Destroying Base Defences Outside of Base Vulnerability should instead Disable them temporarily

Destroying Base Defences Outside of Base Vulnerability should instead Disable them temporarily
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
Instead of turrets and defences being destroyed while the base is invulnerable, they should instead be disabled. The turrets should stay disabled until 15 minutes after the base becomes vulnerable, allowing attackers to destroy the turrets if they are undefended within this time, without the turrets returning fire.

Behaviour of mines should not change.
- Reduction in cost of maintaining a base (it costs 800-900k for a full set of large turrets).
- Still gives attackers advantage at start of a base's vulnerability timer.
- Reduce burnout and improve sustainability of base defending
Currently, turrets are base defences can be destroyed outside of base vulnerability times, without warning or notification. We simply cannot be expected to defend the defences at all hours of playing, when there is literally a time slot that you should be able to defend your base within. This is causing burnout and is simply not sustainable.
Proposal to change turrets from being destroyed to being disabled, when "destroyed" outside of base vulnerability.
Hi, these are the thoughts and ramblings of a new Restoration player, but someone who had time in the game back in the day.
1. IMO - Turrets being vulnerable outside of normal base vulnerability makes sense. They're not an actual piece of the base, and hold no bearing on if we flip or not. So, making them invuln or temp disabled is a lazy fix for a PvP dominated game.
1a. If the primary solution is a notice when turrets are under attack, that works for all parties. In fact, that's ideal, as it instigates more PvP.
How are they not an actual piece of the base? They become part of the base when you donate them. No going back once they're in the base. We can't donate them outside of vulnerable times, what's the point of them being destroyed outside of vulnerable times? They're base defences. Them getting destroyed while the base is invulnerable is nonsensical.

The current system doesn't provoke PvP at all and needs to change. As I stated a notification is a good start and we can go from there.
2. Completely disabling the ability to destroy turrets, especially when EVERY Rebel base is set to vuln during the work day for NA, means NA players are left with no PvP. Truly, none whatsoever. Eliminating a key piece of fun because Rebels are sad only initiates the possibility of a dwindling population.
You didn't read my post at all. I'm not suggesting they can't be destroyed. I'm not going to bother reiterating or justifying my points when you haven't bothered to read it and personally attack me (for whatever reason):

Ultimately, I'm sorry - but this suggestion is silly. It's from someone who's mad that their base was hit and turrets lost.
This point is deceptive, as you posted your PV suggestion merely hours after YOUR base was hit.
@CNiper can you just lock this please as its being derailed. I didn't want to make this an "us vs them" sort of thing - I suggested new mechanics that I think would improve the system and make both base attacking and defending more interesting and tactical. This clearly goes against the tactics employed by a specific group of players want and are now just taking cheapshots.
We're happy to take into account everyone's perspectives, but like I said before: this is a space to make the game better, not throw personal assumptions around. I don't think this thread needs to be closed, it's good to have the turret conversation since they're top of mind at the moment.

IIRC, in New World defenders get 15 minutes to setup advanced defenses before an assault takes place on a controlled fort. My personal take is it doesn't make much sense that expensive defenses can be destroyed outside a bases vulnerability timer. The base isn't vulnerable, so what are the turrets protecting?

I get that it can feel really good to raid a base and destroy expensive defenses, but that process at the moment isn't really PvP. I also understand there are current concerns with base vulnerability timers. We've heard that feedback and are tossing around a few ideas.

At the end of the day is it sustainable that 800-900K can be lost on your base while you sleep? Is that going to keep people coming back to the game and continuing to build defenses?

I thought Abraxes's first suggestion was interesting. Each turret disabled adds additional time to the vulnerability window. That means that everyone still has an incentive to attack/defend turret busting, and that the defending players still get a reasonable shot at using (and fairly losing) these turrets.

Apologies that this post was long, as a last note: this is a space where we should put our personal feelings aside and give everyone who's taking the time to suggest and respond to suggestions the benefit of the doubt. Those that can't do that will have their PV permissions taken away.
Like it was mentioned previously, it doesn’t necessarily initiate PvP. If people are blowing them up just so they can march in there when a base is vulnerable, do 2 minutes worth of mini game, then give defenders 10 minutes to buff up, respond, attempt to kill the attackers, and stop the base from blowing up. Ideally, some mechanism should be put in place to actually give defenders a chance to go and defend. I mean a base should be difficult to just blow up, however I feel like with the ability to “tenderize” the defenses by blowing turrets up and setting off all the mines prior to vulnerable time makes it kinda a joke and an unreasonable credit sink.
"We simply cannot be expected to defend the defences at all hours of playing, when there is literally a time slot that you should be able to defend your base within. This is causing burnout and is simply not sustainable."

We have no problem defending turrets. We also have no problem destroying them (which is the root of this proposal).

What would the point of disabling turrets be if this change were to go through? Maybe add an hour to the vulnerability time for every turret disabled?
I think the point is to only allow complete destruction of turrets during vulnerable times, making turret destruction parties pointless.
The flip side of that is it should cost you to run a base even if its buying turrets just before vulnerability time. The current mechanic does this. If you play strategically you'll only put up turrets just before vulnerability time. They will get destroyed before next vuln time. Credit sink :)
Trying to defend them during non vulnerable time is pointless because they can get destroyed around the clock. I do think a gcw ping should happen though... Pings would create more opportunity for group pvp.
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