Mission Changes

Mission Changes
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
First, I think increasing the number of missions you can obtain from mission terminals should be increased. I am not 100% sure on the number but it should be 4. Also, from the mission terminal, we should be able to select a mission direction. I think the mission payouts should slightly increased and should be based on planet difficulty, with Dantooine, Lok, Endor, Yavin IV, and Dathomir having boosted payouts (but higher difficulty). Lastly, I think there need to be more NPC / creature mobs at missions while soloing.
The big justification is QoL which would be a major benefit to players. The second major justification is balancing and making more ways to earn credits. Lastly, increasing NPC/ creature mobs would make the world feel more alive and it would help with XP.
For increasing the number of missions, the motivation is saving some time because grabbing two and having to go back to town can take a while. For slightly increasing mission payouts, currently, everything is inferior to running space missions and I just think the ground side needs some love- making the payouts and difficulty tied to planets would be a good move. While running solo missions, I noticed that there are only 2-3 NPC / creature mobs at any given time and I think there should be more.
I've always been a fan of grabbing missions from terminals but I think there could be some improvements that are very impactful.
I like the ability to carry more missions. And also be great if the terms offered you a choice or more than 5 at a time.

I don't think that increased payout in any way is good for the economy of the game. There are not enough credit sinks now and we are on a trajectory of massive inflation already (mostly due to space). I agree that there should be parity between ground and space potential income, but that should not come by increasing ground incomes.
I definitely don't want to damage the in-game economy in any way, I just think that the mission payout should be increased slightly and I think that the amount of missions you can grab at any given time, should be increased.

At level 80, the max mission payout from the terminals is around 8k- why not increase that to 10k? I think there needs to be a balance between ground missions and space missions.
I agree with being able to take more than 2 missions at a time.
I DONT agree with payout increase per mission(you'll get more credits each run by being able to pull more missions).
As for the number of mobs spawning per lair, get into a group with an alt or an entertainer group to increase the number of mobs.

On an added note, mission terminals need to be direction selectable(only show missions for a direction the player selects), and maybe increase the level cap of missions, cl82 missions become too easy at cl80 for a decked out combat toon, the missions need to be a little more difficult.

Just a couple added ideas for the terminals.
I think definitely adding mission direction would help. Also when I say increase mission payment, I am not talking about a drastic payout increase to make things unbalanced. Just want to be clear about that.
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I'm all for increasing it to two missions, that is how I remember it day in the day. One could argue that if you increase both the number of mobs and payout the time spend vs credit earned would be about the same as it is now.
OK everyone- I have tweaked my original post with some key additions:
  • Increase the number of missions you can grab from 2 to 4 (doubled)
  • Slightly increase the payout of missions- I know this is controversial, but I think mission payout should be buffed on harder planets e.g. Dantooine, Dathomir, Lok, Endor, etc. (higher the risk, higher the reward)
  • Being able to pick a direction from the mission terminal
  • While soloing, slightly increase mission mobs
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I think if the game had some NPC vendors selling some things that players would normally make, then the cash would go out of the game instead of just changing hands between players. Or maybe an npc resource vendor that sell low quality resources/gear etc. Alot of money could be taken out of the game if NPC's sold certain items instead of players.

With a player driven economy, money in the game will only increase, never decrease. Maybe we need higher taxes and bazaar fees to take more cash out. Several possibilities here. Not sure why this hasnt been thought of before and implemented.

Whatever money sinks are added, they need to all be high end, or mainly affect high end players. The early game is punishing enough.
I Am a brand new player to this server. However i am a veteran of SWG from the original SOE release. Myself and my group have been playing regulary, and when we need cash we went directly to the mission terminals.

Two things of note from my experience:

1. The XP and Payout is megar in comparision to just about everything elese.
2. Not sure why, but 90% of the basic missions (Pick up/Deliver ETC..) Point you, VIA a waypoint, to Nothing. No NPC/Vender just nothing stopping progression.

Granted, we are not fully aware of the custom changes for this sever.
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I Am a brand new player to this server. However i am a veteran of SWG from the original SOE release. Myself and my group have been playing regulary, and when we need cash we went directly to the mission terminals.

Two things of note from my experience:

1. The XP and Payout is megar in comparision to just about everything elese.
2. Not sure why, but 90% of the basic missions (Pick up/Deliver ETC..) Point you, VIA a waypoint, to Nothing. No NPC/Vender just nothing stopping progression.

Granted, we are not fully aware of the custom changes for this sever.
Quests are set at 5x XP multiplier. So when you're solo or small group, the XP from a mission seems really low. Because you all get full xp for each creature you hit (no matter how much you hit them) and with a large group you get larger spawns, this makes large group missions actually more efficient than quests - you'll hear them referred to as spin groups.

Non "destroy" missions being unreliable is something I've heard too.
Quests are set at 5x XP multiplier. So when you're solo or small group, the XP from a mission seems really low. Because you all get full xp for each creature you hit (no matter how much you hit them) and with a large group you get larger spawns, this makes large group missions actually more efficient than quests - you'll hear them referred to as spin groups.

Non "destroy" missions being unreliable is something I've heard too.

I’m Too new to make the XP call. I did not know about the increased XP. I was just going by the mission descriptions and time required compared to the "Quests" from NPC's, that pay out thousands of credits and thousands of XP, at game start. I Don't Really consider XP from mobs to be included.

The Mission terminals are extremely frustrating as they are now. I really have a very low chance of them working or being completed. From convoluted requirements to just down right not working (Way-points to nothing).

Sorry, don’t mean to derail. But i did want to give a new players perspective on this topic.
Ive noticed that the exp is much higher, however, Im not making enough money to pay for my new skills. My character is siting on tons of unspent exp only because I dont have enough money to buy the new skills. So the 5x exp is kinda pointless. I dont think these guys know what they are doing in terms of game balance.
While I have only been around Restoration a bit over a week My take on this is that it would be absolutely great if I could take more then 2 missions, not too many, but 4 sounds like a decent number.

You used to have battle fatigue that would eventually cause you to need to take a break from terminal grinding and socialize while you got rid of it but now that's gone, wounds still exist but they cap at 500 so in general you can completely ignore them( not really sure this is a good thing but it is what it is )

Payout wise, I'm not sure it needs to be increased, they could do something as simple as allow Smugglers to slice the terminal for their entire group, not just themselves. I'm only CL 65 and already I get 11-12k per mission when the terminal is sliced. If the Smuggler could extend this to the entire group it would increase payout overall, give smugglers a bit more draw to groups or socializing, maybe even get tips to join a party and slice the terminal for them and then drop out.

Being able to choose direction of course would be a decent QoL but not really neccessary, with the absolutely massive Exp gain the down time traveling from mission spot to mission spot doesn't really slow things down that much.

-I've literally never done a delivery mission, so cant comment there.
-The artisan survey missions do seem a bit pointless especially without giving Survey Xp.
-The Crafting Missions are easy exploited to get General Crafting Xp without completing the mission and using freely given resources, but otherwise are a decent set up if your fine hopping from shuttle to shuttle to make Craft Xp and some Credits.
-The Entertainer missions seem decent and are easy money, but I wish they had a visible timer on your screen when it says go here and perform for 10 minutes.
Ive noticed that the exp is much higher, however, Im not making enough money to pay for my new skills. My character is siting on tons of unspent exp only because I dont have enough money to buy the new skills. So the 5x exp is kinda pointless. I dont think these guys know what they are doing in terms of game balance.
You can get training for free from other players...
A bit of love for the solo game wouldn't hurt. I'm not averse to group missions at all mind you, (Hell, I'm totally guilty of being 'one of those' Jedi who led picket longhorn spins back in 2005) but I'm in the UK so I'm not always on during the typical peak times.
Basically not everyone will be able to access the spin groups as easily so a little buff to solo play would help both the newbies and the off-peaks.

I like this proposal. 4 seems like a good number. Picking a direction, yeah sure, that saves a handful of refresh button clicks. And a slight credit increase would also help newbies get on their feet (as for more established players, they go elsewhere for credits). Nothing game breaking here.

Solid Upvote.
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The second major justification is balancing and making more ways to earn credits
credits are easy to grind... You can earn 2000 credits per minute grinding survey missions if you are clever enough to figure out how to travel more than 1028 m in the blink of an eye, which space port drops you 20m from a mission terminal, and which ports drop you 10m from the space terminal and smack dab in the middle of a 70% resource category or several... It's a really boring grind though. lol

As for the rest of your ideas.... Let me add that I think it would be really cool if R3 also sent us a coupon for a free big mac at our local McDonalds every time we logged on...:ROFLMAO:
I personally love running missions but on resto they are to easy for your equivalent CL all the way through and take no trouble or real risk.
I would like to see something like :
1. Missions list your CL and also some 10-20 CL above yours for more credits but there is a risk to complete and a strategy 1 mob at a time etc.. Rather than just aoe the nest till they are all dead. Like the BH dangerous bounty i guess.
2. Increase the amount of boss mobs that jump out at the end and make them hard and drop something a little more worthwhile.