you to be able to heal the target.
Tell ya what cupcake, since you are incredibly dense, allow BH to have a group that can target player bounties an itll even out what you are wanting to do. If you can heal the bounty, then allow BH to group up an do them. Dont want 8 BH comin after you? Ya, THATs why we dont want you to be able to heal the target.
GTEF? Sounds good to me
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Tell ya what cupcake, since you are incredibly dense, allow BH to have a group that can target player bounties an itll even out what you are wanting to do. If you can heal the bounty, then allow BH to group up an do them. Dont want 8 BH comin after you? Ya, THATs why we dont want you to be able to heal the target.
GTEF sounds great, let's do that instead. Anything to mitigate the reasoning for this PV in the first place, which you have so clearly demonstrated having no understanding of.
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