Master Combat Balancing Compilation

Master Combat Balancing Compilation
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Overall adjustments for combat balancing
Many players quit because their desired play style or build just isn't viable, or even working at all.
CU should have many viable builds, but right now certain imbalances invalidate many options

-Decrease the effectiveness of the armor break slice to be what it should be: 75% reduction. Currently it completely negates armor break


-Adjust accuracy. Seems to disproportionately affect rifles. More testing needed.


-Balance pistol damage/decrease GCD cap to .5 seconds. A speed pup on a rifle and even a damage pup on a carbine can get them down to or below speed pup and have higher damage. Bring body shoot damage modifier similar to leg shot or headshot.
-Make warning shot worth casting by increasing the defense decrease to anywhere from 150-250 and extending the duration to 30 seconds.
-make quickdraw useful by having it not respect the global cooldown and/or buffing the damage.
-increase damage on disarming shot slightly


-Decrease carbine GCD cap to .75
-make the AoE snare last at least 10 seconds, atm it's only 3.
-Scatter shot has a low damage modifier and really no benefit. Need ideas ro make this worth it.


-Make conceal shot enter combat. Right now NPCs just reset, making it useless in PVE.



-Make CM dots/debuffs be affected by weapon speed or their own exotics. Right now they are extremely slow.

-Decrease the tick time on dots from 10 to 5-6

-Make shock decrease the target's defense against KD


-Increase stand fast duration and reduce cooldown.

-Extend duration for riddle armor and/or lower the cooldown. Right now 1 miss makes you lose all stacks.

-Make deadbang shot and focus fire do different things, as in their description.

-Stop grenades from causing a 10-15 cooldown on It Burns/Burn Down

- Fix flamethrower and the token HW animations

-Get states working for heavy weapons: KD chance for rocket launchers, blind for acid weapons, stun for electricity weapons, and snare for cold weapons(once added)

-Same with grenades: flame dot for proton, snare for cryo, KD chance for thermals, and acid/poison dot for glop.

-Allow all heavy weapons to use a pup and be made with gorax shards

-Fix Burn Down! and It Burns! where there is no warm up time but are actually locked to heavy weapons.


-Increase effectiveness to be on par with thyroid rupture and duration of low blow to 30 seconds.

-Restraining needs to be on par with crippling shot with effectiveness and duration

-Make overwhelming shot do something, like decrease the targets KD defense

-Increase damage modifier of reckless shot. If give you a debuff but doesn't have above average damage modifier.


-Make lethal shot have a high damage and accuracy modifier. Right now there is little benefit from going master marksman.


-Make reposte actually deflect damage


-Make innate armor stack but scaledown with armor equipped. Alternatively, make clothing that allows you do have the same amount of SEAs as armor.


-Make dot clearing effects actually remove the dots/states they say they should. Right now extinguish flame is a heal and countertoxin spray in an AoE heal

This is just a compilation of feedback from my time on this server and is meant to get a conversation going. I know it's a lot, but getting this all in one place will encourage people to provide input.
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Teras Kasi Innate Armor should be worth sacrificing skill points to get. Scale up or provide some other mechanical benefit at Master, class features shouldn’t be completely outscaled or made useless by easily accessible items. Same goes with Armor Break!

Make PVP great again!

Also, maybe do something about healing overall and add a healing debuff a melee profession can provide. (Maybe TK so people actually have a reason to come play them). Suggest: -25% in a level 2 box and a -40%-50% total in a master box. Everyone has either Doc or CM into their build by default. Healing is way out of control in the meta for non-specialized.

- Xan
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Agree with all of the above proposed, im going to write some additions i think are needed:

-Decrease rifle GCD to 1 second up from 0.5
-Increase the dmg of combat medic's neurotoxin and deuterium toss by at least 300 damage each or lower the time between dot tics down to 3 seconds like commando dots, keep in mind that currently the dmg of these dots is ridiculously low and we dont even have the mustafar injector yet nor we use the entertainer 50% dot dmg reduction buff or the food and drink that nobody crafts on the server to further reduce the dot dmg. Dots are not a threat atm and we dont even use half of the available countermeasures for them. You could also add new exotics for CM with medical warfare efficiency and bio-suppresion efficiency.
-Following the cm stuff, make the CM debuffs GCD to be as fast as your weapon speed just like all the other skills so you dont have to wait 5 seconds between debuffs or to make any action.
-Make advanced suppression fire last 15 seconds
-Allow heavy weapons to take power ups and take gorax shards on the heavy weapon core.
-Make unarmed dmg actually work with TK weapons not just while unarmed, this way would be an interesting trade off for the armor slice and 1 less exotic and tapes, making it kind of a glass cannon melee.
-Make master brawler/marksman and medic to grant you combat levels and increase the dmg multiplier of lethal shot/melee assault and make riposte work, to make some builds available with these master boxes.
-Make advanced firearm strike an instant cast and increase the dmg multiplier of body shot to be on pair with leg shot/head shot
-If the pistols overhall became a problem because people would only grab the skills to use them with a rifle a simple solution would be limiting them to pistols, but we would have to pump the pistoleer skills first and see how it goes.
-The most important point you made Remis is changing the GCD of each weapon type to balance things.

I will think about more things to keep updating/discussing here
Agree with all of the above proposed, im going to write some additions i think are needed:

-Decrease rifle GCD to 1 second up from 0.5
-Increase the dmg of combat medic's neurotoxin and deuterium toss by at least 300 damage each or lower the time between dot tics down to 3 seconds like commando dots, keep in mind that currently the dmg of these dots is ridiculously low and we dont even have the mustafar injector yet nor we use the entertainer 50% dot dmg reduction buff or the food and drink that nobody crafts on the server to further reduce the dot dmg. Dots are not a threat atm and we dont even use half of the available countermeasures for them. You could also add new exotics for CM with medical warfare efficiency and bio-suppresion efficiency.
-Following the cm stuff, make the CM debuffs GCD to be as fast as your weapon speed just like all the other skills so you dont have to wait 5 seconds between debuffs or to make any action.
-Make advanced suppression fire last 15 seconds
-Allow heavy weapons to take power ups and take gorax shards on the heavy weapon core.
-Make unarmed dmg actually work with TK weapons not just while unarmed, this way would be an interesting trade off for the armor slice and 1 less exotic and tapes, making it kind of a glass cannon melee.
-Make master brawler/marksman and medic to grant you combat levels and increase the dmg multiplier of lethal shot/melee assault and make riposte work, to make some builds available with these master boxes.
-Make advanced firearm strike an instant cast and increase the dmg multiplier of body shot to be on pair with leg shot/head shot
-If the pistols overhall became a problem because people would only grab the skills to use them with a rifle a simple solution would be limiting them to pistols, but we would have to pump the pistoleer skills first and see how it goes.
-The most important point you made Remis is changing the GCD of each weapon type to balance things.

I will think about more things to keep updating/discussing here
Just for clarification, when I say GCD, I mean the actual time, not the modified attack speed. So .5 AS actually results in 1 second GCD, etc
I like this list. I would like to add a few thoughts for smuggler as well around the underground faction rank boosts and center of being.

As a hybrid profession that requires the unarmed tree of brawler, smuggler has access to the first center of being ability but no way to use it with a ranged weapon. Thus I suggest,
a) Modify the center of being ability to be used by smugglers with ranged weapons
b) Create a new "center of being" like ability for smugglers that is gained at some point in the profession, maybe in the dirty fighting tree or master smuggler.

Around the underworld smuggler faction ranks, currently at max rank you get,
+3m range - This works fine
+600 Kinetic/Energy Resistance - This ONLY works without armor, useless. I suggest this be modified to add to armor resists.
+3 "Damage" - In my testing, It seems like this is negligible. Bumping the output of this a bit could help smugglers usability a bit. *Edit - Tested this earlier with another player of the same build without smuggler ranks. This calculated out to a 3% damage boost without effecting elemental damage, so this is likely working as intended. I do think it is a bit underwhelming still though.
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I like this list. I would like to add a few thoughts for smuggler as well around the underground faction rank boosts and center of being.

As a hybrid profession that requires the unarmed tree of brawler, smuggler has access to the first center of being ability but no way to use it with a ranged weapon. Thus I suggest,
a) Modify the center of being ability to be used by smugglers with ranged weapons
b) Create a new "center of being" like ability for smugglers that is gained at some point in the profession, maybe in the dirty fighting tree or master smuggler.

Around the underworld smuggler faction ranks, currently at max rank you get,
+3m range - This works fine
+600 Kinetic/Energy Resistance - This ONLY works without armor, useless. I suggest this be modified to add to armor resists.
+3 "Damage" - In my testing, It seems like this is negligible. Bumping the output of this a bit could help smugglers usability a bit. *Edit - Tested this earlier with another player of the same build without smuggler ranks. This calculated out to a 3% damage boost without effecting elemental damage, so this is likely working as intended. I do think it is a bit underwhelming still though.
I dont agree with your first 2 points, smugglers have already an incredible survivality with CCs, and you can already use cob you just need to swap weapons
I dont agree with your first 2 points, smugglers have already an incredible survivality with CCs, and you can already use cob you just need to swap weapons
If you define survivability as only the ability to run away, yes smuggler can do that. Surviving in a fight is not quite so clear cut. The CC you mention being Concussion Shot and Panic shot both are handy for getting out of a situation in the right conditions, unfortunately those conditions are only 1v1 with the goal of running away. My points were more in favor of being able to take part in a battle, not avoid one. CC goes out the window vs CH, anywhere near Npcs that the opposing player can agro on purpose (good tactic though), and in most group settings. Even more so around the current love of carbineer and AOE spam.

Swapping weapon for COB is an option, it is somewhat clunky though to use efficiently in a fight. Being able to use a COB or COB-like ability without having to work around the current game design makes sense to me as a hybrid profession that is supposed to have melee built in.

*Edit - Also to clarify I did not intend those first two items around COB and COB like ability to be taken as different abilities or changes, just two options for one goal, a COB effect that can be used by the smuggler without jumping through hoops.
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If you define survivability as only the ability to run away, yes smuggler can do that. Surviving in a fight is not quite so clear cut. The CC you mention being Concussion Shot and Panic shot both are handy for getting out of a situation in the right conditions, unfortunately those conditions are only 1v1 with the goal of running away. My points were more in favor of being able to take part in a battle, not avoid one. CC goes out the window vs CH, anywhere near Npcs that the opposing player can agro on purpose (good tactic though), and in most group settings. Even more so around the current love of carbineer and AOE spam.

Swapping weapon for COB is an option, it is somewhat clunky though to use efficiently in a fight. Being able to use a COB or COB-like ability without having to work around the current game design makes sense to me as a hybrid profession that is supposed to have melee built in.

*Edit - Also to clarify I did not intend those first two items around COB and COB like ability to be taken as different abilities or changes, just two options for one goal, a COB effect that can be used by the smuggler without jumping through hoops.
Well not really for 1vs1 scenarios only, its extremely useful in group fights because if you are good you can let 3 people on the enemy team out of the fight at once, but of course that requires a really good group coordination and no aoe spam. Using cob without swapping weapons makes sense to me for commando and smuggler since they both require the unarmed branch of brawler, but its just a minor annoyance atm. The real problem is that you are going to lack dmg as smuggler but again its supposed to be a CC class, now improving pistoleer skills will greatly benefit smuggler as well given the skill points.
When I player smuggler/pistoleer, the main problem was pistoleer. In all of my 1v1 that I lost, it was like a 5% margin. If pistoleer eas buffed up and described above it would be competitive. Resetting a fight at will is strong
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Well not really for 1vs1 scenarios only, its extremely useful in group fights because if you are good you can let 3 people on the enemy team out of the fight at once, but of course that requires a really good group coordination and no aoe spam. Using cob without swapping weapons makes sense to me for commando and smuggler since they both require the unarmed branch of brawler, but its just a minor annoyance atm. The real problem is that you are going to lack dmg as smuggler but again its supposed to be a CC class, now improving pistoleer skills will greatly benefit smuggler as well given the skill points.
I can certainly agree Pistoleer is lacking enough to cause a lot of the distaste with smugglers damage output. Glad we agree cob without swapping weapons is logical, I agree commando should have the same benefit as well. I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with the CC abilities just wanted to provide some thoughts around their usability being reliant on surroundings. This isn't a problem necessarily, just a factor to limit reliability of the abilities success.

That being said the minor modification of the smuggler rank protection to add on top of armor, a more usable COB, and the original posts smuggler modifications would really make the profession worth the points. With some pistoleer balancing, the ~3% damage boost from smuggler ranks will likely come into play without modification.
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It's worth noting that accuracy being off makes last ditch a lot less useful. I missed it like half of the time and it's a high risk move
Excuse me if I'm speaking out of ignorance here, but it sounds like that if you have a smuggler in the fight for CC, you're pretty much telling the commando/AoE class that he's gonna largely sit this one one out. Unless you make it that DoTs *after* they're applied don't break CC, then on the other side you'll need combat medics more to keep those DoTted concussed players alive until it ends. That is, last I checked, a DoT breaks CC?
That's why group composition is important for these fights. The commando could always use the single target dot/overkill or just be careful with the aoe.
That's why group composition is important for these fights. The commando could always use the single target dot/overkill or just be careful with the aoe.

That's telling the Commando to not be a Commando for the whole fight, honestly. Why do most Commandos become commandos? For the Boom and the Flame, it's intrinsic value is THERE with the AoE, not the single target dot/overkill. And if you make Smuggler CC more powerful/useful in group PvP, that's where the rest of the team will want the focus. And trying to adjust that as even I've suggested sounds good on the outset for group balance, but what about the Commando/Smuggler/4xxxCM character? Game breaking OP. If you tell the Commando that all he can do in the group PvP is single target DoT/overkill, how long will he stay Commando?

And I'm a Smuggler. It's literally hurting me to say all this lol
So you are asking for 2 30 seconds hard ccs that doesnt break on dmg? that is ridiculously op and doesnt make any sense. Specially in a game where trinkets/cc breakers dont exists. You have to play smart not smash your head against the keyboard, also commando is not the only build with heavy aoe.
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